
Waters HPLC 3

ID-Nummer: 011107
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Waters HPLC-System. Bestehend aus Waters Gradienten-Pumpe 600 mit Controller 600E. Firmware 3.0, 1988. Waters Autosampler 715 Ultra WISP. Probenteller für 48 Positionen. Waters programmierbarer PDA-Detektor 991. NEC SX Plus Computer mit 5,25\" Laufwerk, Monitor und Tastatur. Waters Printer/Plotter 5200. Software 820 Maxima auf 5,25\" Disketten.
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Objektnummer B00011107
ID-Nummer 011107
Objektbezeichnung Waters HPLC 3
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Waters

Modell:            HPLC 3

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Controller 600E

The new Waters 600E Gradient Module.

An elegant approach to low pressure mixing.

Until now, the design of low pressure gradient systems had to be based on compromise. To maintain the simplicity of a true single pump configuration, manufacturers had to accept a trade-off in performance-blending accu­racy and precision varied with changes in system back pressure and flow rate. To compensate, some relied an addi­tional mechanical complexity. But the extra pumps and plumbing tended to obscure the original benefits of the low pressure concept: reliability, convenience and cost.

The new Waters 600E Gradient Module is the first low pressure mixing system to overcome the problems of earlier generations of the technology. It offers no-compromise high performance and true single pump design. This has been achieved by combining two Waters potented technologies: time-proven solvent delivery and inno­vative RPS software. The result is capability unmatched by any other single pump system.

Engineered for the real world.

Compact, stackable. The Waters 600E takes up less than 12" of voluable bench space, and stands solid, for stocking additional components.

Slide-out column compartment protects columns and fittings. A handy drawer protects your columns and glides out easily, giving you ready access to all fluid connections.

Built-in temperature control. The column drawer accommodates a heating chamber, programmable via the keypad, for separations requiring elevated column temperatures or for improved reproducibility in labs where ambient temperature fluctuates greatly. Only Waters gives you a choice of temperature control for stainless steel columns or Radial-Pak- cartridges.

Readily accessible pumping components. Serviceable design make it easy for you to perform routine maintenance.

Built-in HELP key. Information on all parameters is available at any time.

Performance Specifications

Pump Performance

Flow range:                             0.01 to 45.00 ml/min or 0.01 to 20 ml/min, with no plumbing          changes (0.01 ml/min increments)

Compositional range:              0 to 100% in 1 % increments

Compositional                         ±0.15% for flow rates of 0.01 to 10.00 ml/min, independent of reproducibility:                                                system back pressure

Compositional accuracy:        ±0.5% for flow rates of 0.01 to 10.00 ml/min, independent of          system back pressure

Flow rate precision:                 ±0.1%. for flow rates of 0.01 to 10.00 ml/min

Pressure maxima:                  6000 psi for flow rates of 0.01 to 10.00 ml/min; 1000 psi at 45.00 ml/min

Programming Features

Gradient profiles:                     Up to 225 linear and/or non-linear segments can be linked; up to   15 segments per method

Programmable timed              • Control of accessories via four powered switches

events:                                     • Changes in helium sparge rate

                                               • Change to new method

                                               • Audible alarm

                                               • Changes in temperature of column heater

Video monitor:                         Display of complete gradient and timed-event methods; prompting           cursor; real-time display of critical operating parameters

Program storage:                    E 2 PROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only        Memory) provide permanent storage of up to 15 multi-step     gradient and 15 multi-step timed event methods

Environmental                         4°C-38°C; 20%-90% relative humidity (non-condensing)

operating temperature:

Operational Specifications

Automatic Solvent Sparging    Standard, helium gas, input gas pressure range 50 to 150 psi (3.5           to 10.5 kg/cm 2 ). Helium flow rate range 0 to 100 ml/min,    programmable to 1ml/min.

Pressure Maxima                    6000 psi (420 kg/cm 2 ) at 10ml/min.

                                               1000 psi (70kg/cm 2 ) at 45 ml/min.

Programmable Pressure Limits        Upper 51 to 6000psi (3.5 to 420 kg/cm 2 )

                                               Lower 0 to 5950 psi (0 to 415.5 kg/cm 2 )

Program Storage        Storage for sets of 15 tables (gradient, program event and            detector), with a maximum of 15 steps per table.

                                               Storage for a time-based multi-method program with up to 48       individual steps.

                                               EEPROM stores setup parameters and tables and preserves       memory indefinitely following power loss or extended shutdown.

Gradient Profiles                     Eleven gradient curves (including linear, Step [2], concave [4] and            convex [4]. Up to 80 curve segments can be linked.

CRT Display                            5” (12.7cm) diagonal screen. Sixteen lines with 40 characters per            line. Displays current operating conditions. Allows operator to      monitor complete gradient and timed event tables on single                                                screens. Reverse video cursor prompts operator through program          setup.

