
Varian SpectrAA 300 pl

ID-Nummer: 012839
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Varian AAS SpectraAA 300 Plus. Graphitrohreinheit mit Zeeman GTA 96 Plus. Autosampler. Software. PC. Bildschirm und Zubehör. Alle Lampen auf Anfrage.
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Objektnummer B00012839
ID-Nummer 012839
Objektbezeichnung Varian SpectrAA 300 pl
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Varian

Modell:            SpectrAA 300 pl

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

SpectrAA-300/400 Plus Zeeman series spectrometers for graphite furnace atomic absorption and emission. Includes GTA-96 Zeeman graphite furnace and Programmable Sample Dispenser (PSD-96).

Supplied as standard

q          SpectrAA-300/400 Plus Zeeman system software

q          Validation and Sample Tracking software

q          Signal Graphics Library software

q          Quality Control Protocols (QCP-3) software

q          Utilities software

q          Operation manual

Narrow beam optics

`Narrow Beam" Zeeman optics provides true double beam performance from single beam optics. Optics mounted in a completely sealed three dimensional cast aluminium chassis for strength and reduced vibrations. Features high quality polarizer, hand selected for optimum transmission efficiency. All optical components, including the holographic grating are sized to capture the entire optical image. All mirrors hard dielectric quartz overcoated.


Czerney Turner 330 mm focal length. Holographie diffraction grating, 1800 lins/mm for greater resolution blazed at 240 nm. Wavelength range 185-900 nm. Seven slits, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 nm with full height and 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 with reduced height. Selected wide range R446 multi-alkali photomultiplier tube.

Lamp turrets

Eight lamp automatic positioning turret (SpectrAA-400) or four lamp manual positioning turret (SpectrAA-300) both with SpectrAA lamp bases. The unique turret base stops the lamp from sliding forward and eliminates corrosion-prone flying leads and connectors. Electrical connection is made when the lamp is inserted directly into the base.

Compatible with:

q          Coded lamps for automatic element recognition without adaptors.

o Multi-element coded lamps for automatic selection of next element in the sequence without rotating the turret.

q          Economical uncoded lamps.

q          High intensity Superlamps for best detection limits.

Both lamp turrets feature:

q          Two.lamp power supply for operating lamp and automatic warm up of next lamp in sequence.

q          Pre-alignment of either 8 or 4 lamps.

q          Automatic switch off of each lamp after use.

SpectrAA Hollow Cathode Lamps

Electronically modulated for Narrow Beam profile for better sensitivity and extended lifetime.

Zeeman Background Correction

Unique magnet waveform ensures fast Zeeman background correction at twice mains frequency. Time delay between total and background readings is 4 or 5 milliseconds (60/50 Hz).

Polynomial interpolation of background signals for superior correction compared to linear interpolation. Background correction to more than 2.0 absorbance from 185 nm to 900 nm. Automatic Zeeman rollover protection system.

GTA-96 Zeeman Graphite Tube Atomizer

Fully automated `Constant Temperature Zone" graphite furnace system supplied with Programmable Sample Dispenser. Features patented Dynamic Feedback Temperature Control for enhanced temperature accuracy with maximum heating rate of 2000 °C per second, programmable from 40 to 3000 °C in 1 °C increments with cooling water temperature compensation. Fully programmable control of two end entry gases from 0 to 3.1 L/min in 0.1 L/min increments with 20 temperature program steps.

Furnace workhead with quartz end windows for maximum light transmission, permanently connected to power supply by an umbilical Cord carrying all electrical gas and water services. Rapid release mechanism for ease of tube replacement. Graphite tube is enclosed in an inert gas atmosphere by a one-piece (no joints) graphite shroud for maximum tube life.

Set error protocols to control the automated analysis. GTA-96 Power Fall Recovery automatically restarts following a mains power interruption.


Transverse AC electromagnet. Average field-on strength 0.8 Tesla during read period. Complies with International Radiation Protection Association guidelines for occupational exposure to stray magnetic fields. Stabilized against mains voltage variations. Coils sealed against moisture and corrosive vapors.

Supplied as standard:

Pyrolytically coated graphites

q          Pack of 10 partitioned tubes

Pack of 10 plateau tubes

q          Pack of 10 solid pyrolytic graphite platforms

q          One pair of replacement electrodes and extractor tool

q          Workhead storage bracket

GTA-96 Zeeman features safety interlocks on:

q          Inert gas pressure

q          Water temperature

q          Water pressure

q          Transformer temperature

q          Magnet temperature

q          Tube failure

Programmable Sample Dispenser (PSD-96)

Capacity for 45 samples and 5 Standards/ addition standards in 2 mL vials with 25 mL vessels for blank, standard and chemical modifier. The PSD-96 features:

q          Automatic preparation of 5 standards or additions from the bulk standard

q          Automatic addition of chemcial modifier

q          Multiple Injection

q          Pre-Injection of chemical modifier

q          Hot Injection for Fast Furnace Analysis with programmable injection from 40-150 °C and programmable injection rate

q          Air segmented solution pick up with blank flush out for best precision.

