
Zymark SPE Modul

ID-Nummer: 013182
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Zymark SPE-Modul Rapid Trace. Programmierbarer Festphasen-Extraktor. 110/220 V. 50/60 Hz. Max. 900 W. CE-Kennzeichnung.
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Objektnummer B00013182
ID-Nummer 013182
Objektbezeichnung Zymark SPE Modul
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Zymark

Modell:            SPE Modul

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

1) Gas Valve

Activates gas drying of the column bed if the valve is plumbed into the unit and the Dry Column step is used in software.

2) Mixing Vessel

Creates a mixed reagent when the Add Reagents to Mixing Vessel and Mix Reagents in Mixing Vessel steps are used in the software.

3) Syringe Drive and Liquid Sensor

Performs all dispense and aspirate functions. Senses if you are out of a reagent when the Liquid Sense is a “yes” in your procedure. You can dispense up to 6mL and load up to 5.8 mL.

4) 12-Port Valve

Directs the liquid flow from the syringe to one of the following ports as specified in your procedure:

-   Reagents 1 through 8 (8 different ports)

-   Vent

-   Cannula

-   Column plunger

-   Mixing Vessel

5) Thumb Wheel Switch

Selects a module address of 0 through 9.

6) Power Light

Appears lit when the power is on.

7) Run Light

Appears lit when the module is running.

8) Error Light

Appears lit when an error occurs.

9) 3 mL or 1 mL Column Plunger

Places reagents or samples on the SPE column bed.

10) Start/Stop Switch

Starts the procedure for a magnetically encoded rack, and stops a procedure while it is running.

11) Cannula

Adds reagent to sample, mixes, and loads sample onto the column bed.

12) SPE Column Turret

Holds the 1 mL and 3 mL syringe barrel cartridges.

14) Standard Rack

-   Holds up to 10 sample tubes 13 x 100 mm and 10 collection tubes 12 x 75 mm.

-   Holds the magnets for magnetically encoded racks.

1) Cutout for 8 Reagent Lines and 1 Gas Line

-   8 reagent lines run from the module to the reagent bottles.

-   Gas line runs from the module to the gas source.

2) Exhaust Fan

Ventilates the electronics of the module.

3) RS232 Connector (Output)

Connects this module to the input of the next module.

4) Power Switch

Turns the module AC power on or off.

5) Power Entry

Connects to the power cord AC power and houses the fuses.

6) RS232 Connector (Input)

Connects module to the controller if it is the first module, or connects module to the output of the previous module.

7) Cutout for 3 Column Waste Lines and 1 Cannula Waste Line

3 column waste lines and 1 cannula waste line run to the waste receptacles situated outside ot the module.

RapidTrace Specifications

The RapidTrace SPE Workstation modules conform to the following specifications.

Power                                          50—60 Hz, 100—240 VAC ± 10%

Weight                                         271bs. (12.27 kg)

Size (1 x w x h per module)      21.5" x 4" x 23" (54.61 x 10.16 x 58.42 cm)

Test Tube Sizes                        Sample tubes 13 mm x 100 mm

(standard rack)                           Fraction tubes 12 mm x 75 mm

Dispense volume                      0.1 mL to 6.0 mL

Load volume                              0.1 mL to 5.8 mL

Liquid Handling Accuracy         Volumes < 2.5 mL +/- 0.025 mL

                                                    Volumes > 2.5 mL +/- 1%

Maximum Volume in 13x100     9 mL

Sample Tube

Maximum Volume in 12x75       5 mL

Fraction Tube

Gas Requirements                    Incoming Gas Supply 40 psi maximum

SPE Flow Rates                         0.006 mL/sec to 0.7 mL/sec

                                                    (0.36 mL/min to 42 mL/min)

Mixing Capability                       Cycle mixing

                                                    Maximum mixing volume of 5.0 mL in mixer

Liquid Sensing                           Starts sensing above 1.2 mL

SPE Cartridges                          1 mL and 3 mL syringe barrel cartridges

Produktgruppe: Life Science / Biotechnologie

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