Keyboard         Dedicated keys provide direct access to all display screens.         Cursor movement keys simplify programming, editing and      parameter entering. All keys are solvent resistant.

Programmable Timed             Eighteen (15) timed events can be programmed and

Events                                     stored for each table. They are:

·        Set S1-S4 for accessory control

·        Audible alarm

·        Set sparge rate

·        Set column temperature

·        Return to initial conditions

·        Change to new gradient table

Electrical Specifications

Chart Output    Two terminals (+, -) for recording pump pressure traces when      performing service procedures or monitoring solvent changes   (analog –bypasses microprocessor). 10mV output.

Ground Terminals                  Connected to signal ground used as reference for outputs (HOLD,           INJect and switches S1 to S4), inputs (Inject and Abort), or 12 V          power supply (not for use with 10 mV outputs).

DAD 991

Product description

The Waters 990/991 Series Photodiode Array Detector (the PDA) is an ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) detector and advanced data System for use in high performance liquid chromatography.

The photodiode array simultaneously measures absorbance values from 190 to 800 nanometers (nm).

The PDA can assist peptide researchers in assessing peak purity and locating peaks with side chain modifications, aromatic residues, or other unusual characteristics. Molecular biologists can use the PDA to readily identify DNA peaks based an their UV spectra collected during separation. The PDA can enable pharmaceutical researchers to easily find structurally similar metabolites.

PDA Features

Features of the PDA include:

•     Dual-tasking feature that allows synchronous data collection, processing, and reporting

•     Post-run batch processing and reporting

•     Report scheduling

•     Wavelength range from 190 to 800 nanometers (nm)

•     Collection of three-dimensional or two-dimensional data

•     Detection of components absorbing UV/VIS light

•     Peak integration and quantitation

•     Display and reporting of three-dimensional, two-dimensional (chromatogram), and spectral data.

•     Wavelength and spectral data storage

•     Identification of unknowns by comparison to known spectra stored in the PDA spectral library

•     Peak purity determination


Resolution:                                        1.3 nm

Number of diodes:                            512

WcNelength range:                           190 to 800 nm

Wcvelength accuracy:                      ± 1.0 nm

Flow Cell;                                          8.0 µI, 10.0 mm path length

Linear range:                                     -0.1 to 1.6 AU

Noise:                                                < ±2.5 x 10-5 AU at 254 nrn

Drift=                                                 <1 x 10-3 AU/hr at 254 nm

Analog gutpur lhrom NEC)               One channel

                                                         1 V/FS or 10 mV/FS

                                                         Fast or slow response

Analog Input:                                     Four channels

AC povver:                                        110 V, 120 V, 220 V, 240 V

Lamp:                                                Deuterium

Input/Output (NEC):                          TTL Trigger In, Trigger Out

                                                         High or Low Active

Dimensions (detector):                     Width: 28.5 cm (11.2 in)

                                                         Height: 23.7 cm (9.3 in)

                                                         Length: 54.0 cm (21 .5 in)

Weight                                              25 kg (55 lbs)

Sample Processor 715 Ultra WISP

The Waters 715 Ultra WISPTM Sample Processor, referred to as the Ultra WISP, is a versatile, easy-to-use sample processor module that fully automates the injection process for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instruinentation. The Ultra WISP may be programmed to inject up to 96 sample aliquots in either sequential or random fashion. Injection volumes are programmable from 0.1 to 2000 microliters (ul).

The Ultra WISP provides the following features:

•     Microprocessor-based all electric design

•     CRT with programming keypads

•     Patented dual port restrictor loop injector design

•     Sequential or random vial operating program

•     IEEE and RS-232 communications

•     Integrated needle wash system

•     Three syringe options

•     Two sample loop sizes

•     Two carousel sizes

In addition to programming a normal auto run, the Ultra WISP program enables you to:

•     Interrupt and then resume a normal run to perform a stat run

•     Run standards separately from the method table to simplify programming

•     Perform auto addition, co-injecting the contents of a common vial with the samples

•     Perform auto transfers to withdraw up to three reagents to transfer to samples

•     Program external event outputs

•     Suspend a run to reprogram sample parameters or to add sample vials to the carousel

•     Program the needle to withdraw sample from different levels in the vial

•     Purge the system and perform compression and bubble checks

The Ultra WISP is compatible with the Waters PowerLineTM family of HPLC systems and can also be programmed from a Waters 600E System Controller.

Maintenance of the Ultra WISP is simple due to the modular design of the flow path. The Ultra WISP is self-diagnosing, displaying system and error inessages when appropriate. For further diagnosis, you may also manually operate the individual assemblies.

General                                             The Ultra WISP can routinely operate with system    backpressure up to 4500 psi.

                                                         Any LC solvents compatible with current pump and column technology can be used with the Ultra WISP.               Salts and buffers can reduce seal life, especially at system backpressures in excess of 3000 psi, and in               absence of needlewash and regular maintenance and         cleaning.

