
Tekmar 3100

ID-Nummer: 012782
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Tekmar Purge and Trap Gerät 3100. Mit Taschenheizer. Trap. Glasrohre- und Gefässe zur Probenvorbereitung. Gasleitung. Baujahr: 1998. Neupreis: 15.000,- Euro.
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Objektnummer B00012782
ID-Nummer 012782
Objektbezeichnung Tekmar 3100
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Tekmar

Modell:            3100

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl./deut.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


This section describes the 3100 Purge and Trap Concentrator, defines its basic functions and system configurations, provides technical specifications, and outlines safety considerations for its use.

Product Description

The 3100 (Figure 1-1) is a purge and trap concentrator that allows automatic processing of liquid and soil samples for analysis by gas chromatography. The concentrator operates and Interfaces with the gas chromatograph (GC) under microprocessor control.

The 3100 is equipped with:

•            Sample glassware for processing single samples.

•            A front panel trap pressure gauge that shows the current system pressure (in psi) for each mode.

•            A front panel LCD screen that displays information about the concentrator's current operating step.

•           ON/OFF switch on the back panel.

•            A hand-held controller (purchased separately). The controller consists of a four-line, 20-character wide, LCD (liquid crystal display) and a 30- button keypad. You communicate with the 3100 microprocessor by using the keypad and display screen on the hand-held controller.

Concentrator Functions

The 3100 purges volatile organic compounds from water or soil onto a sorbent trap. The trap is then rapidly heated; the analytes are swept with GC carrier gas onto the column for Separation and detection, as shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2   3100 Functions

System Configurations

The 3100 concentrator processes a single sample and delivers the resulting analytes to a gas.chromatograph. You may also use the 3100 with other Tekmar-Dohrmann accessories which can extend and enhance 3100 functions. Please refer to the appropriate user manuals for further information.

Tekmar 3100 with Cryofocusing Module

For enhanced sensitivity and chromatographic resolution when analyzing highly volatile compounds on a small bore capillary column, Tekmar-Dohrmann recommends that you use the Cryofocusing Module with the 3100.

•            Highly volatile components desorbed from the internal trap of the 3100 are refocused and condensed in the trapping area of the Cryofocusing Module as carrier gas goes through the modale to the GC.

•            The Cryofocusing Module freezes the condensed components in a narrow, cryofocused band on the column.

•            The Cryofocusing Module is flash heated and flushed with carrier gas to release the analytes on the GC column.

Specifications for the 3100

This section gives you specifications for the 3100. Please refer to the appropriate user guide for autosampler specifications.

Utility Requirements

Voltage:            100/115/230 volts (+/-10%)

Frequency:      50/60 hertz (+1%)

Current:           5.0/4.0 amps

Power:                         550 watts

Btu per hour:    1877

Operating Environment:

The 3100 operates at temperatures between 19°C (66°F) to 60°C (140°F) with humidity levels between 10% and 90%.


65 lbs. (29.48 kg.)


Height:             19" (48.3 cm)

Width:              9" (22.9 cm)

Depth:              18" (45.7 cm) deep

Gas Supply/Requirements:

Ultra-high purity (99.999%) helium or nitrogen as purge gas, supplied at 20 psig

Sample Glassware:

The standard sampler is a 5 ml frit sparger, with all-glass construction using a medium-porosity glass frit. Optional glassware is: 25 ml frit sparger, 5 or 25 ml fritless sparger, 5 or 25 ml needle sparger and 25 ml disposable test tubes.


12" long; stainless steel tube; 0.010" wall thickness; 0.123" +/- 0.002" OD (maximum OD of 0.125" is the USEPA specified standard)

Trap Furnace:

Controlled temperature range: from 5°C above ambient* to 420°C (-20°C to 420°C with optional TURBOCoo1); average rise rate: 660°C/min. from 35°C to 225°C (The rise rate is averaged over this temperature span; it is invalid outside this span.)

* temperature of the surrounding air

Trap Pressure Control TM :

Variable; set at the factory to maintain a recommended bac pressure of 4 psi; flow rate: 35 ml/min.


•            A 115 VAC motor-actuated, 6-port switching valve witl removable rotor; temperature controlled from ambient to 300°C

•            12 VDC solenoid-actuated, 2 and 3-port sample, bypas; high rate purge (HRP), drain and vent valves

Sample Path:

•            Flow Tuned Tubing (FTT)TM features constant uniform internal diameters an all fittings, valves and tubing; eliminates dead volume and maintains a constant linear velocity during desorption to the gas chromatograph

•            Transfer line, 72" total length - 60" outside of unit; heated, variable: ambient to 300°C

•            Optional sample pocket and tube heaters; variable: fron ambient to 100°C

Carryover Specifications:

•            3100 concentrator: 0.1% after 1000 ng standard

There is no difference between carryover amounts using U-shaped glassware versus needle sparger glassware (with or without drain).

