
Tecan Freedom 200/4/8

ID-Nummer: 015204
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Tecan Genesis Freedom 200/4/8. 2 x Columbus Washer. 2x Asys EAD II Dispenser. Sunrise Reader. Mit Zubehör und Ersatzteilen.
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Objektnummer B00015204
ID-Nummer 015204
Objektbezeichnung Tecan Freedom 200/4/8
Status Archiv

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Firma:                   Tecan

Modell:                Freedom 200/4/8

Kommentar:        Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


The Genesis Freedom is designed for automating routine laboratory tasks. The instrument consists of a platform (frame, housing, main electronic boards and power supply) that is available in three different sizes (approximate instrument length of 100, 150 or 200 cm). The platform may be placed onto a cabinet and can be equipped with maximally three robotic arms (two for size 100) in several combinations. The following robotic arms are available:

•     Li quid Ha ndling Arm (LiHa) for liquid pipetting tasks

•     Ro botic Ma nipulator Arm Standard (RoMa Standard) for plate handling on the platform worktable

•     Ro botic Ma nipulator Arm Long (RoMa Long) with long Z-axis for plate handling on and underneath the worktable (e.g. for loading a centrifuge placed underneath the instrument)

•     P ick and P lace Arm (P&P) for tube handling

Optionally, Instruments like for example a centrifuge or microplate reader can be placed in the cabinet underneath the worktable.

Technical Data

Instrument Overall Dimensions


                                                  Freedom 100         Freedom 150         Freedom200

Platform                                     106 kg / 233 lbs     125 kg / 275 lbs      175 kg / 385 lbs

LiHa                                           8 kg / 18 lbs            8 kg 18 lbs              8 kg 18 lbs

RoMa Standard and Gripper     6 kg / 13 lbs            6 kg 13 lbs              6 kg 13 lbs

RoMa Long and Gripper            8 kg / 18 lbs            8 kg 18 lbs              8 kg 18 lbs

P&P and Gripper                       6 kg / 13 lbs            6 kg 13 lbs              6 kg 13 lbs

PosID 2 Option                          8 kg / 18 lbs            11 kg / 24 lbs          14 kg / 31 lbs

MPO or FWO                            2 kg / 4.4 lbs           2 kg / 4.4 lbs           2 kg / 4.4 lbs

Packing                                      35 kg / 77 lbs          47 kg / 104 lbs        71 kg / 156 lbs

Worktable Dimensions

                                                  Freedom 100         Freedom 150         Freedom 200

Accessible X-range                   745 mm                  1120 mm                1720

(X-travel)                                    (29.3")                     (44.V)                      (67.7")

Accessible Y-range                   418 mm                  418 mm                  418 mm

(Y-travel)                                    (16.5")                     (16.5")                     (16.5")

Grid positions an worktable       30                            45                            69

Worktable cutout for centrifuge : 200 x 260 mm

Worktable cutout for reader    : 252 x 150 mm

The RoMa Long reaches maximally 350 mm underneath the worktable.

Supply Ratings

                                                  Freedom 100         Freedom 150 / 200

Line Voltage                               100 - 240 V AC       100 - 240 V AC

Frequency                                 50 / 60 Hz               50 / 60 Hz

Power                                        800 VA                    1200 VA

Equipment and Safety Class    1                              1

Circuit breaker                           10 A                         15 A

Uninterruptible Power Supply, UPS

For an optimal Operation of Genesis Instruments and smooth running of the relevant application, TECAN recommends to connect an online UPS, so that the power supply runs via the UPS with a filter effect. A switched UPS type that switches over to batteries only after network breakdown is not recommended.

For further assistance contact your nearest TECAN representative.

Environmental Conditions

All Genesis Instruments are intended for indoor Operation and storage only. The table below aives an overview.

Operation Temperature

15 - 32 °C / 59 - 90 °F

Operation Humidity


relative (non condensing)

at 30 °C / 86 °F or below

Pollution Degree


Overvoltage Category


Computer Requirements

Refer to your Genesis Instrument Software Manual (Doc ID 390791) for details an minimal Computer requirements.

Software Requirements

It is strongly recommended to use the latest software versions. Please contact your nearest TECAN representative for more Information.

Genesis Instrument Software     V4.4 or higher

Gemini                                          V3.5 or higher

FACTS                                         V4.81 or higher

Optional System Modules

According to your order configuration some of the following options might be installed. The system modules are briefly introduced below, additional optional equipment and accessories are introduced in Chapter 3 Structure and Function.

Liquid Handling Arm (LiHa)

The Genesis Freedom Instrument may be equipped with maximally one 4- or 8-Tip Liquid Handling Arm depending on the customer's order configuration.

The Liquid Handling Arm is used for pipetting actions in different volume Tanges, depending on the tip types used and the features of the liquid system (see Chapter 3 Structure and Function).

Robotic Manipulator Arm Standard (RoMa Standard)

The Genesis Freedom Instrument may be equipped with one or two Robotic Manipulator Arms.

The Robotic Manipulator Arm is used to transport objects of the format of microplates, such as reagent blocks, deep well plates, etc. to different positions on the worktable or for storage onto the shelf.

Robotic Manipulator Arm Long (RoMa Long)

The Genesis Freedom Instrument may be equipped with one or two Robotic Manipulator Arms with long Z-axis.

The Robotic Manipulator Arm with long Z-axis is used to transport objects of the format of microplates, such as reagent blocks, deep well plates, etc. to different positions on or underneath the worktable or for storage onto the shelf.

Pick and Place Arm (P&P)

The Genesis Freedom Instrument may be equipped with maximally one Pick and Place Arm.

The Pick and Place Arm is used to transport tubes to different positions on the worktable.

Positive Identification (PosID 2)

The Genesis Freedom Instrument may be equipped with a Positive Identification module.

The Positive Identification reads Barcodes on Carriers, Racks and Containers on both the primary (e.g. sample tube) as well as the secondary side (e.g. microplates).

Other Optional Modules

Depending an your applications and Order Configuration the Genesis Freedom may be equipped with several optional modules. The following list is a random extract of all possibilities:

•     Hettich ROTANTA 46 RSC (ROBOTIC) microplate centrifuge or another suitable centrifuge

•     Tecan ULTRA microplate reader or another suitable microplate reader

•     NPS Nano Pipetting System

•     Disposable Tip option

•     Fast Wash option, FWO

•     Monitored Pump option, MPO

•     Low Volume option

•     Lower DiTi Eject option

•     384well Microplate option

•     Worktables with different Gutouts for access underneath the worktable

•     Cabinets for placing Instruments underneath the worktable

•     Access Option

•     External Powerswitch

Produktgruppe: Pipettiersysteme

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