Physical Requirements                    Electrical Power - Nominal input voltage 100, 120, 220,        240 at 48-52, 58-62 Hz

                                                         Voltage may vary by +10% of nominal; a variation of -           10% longer than 13 milliseconds is considered a power loss.

Sample Capacity                              48 Vial Carriage - 48 - 4 ml or optional 250-µl Low Volume   Insert (LVI) screw cap vials per carriage; Teflon self-   sealing or Teflon disc septa.

                                                         96 Vial Carriage - 96 - 1 ml snap-in push cap or optional      150-µl LVI vials per carriage.

Sample Volume                                48 Vial Carriage - 2.0 ml maximum injectable volume           (from 4 ml total); liinited volume inserts (LVI) allow    minimum sample waste volume of 6 µl (maximum   injectable volume - 244 µl).

                                                         96 Vial Carriage - 1 ml maximum injectable volume.             Minimum sample required - 300 µl. Limited volume inserts      (LVI) allow maximum injection volume of 120 µl.

Minimum Sample Volume                0.1 microliters

Functions                                          Replicate injections as programmed from the controller

                                                         Output signals to reset gradient, start integrator, flow           detector

                                                         Purge flow path with mobile phase

                                                         Discrete needlewash to prevent cross contamination

                                                         Programmable standard sequencing

Carry Over                                        Less than 0.1% previous sample component            concentration; except through sample interaction with 304             stainless steel parts.

Cross Contamination                       Dependent on selection of needlewash solvent and sample interaction with 304 stainless steel parts.

Injection Volume Delivery                 Mobile phase (degassed) tested at 100 psi, with Teflon        disc vial septa, auxiliary sample loop out and preset             operational parameters.

                                                         Mobile Phase                 Actual Volume (%)* at:

                                                                                               5µl             10µl      50µl

                                                         3% acetone in MeOH     95              98         99

                                                         Napthalene in CH2C12 75              85         95

                                                         3% acetone in H20        99              99         99

                                                         *Shown as a percent of programmed injection volume.

                                                         Theoretical results - actual is solvent dependent.

                                                         Reduced delivery will be observed for MeOH and      CH 2 Cl 2 with higher solvent compressibility self-sealing             septa and auxiliary sample loop.

                                                         Most accurate injection volume (all solvents): 50 µl.

Reproducibility                                  Less than or equal to 1 % for 1 to 100 µl injections.

Linearity                                            Coefficient of determination of greater than .99 for a range   of 0-100µl.

Ultra WISP Part number                   044500

Dimension                                        Height: 17 inches (43.2 cm)

                                                         Length: 24 inches (61.0 cm)

                                                         Width: 15.25 inches (38.7 cm)

Weight                                              94 pounds (43 kg)

Desired Site conditions                    • Humidity of 20 - 30%

                                                         • Temperature of 16 to 27°C (60 - 80° F)

                                                         • Dust level relatively low

                                                         • Requires bench space of approximately 29 x 15.25               inches (74 x 39 cm).

Frequency                                         The nominal frequencies of the Ultra WISP are 50 or 60       Hz; the operable frequency range is the same for both of       these frequencies: 47 - 63 Hz.

Voltage Requirements                      Nominal Line                  Operable Voltage

                                                         Voltage                           Range

                                                              100                                 85-130

                                                              120                                 85-130

                                                              220                                 185-265

                                                              120                                 185-265

Fuse Requirements                          Nominal Line    Fuse                 Fuse

                                                         Voltage             Required          Size

                                                         100                   one 3-amp       0.25x1.25 inches (6x32mm)

                                                         120                   one 3-amp       0.25x1.25 inches (6x32mm)

                                                         220                   two 1.5-amp     5x20mm (0.20x0.78 inches)

                                                         240                   two 1.5-amp     5x20mm (0.20x0.78 inches)

Communications Connectors          IEEE-488: For connection to compatible Waters Data and   Control Stations such as the 600E System Controller.

                                                         RS-232: For injection parameter transfer to a data    module, such as the Waters 745.

                                                         Temperature Control: For future use with temperature         control components.

Input Terminals                                 The specifications for the Hold terminals are as follows:

                                                         •     TTL or switch closure compatible

                                                         •     Low trigger of 1.8 volts

                                                         •     High trigger of 3.0 volts

                                                         •     Protected to ± 30 volts

                                                         •     Minimum of 30 millisecond pulse

                                                         •     Maximum of 5 milliamps current

Output Terminals                              The specifications for the Inject Start, Run Stop, and Out     terminals are as follows:

                                                         •     Contact closure compatible

                                                         •     Maximum 10 watts with the following restrictions:            maximum of 0.5 amps current (to 20 V), maximum 130         VAC (to 0.07 amps)

Maxima 820

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