Operating Range of Concentration:

Calibration range: 0.5 ng to 2000 ng

System range: low ppt to 10 ppm

LN 2 Consumption:

When using a Cryofocusing Module: Approximately 1 fiter to cool the cryofocus trap to -120°C. Then 1/4 liter per minute once the cooldown temperature is reached (total time for Desorb Preheat and Desorb modes.)

Moisture Control System:

Removes moisture from the gas stream going to the GC; operating temperature: 5°C above ambient to 400°C

Electronic Control:

Microprocessor - Motorola 68000, running at 12 MHz CPU memory - 128K ROM; 64K RAM (expandable to 128K)

Baud Rate:


Data Input:

The 3100 accepts parameter values that you enter by way of an RS232C serial interface. To enter the parameter values, use one of the following:

•            A hand-held controller connected directly to an 1/0 port

•            A personal Computer with optional TekLink software. To use TekLink, you must have the following:

1. 80386 or greater Computer running Microsoft® WindowsT"" version 3.1 or later

2. Any kind of DOS (version 5.0 or greater)

3. Hard drive with at least 2 MB (two megabytes) of free space

4. 4 MB of RAM (8 MB recommended)

5. Disk drive that reads 3 1/2" 1.44MB diskettes

6. At least one free serial port for connection to the 3100

Data Display:

The 3100 uses a two-line, 20 character-wide LCD screen on the front panel and a four-line, 20-character display on the hand-held controller.

Expansion Capability:

The 3100 has four expansion slots on the Mother Board for accessory interfaces.

I/O Signals:

During operation, the 3100 sends and receives the following signals:

•            BeginlEnd Desorb output signal

•            Start GC/MS and Data System output signal

•            Desorb Ready output signal

•            GC Ready/Continue input signal

•            Purge Permission input signal

•            Purge Ready output signal

GC Interface:

The 3100 works with almost all commercially-available GC Instruments. It supplies or accepts GC and Data System starr and ready signals by way of a software-selectable GC I/0 board.

Column Capability:

All cornmercially-available columns. Systems with columns that have an I.D. of less than 0.53 mm may require the Cryofocusing Module, depending on the Systems" configurations.

Method Storage:

Up to 16 methods.

Method Scheduling:

Up to 12 method changes in any sample order on a single automatic cycle with a Tekmar-Dohrmann autosampler

Kurzbeschreibung des Gerätes:

Das „Tekmar 3100” ist ein Purge-&-Trap-Gerät, das zur Untersuchung flüchtiger organischer Substanzen aus verschiedenen Matrices genutzt werden kann, wie z. B.

-            Kunststoffe und Papier/Karton, wie z. B. Verpackungsmaterialien

-            Lebensmittel, Arzneimittel, Aromen

-            Boden

-            Wasser.

Eine bestimmte Menge der zu untersuchenden Probe wird in einem an dem Gerät fixierten Glasgefäß über eine bestimmte Zeit temperiert, um dann die flüchtigen organischen Sub­stanzen mit dem Gasstrom eines inerten Gases (z. B. Helium oder Stickstoff) aus dem Dampfraum des Gefäßes auszutreiben (Purge, als dynamische Headspace) und anschlie­ßend direkt auf einem Adsorptionsmittel anzureichern (Trap).

Die Zeit der Adsorption und die Art des Adsorptionsmittels kann je nach Art und Konzentra­tion der zu untersuchenden organischen Substanzen variiert werden.

Anschließend erfolgt eine thermische Desorption der organischen Substanzen vom Adsor­bens. Mit der direkt anzuschließenden Gaschromatographie und einer Detektion wird das zu untersuchende Gemisch organischer Substanzen getrennt und die einzelnen Substanzen analysiert.

Vorteile eines Purge-&-Trap-Gerätes:

- sehr geringe bzw. gar keine Probenvorbereitung

- für etliche EPA-Methoden gefordert

- geeignet für unterschiedliche Matrices

- zur Aroma- und Spurenanalytik geeignet

- sehr hohe Empfindlichkeit, da Probenaufkonzentrierung mittels dynamischer Headspace (aus dem Kopfraum) oder durch „Auspurgen” bzw. „Strippen” von Wasserproben erfolgt.

Produktgruppe: GC-Sonstiges

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