
Shimadzu QP 2000

ID-Nummer: 011659
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Shimadzu GC/MS-System QP 2000. Auswerteeinheit mit PC und Software. GC 14 A.
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Objektnummer B00011659
ID-Nummer 011659
Objektbezeichnung Shimadzu QP 2000
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Shimadzu

Modell:            QP 2000

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl. (für IDNR 11659)

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


Shimadzu GCMS-QP2000 Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer System is a top performance desktop type GC/MS system which features exceptionally high degree of computerization and excellent ease of operation. It is sure to be effectively used in variety of routine works as well as for research and development.

Principle and Construction

The GCMS-QP2000 consists of the following three units:

(1) Gas chromatograph

(2) Interface

(3) Mass spectrometer

(1) Gas Chromatograph GC-14A

The GC-14A series Gas Chromatograph, which is controlled by microcomputer, is a multipurpose gas chromatograph exhibiting high performance. This GC unit has particularly distinguishing features such as small installation area requirements and large system expansion capabilities.


Column oven

Dimensions of column compartment: 230 (W) X 140 (D) X 360 (H) mm

Length of columns to be         Stainless steel column           10m X 2


                                               Glass column 3m X 2

                                               Capillary column         100m X 1

Range of temperature setting:            Temperature;   -80~+399         1°C step

Rate of temperature rise;        0~40°C/min 0.1°C step

Constant temperature hold time; 0~655 min 0.1°C step

Program stages                      5 stages max.

Range of temperature control (with power voltage of 100V)

Range of linear temperature

increase:                                 30°C/min         150°C or less

                                               20°C/min         250°C or less

                                               10°C/min         330°C or less

                                               5°C/min           399°C or less

Lower-limit temperature:         When INJ and DET temperature is 300°C,

                                               room temperature + 15°C

                                               When INJ and DET temperature is 150°C,

                                               room temperature + 10°C

                                               Additional cryogenic equipment is required for controlling at           lower temperatures than those above.

Cooling speed:                        Approx. 9 min to reduce from 399°C to 100°C with room   temperature of 25°C.

                                               Approx. 14 min for reducing from 399°C to 50°C with room           temperature of 25°C

Detector oven

Range of temperature setting:            Room temperature ~399°C (in 1°C steps)

Control accuracy:                    ±0.02°C (Average)

TCD oven

Range of temperature setting:            Room temperature ~399°C (in 1°C steps)

Control accuracy:                    ±0.01°C

Sample injection port unit

Range of temperature setting:            Room temperature ~399°C

Control accuracy:                    ±0.1°C (Average)

Sample injection port unit (Either one of the following units is provided)

Single injection port unit:         For packed glass column, combination type of glass

                                               insert and on-column injection,          1 flow line

Dual injection port unit:            For packed glass column, combination of glass insert

                                               and on-column injection,        2 flow lines

Injection port unit for                Exclusive injection port for capillary analysis

for capillary columns:

Overheat protection circuit            3 circuits

1. 450°C-fixed independent protection circuit.

2. Protection circuit for which the upper-limit temperature can be set via key operation.

3. Overheat protection circuit by CPU abnormality detection

Combination of Detectors

1. Four detectors at maximum from among TCD, FID, ECD, FPD, and FTD can be simultaneously installed to the detector oven of the GC main body. Two TCD detectors cannot be set simultaneously.

2. Only two types of detector controllers (except FTD) can be installed simultaneously to the control section of the GC. Another unit should be applied for installing three or more detector controllers, or FTD.

(2) Interface

The interface is installed between the gas chromatograph (GC) and the mass spectrometer (MS) and connects the MS which operates under a high vacuum to the GC which operates under the atmospheric pressure.

The GCMS-QP2000 uses a direct connection interface; an analytical GC capillary column is directely connected to the MS. Capillary columns less than 0.25mm i.d. are recommended, those with an inside diameter of 0.2mm being most popularly used.

(3) Mass Spectrometer

Mass spectrometer

The apparatus to acquire the mass spectrum is the mass spectrometer. This apparatus is composed of the ion source for making ions and accelerating them in a specific direction, the analyzer for separating ions by the mass of them, and the detector for detecting separated ions. Besides, the vacuum system for evacuating the entire apparatus and spectrum recorder and data processor are needed.

As the method to separate the mass of ions, the one using a sector magnetic field is called a magnetic field type mass spectrometer, and the one using high frequency quaddrupole electric field isknown as the Q mass (or mass filter). Or the apparatus for generating ions in pulse form, and separating the mass by the difference in the flight time for passing a specific distance is called the time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. Besides, the Fourier transform mass spectrometer making use of ion cyclotron has come to be used practically.



Mass range                             m/z10 - 900

Resolution                               2M (50% valley)

Detection limit                         1ng of methyl stearate, M + -(m/z298) with S/N ratio > 100

Scanning speed                      0.5, 1, 2, 4      256 seconds/full range, 10-step selection

Sample Inlet System

Gas chromatograph                Shimadzu GC-14A

Interface                                  Direct connection interface

Standard sample inlet:            PFTBA*2

Direct sample inlet*3               (Option)

Ion Source

Ionization method                    EI

Ionization voltage                     70eV

Maximum temperature            350°C

Analyzer/Detector Unit

Analyzer rods                          Hyperbolic quadrupole type*4

Detector                                  16-stage electron multiplier

Evacuation System

Evacuation pump                    A turbomolecular pump and a rotary pump

Baking                                     About 150°C

Operation system

Keyboard                                 Full keyboard with function keys

CRT                                         12" color CRT


Mass spectra

MC (mass chromatogram)*5

Integrated TIC*6

SIM*7   8 channels x 5 sets (40 channels in total)

Software for Data Processing

Listing, tabulation, and edition of data

Drawing of mass spectra, MC, and SIM

Background subtraction of mass spectra

Area calculation of SIM

Library search*8 (option in QP2000, standard in QP2000A)

Quantitative calculation (option)

Hardware for Data Processing

Internal memory                      256K byte RAM

External memory                     Hard disk, 20M byte, 40 MB (option)

                                               Floppy disk, 1M byte

Printer                                      Dot matrix type

Installation Requirements

1) Power requirements

GC unit                                    100VAC, 17A, 50/60Hz

MS unit                                    100VAC, 15A, 50/60Hz

(Including the power for the CRT, keyboard, and printer.)

Allowable line voltage fluctuation

                                               90 - 110V; The equipment can operate.

                                               95 - 105V; The equipment operates to the specifications.

Provision for other line voltages is available by using optional transformer.

Grounding                                Less than 100Ω in the grounding resistance

2) Temperature and humidity

Temperature                           18 - 28°C

Humidity                                  40 - 70%

3) Dimensions and weights

GC                                     400Wx475Dx595H mm, about 40 kg

MS                                     560Wx575Dx430H mm, about 60 kg

Keyboard                           464Wx194Dx45H mm, about 1.5 kg

CRT                                   330Wx370Dx405H mm, about 11 kg

Printer                                403Wx344Dx90H mm, about 4.5 kg

Rotary pump                     411Wx160Dx236H mm, about 14 kg

Chart paper                       260Wx280D mm,

Power source terminal and earth terminal

The bench should have a top space of 2100W x 700D mm or larger.

Produktgruppe: GC / MS

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