
Wave Biotech AG Thermasept II

ID-Nummer: 021950
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Wave Biotech Schweißgerät Reewelder Thermasept II. Zur vollautomatischen Verschweißung von thermoplastischen Laborschläuchen. Steril und validierbar.
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Mehr Informationen
Objektnummer B00021950
ID-Nummer 021950
Objektbezeichnung Wave Biotech AG Thermasept II
Status Archiv

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manufacturer:       Wave Biotech AG

model:                   Thermasept II

annotation:           Dokumente engl.








Technical information



The BioWave 200SPS-F contains all features for production. There is only one execution available.



BioWave 200SPS-F



Fully automated, PLC controlled system, operation by front coloured LCD touch screen display with back-lightning. The display can be rotated. Fully menu-guided operation. With integrated features:


Viewer, User and Supervisor mode.


Exceeds the actual values, the pre-defined upper and lower alarm values and alarm message will be shown on the display. Alarm outputs can be connected at any customer devices to act respectively.


pH can be controlled by connected peristaltic pumps (add base and acid) or CO 2 content in air flow. DO can be controlled by 0 2 content in the air flow.


For easier writing of protocols.


Integrated, battery powered date for data acquisition.

Acceleration mode:

Increasing/decreasing rock rate during pre-adjusted time.

Working hours:

Counting total working hours of BioWave.

Set flow:

Adjustable at display. CO 2 and 0 2 content are predefined in %. Flexible hoses with couplings to connect bags are included with BioWave 200 SPS-F.


Quick mounting of Wave Bags

Two large handles at the front rear side allow to fix the Wave Bags immediately and securely without damaging the Wave Bag.


Aeration control

Sucks either ambient air for aeration through a connector at the rear side panel or receives pressurised air connected at the pressurised air port. A positive pressure applied at the pressurised air port stops automatically the air pump.


Gases to connect

·         Ambient air: Centrifugal air pump built-in, max. pressure 500 mbar.

·         Pressurised air port: Built-in pressure reducer, Input pressure +0.8...+1.0 bar, to connect by user. Safety pressure measurement avoiding to high over pressure in the Wave Bag.

·         CO 2 , +0.8...+0.8 bar

·         O 2 , +0.8...+0.8 bar


Air flow rate

·         Using ambient air: 0...4.0 l/min, +/- 0.2 l/min.

·         Using pressurised air: 0...4.0 I/min, +/- 0.2 l/min.


CO 2 content in the air flow

1.0...12 % +/- 0.5 %


O 2 content in the Air Flow

21... 50 % +/- 1.0 %


Measurement CO 2 and O 2

Content of CO 2 and O 2 in air flow are measured by IR sensor.


Over pressure protection

Pressure transmitter measuring constantly the positive pressure. Switches off

the air flow in case of too high pressure to avoid too high pressure in the Wave Bag.


No Flow Alarm

An alarm will be shown on the display in case of no air flow is dedected.


DO and pH measurement

The two light fibre cables from the pH/DO inserted into the respective ports of

the Wave Bags D opt. are measuring the light luminescence decay time response from the sensor caps. The light fibre cables are marked with colours to avoid insert into the wrong port of the Wave Bag. The DO and pH of only one Wave Bag D opt. can be measured at the same time. For principle of measurement see data sheet Wave Bag D opt.


Parameters measured

DO content of media: 0...200 % +/- 2% (yellow)

pH of media 5.5... 9.0, +/- 0.2 (red)



The Wave Bag D opt. is marked with individually calibration codes. This codes have to be entered at the display. There is no periodically calibration required.


Temperature influence of media

The actual temperature of the media in the Wave Bag D opt. has to be entered by the operator to compensate the temperature shift.


Length of fibre cables

2.5 m.


Filter Heater

Heating of Wave Bags generates small amounts of vapour rising into the air outlet filter. The filter heater keeps the vent filter dry and prevents condensation from plugging the filter media. A green LED shows the heater is heating.


Temperature range

40...50°C, +/- 5°C





Heating power

2 Watt



The filter heater is put over the outlet filter manually without using any tools.


Power Supply

Built-in BioWave 200SPS, 6 VDC, 2m cable length


Number included





General data


Rocking Rate

3...20 rocks/min, +/- 1 rocks/min, adjustable at display.


Rocking Angle

4...10°, +/-0.3°, adjustable at display. Actual angle is shown on display.


Temperature Control

On PLC programmed PID controller. Heating of left side and/or right side for

heating of one 100L or two 100L or one 200L mounted Wave Bags at different temperatures. Selectable at front LCD display as the set temperature as well.


Temperature range

+20...+40 °C, +/- 0.2 °C.


Temperature measurement

Resistance thermometer 1x Pt100 class A (IEC751) built-in in button-housing for measurement of Wave Bag content. Two resistance thermometer are included measuring the temperature of two mounted Wave Bags


Serial interface

1x RS232/RS485, for either printer EPSON or software PCDAQ.


Material housing and Frame

Stainless steel 1.4301 (304), brushed, electro polished.



Emergency switch off, safety rubber bar installed at rocking table. They stop

rocking when touched. Key to lock the main power supply of the BioWave 200SPS.



Stainless steel 1.4301 (304), polyurethane.



Tilt position reducing required width for transportation WxDxH 1'930x890x1'200 mm.



WxDxH 1'930x1’100x1’100mm.



Complete system, without Wave Bags: 210kg.


Power supply

230 V -50 Hz, 10 A


Ingress protection

IP40 minimum


Ambient temperature range

0...+50°C Note: only for equipment and not for process application



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