
Watson Marlow 601 S

ID-Nummer: 016132
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Watson-Marlow Schlauchpumpe / Peristaltikpumpe 601s/3. Mit Netzteil. 1-Kanal. 220 V. 50 Hz. 250 W. Links- und Rechtslauf. Drehzahl 0-100 % regelbar.
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Objektnummer B00016132
ID-Nummer 016132
Objektbezeichnung Watson Marlow 601 S
Status Archiv

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manufacturer :       Watson Marlow

model :                   601 S

annotation :           Dokumente engl .







Variable speed high-flow pump

A local on/off switch is situated on the back of the motor module to isolate this module. It is recommended that this switch be set to the off position before loading tubing into the pumphead or removing the pumphead . This is safer and also makes the loading of the tubing easier. This facility is provided particularly for situations where the motor module is some distance from the controller module. Where possible, mains power should be switched off at the controller module.

Before operating the pump, ensure that the motor module is properly connected to the controller module and that the local isolating switch is in the on position.

The pump can now be operated from the controller module. The power switch allows clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation to be selected. The normal direction of rotation for extended tube life is clockwise. Using anti-clockwise rotation, pressures up to double those obtained with clockwise rotation can be obtained but at the cost of tube life.

Pumphead speed is set on the front panel potentiometer between 10 and 100, and corresponds with rpm.

A current limiting circuit is incorporated in the design to prevent the maximum current rising above an acceptable level. The circuit activates at a pre-determined level to reduce power to the motor, so reducing its speed.


Nominal maximum rotor speed                                                        100 rpm

Speed control ratio                                                                                 10:1

Operating voltage/frequency                                             90-250V 50/60Hz

Maximum power consumption                                                            200VA

Operating temperature                                                                 OC to 35C

Storage temperature                                                                  -40C to 70C

Relevant standards                                                                   CEEIO, IP44

Motor module dimensions                                              195 x 200 x 325mm

Control module dimensions                                             85 x 200 x 325mm

Motor module weight                                                                            8.1kg

Control module weight                                                                          2.5kg

Pumphead module weight                                                                    2.9kg


The 601R is a spring-loaded twin roller pumphead pre-set in manufact­ure to accept tubing with a nominal wall thickness of 3.2mm. Tubing with bore sizes of between 4.8 and 15.9mm can be used. This setting will meet most requirements, but adjustment of the setting for other wall thicknesses is a simple task.

The pumphead can be oriented to any of four positions to suit indiv­idual requirements. Only two screws are used to secure the track to the front panel. Re-positioning is carried out by removing the screws, rotating the track to the required position and replacing the screws.

Tube loading

WARNING Switch off the pump, both at the controller module and the motor moduZe local isolating switch, before loading the pump­head .

Fully open the hinged guard

Select a length of tubing appropriate to the requirement, noting that a length of 410mm is need for the track system.

      Offer up that part of the tubing to be housed in the pumphead . First ease the tubing into one of the adjustable clamps and then, whilst rotating the rotor clockwise (a tool is provided for this purpose), feed the tube between the rollers and the track. Ensure that the tube lies naturally against the treck and is not twisted or stretched. This is particularly important for the larger tube sizes.

      Locate the other end of the loaded section of the tube into the

second adjustable clamp, ensuring that the tube is not slack or twisted in the    pumphead .

      Clamp the tube firmly by turning the serrated adjustment wheel. Both clamps will grip the tube simultaneously. Ensure that the tool is removed and close the guard.

Adjustment of the rollers

The spring-loaded twin rollers compensate for tolerance variations in the tubing, eliminating the manual adjustment normally required by peristaltic pumps.

The rotor is set in manufacture for 3.2mm wall thickness tubing of most bore sizes. This setting can advantageously be adjusted, how­ever, in certain cases. For instance, where large bore tubing is used and the delivery head is low, tubing life can be further extended by increasing the normal pre-set gap of 5.2mm. Re-adjustment will also be required when tubing is used having a wall thickness other than 3.2mm.

There is an adjustment screw an each of the two roller arms. Correct and equal adjustment is important. Over-occlusion will reduce tube life. Under occlusion will reduce pumping efficiency.

As a general rule, the gap setting for a given tube should be 20% less than twice the wall thickness of the tube.

To adjust the gap setting, turn the adjustment screws: Clockwise for an increase in gap setting or anti-clockwise for a decrease in gap setting. One complete turn of the screw changes the gap setting by approximately 1.0mm.

Should it appear that the roller arms are not equally adjusted, and you want to restore the original factory setting, turn the adjusting screws until both rollers are just in contact with the treck , then tighten each screw by five turns

The flow rates given below were obtained pumping water at 20C with nominal suction and delivery pressures. Where flow rate is critical it should be measured under operating conditions. The major factors affecting flow rate are suction and delivery heads, fluid viscosity, temperature, and tubing material used.

601S/R Flow rates (litre/min)               Minimimum flows 10% of rates given

Tubing internal diameter (mm)

rpm       4.8            6.4            8.0          9.6            12.7            15.9

100      0.90          1.24        1.80          2.40           4.60            6.60


Produktgruppe: Schlauch- / Peristaltikpumpen

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