PC Compatibility

SpectrAA-300/400 Plus Zeeman software is certified for Operation with 100% IBM AT compatible personal Computers with. 8086/286,. 386 and selected 486 processors, with minimum 512 kbytes Random Access Memory (1 Mbyte RAM recommended if running third party software applications), DOS 3.30 or higher (but not with DOS Shell) and VGA monitor recommended. Consult your Varian representative to confirm PC compatibility.


Central PC control of SpectrAA-300 Plus Zeeman or SpectrAA-400 Plus Zeeman spectrometer, GTA-96 Zeeman Graphite Tube Atomizer and PSD-96 furnace

sampler. SpectrAA-300/400 Plus includes:

q          Zeeman furnace system software

q          Validation and Sample Tracking software

q          Signal Graphics Library software

q          Quality Control Protocols (QCP-3) software

q          Utilities software.

Software Structure

SpectrAA-300/400 Plus Zeeman software features:

q          Full text display of error messages and prompts

q          Status block always displays summary of current instrument condition

q          Logical next step softkeys

q          Central index

q          Context sensitive multi-lingual Heip system

q          `Cookbook" notes for each element

q          Recall and setting of default element parameters.

Data Quality Control Protocols

SpectrAA-300/400 Plus Zeeman includes:

q          data editing

q          Spike recovery calculations

q          Duplicate calculations

q          Sample preparation blank subtraction from samples

q          Date and time stamping

q          Upper and lower warning limits with flagging

QCP-3 for graphite furnace includes tests designed to meet many US EPA CLP requirements including:

q          Two QC standards (ICV/CCV)

q          QC spikes

q          Precision testing

q          Over-range volume reduction

q          Matrix spikes

q          Duplicates

QCP-3 includes user programmable error actions, date and time stamping and much more.


SpectrAA-300/400 Plus Zeeman includes:

q          Choice of four calibration algorithms: Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Rational method

q          Choice of through zero or non-zero fits

q          Goodness of fit parameters:

Percent curvature measure

Coefficient of determination (r 2 )

Correlation coefficient

Characteristic concentration

q          Masking of erroneous standards

Signal Graphics

SpectrAA-300/400 Plus Zeeman includes:

q          Storage of signal and calibration graphics to hard or floppy disk

q          Graphics stored with sample label for easy identification

q          Overlay multiple graphics for comparison

q          Tag graphics for rapid viewing or printing

Built-in Paradox Database


q          Long term archiving and retrieval of SpectrAA data

q          Search facilities for fast recall of samples by batch, date, Operator, matrix, element, sample ID etc. for reporting or trend analysis

q          Fast editing of sample labels and inclusion of sample memos and types in database r    ecords

q          Compatible with commercially available third party software, Paradox network and mainframe SQL connection

Other Verification and Sample

Tracking features

q          On-screen report previewer prior to printing

q          Unique sample bar chart display for rapid reviewing of single or multi-element results showing abs/conc and %RSD

q          Sample cursor for rapid review of individual sample results

q          Pop-up concentration calculator for quick estimation of unknown samples.

General Information

Weight                        Unpacked Dimensions

                                    Unpacked    Packed       Length          Height           Depth

                                    kg (lb)            kg (lb)          cm (inches)   cm (inches)   cm (inches)

Spectrometer              60 (130)         105 (233)    108 (43)         42 (17)           61 (24)

GTA-96 Zeeman          52 (114)         64 (141)      44 (18)           30 (12)           54 (22)

PSD                             6 (13)             12 (26)        31 (13)           33 (13)           37 (15)

Electrical Requirements


208/220/240 volts AC, ± 10%, 50/60 Hz, ± 1 Hz. Rated current 15 A, single phase.

Surge current 40 A.

GTA-96 Zeeman

208/220/240 volts AC, ± 10%, 50/60 Hz, ± 1 Hz. Rated current 15 A, single phase.

Surge current 40 A.    

Gas Requirements

Inert gas (dry 99.99% agron preferred) 140-200 kPa (20-30 psi), maximum consumption

3.1 L/min.        

Cooling Water Requirements

Mains or recirculated (preferred) supply of 1.5-2.0 L/min, 200 kPa (30 psi) maximum pressure. Recommended temperature range 15-25 °C.


For spectrometer and accessories. Storage 0 °C to 50 °C at less than 80% Relative Humidity Non Condensing (RHNC). Operating 10 °C to 35 °C, 20% to 90% RHNC. The concentration of dust and vapors in the instrument environment should comply with relevant Federal and State health standards for the laboratory workplace. All SpectrAA instruments feature the Tri-coat corrosion resistant paint protection scheme.

Produktgruppe: Atomabsorptionssepktrometer (Graphitrohr)

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