
Shimadzu CR 4A

ID-Nummer: 013545
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Shimadzu Integrator CR 4A. Für HPLC. Mit Shimadzu Drucker 028 LP und Tastatur.
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Objektnummer B00013545
ID-Nummer 013545
Objektbezeichnung Shimadzu CR 4A
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Shimadzu

Modell:            CR 4A

Kommentar:    Dokumente für IDNR. 12275

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.



Measuring System:                      Deflection type

Range of refractive index:            1 to 1.75

Measuring range:                         0.25 X 10 -4 to 512 X 10 -6 RIU FS, selectable in 12 steps

Noise level:                                   2.5 X 10 -9 RIU short term noise for water-sealed and SLOW    response conditions; short term noise as defined by ASTM

Linearity:                                       8 X 10 -4 RIU or higher

Cell volume:                                 10µl

Material in contact with liquid:      SUS316, quartz, Teflon

Response:                                   3 step selection: FAST, STD and SLOW

Controlled temperature of cell:    35°C (Thermal fuse 70°C)

Zero adjustment:                          Optical zero adjustment

                                                    Automatic zero adjustment

                                                    Fine zero adjustment (manual)

Auto zero adjustment range:       Maximum of ±4 X 10 -4 RIU

Auto zero adjustment accuracy: Maximum of ±3 X 10 -8 RIU

Recorder:                                     1mV, 10mV full scale

Integrator terminal output:            0.4V/1 X 10 -4 RIU, 0.1V/1 X 10 -4 RIU

Weight:                                         13kg

Size:                                             26(W) X 16(H) X 40(D) cm

Optimum operating temperature range: 10 to 40°C (when temperature is not controlled) Power requirements:                                                     RID-6A is classified as follows according to the supply voltage:

                                                    P/N 228-16510-91       100V±10V        1A           50, 60Hz

                                                           228-16510-92       115V±10V        1A           50, 60Hz

                                                           228-16510-93       220V±20V        0.5A        50, 60Hz

                                                           228-16510-94       240V±20V        0.5A        50, 60Hz

                                                           228-16510-95       230V±20V        0.5A        50, 60Hz


Outline of Degasser

The DGU-3A online degasser continuously removes gases dissolved in liquid through a special plastic membrane.

When the degasser is connected to the HPLC pump, the degasser continuously removes gases dissolved in the mobile phase without changing its composition. Consequently, the degasser improves stability and repeatability in HPLC analysis because it prevents genera­tion of bubbles due to dissolved gases, poor delivering of the pump due to bubbles, noise an the baseline of the detector, and fluctuation of the detector baseline due to the variation of dissolved gas concentration.

The DGU-3A has three independent flow paths and the DGU-4A has two independent flow paths. The degassing characteristic per flow path and other functions are common to both the DGU-3A and DGU- 4A, and the only difference between them is the number of flow paths.

The operating principle of the degasser is illustrated below.

The mobile phase passes through the special plastic membrane mounted in the vacuum chamber of the degasser. Gases dissolved in the liquid selectively pass through the membrane into the space in the vessel because of smaller gas molecular sizes, and higher mobility than the liquid, and the close affinity of gases to the membrane. In the above process, gases are removed from the liquid to the space in the vacuum chamber and are then exhausted out of the system.


Degassing characteristics               The concentration of residual dissolved oxygen at the          outlet of the degasser is 1.5ppm max. per flow path when          air-saturated ion-exchanged water at an ambient    temperature of 25°C is passed through the degasser at a           flow rate of 3ml/min max.

Maximum flow rate                           10ml/min (water)

Internal volume                                 About 15ml per flow path

Operating pressure                          2kg/cm 2 max. (Use is limited to the suction side, i.e., inlet,   of the pump. Feeding of liquid to the degasser under        pressure is not allowed.)

Connecting tubes                             Teflon tubes of 3mm OD and 2mm ID

Wetted materials                              Special plastic resistant to all solvents (degassing    membrane), Kel-F (connection joints), Teflon (connection         tubes)


• Self-cleaning                                   When the vacuum pump is started or stopped, the   solenoid valve is switched over to draw in ambient air to          prolong the service life of the vacuum pump.

• Safety feature                                 A device is provided to stop the vacuum pump          automatically if the vacuum pump is over-heated.

                                                         (Remains in standby to allow natured cooling.)

Dimensions                                      Width 260mm, height 140mm, depth 400mm

                                                         (Not including projecting parts)

Weight                                              13kg

Ambient temperature and humidity: 10 to 40°C and 40 to 85%, respectively

Storage temperature                        0 to 60°C (with the flow paths dried)

Power supply:                                   DGU-3A is available in the following modifications     according to the power supply voltage.

                                                         P/N 228-24200-91       AC100V±10%       100VA       50/60Hz

                                                         P/N 228-24200-92       AC115V±10%       100VA       50/60Hz

                                                         P/N 228-24200-93       AC220V±10%       100VA       50/60Hz

                                                         P/N 228-24200-94       AC240V±10%       100VA       50/60Hz

                                                         P/N 228-24200-95       AC230V±10%       100VA       50/60Hz

Detector SPD-6AV


Wavelength range                   195 to 700nm

Wavelength accuracy             ±2nm

Wavelength reproducibility      ±0.5nm

Spectral bandwidth                 8nm

Light source                            Deuterium (D 2 ) lamp (195—370nm)

                                               Tungsten halogen (WI) lamp (370—700nm)

Diffraction Grating                   Blazed holographic type with 1200 grooves/mm

Cell volume (STD)                  8µl (lmmØ X 10mm)

Cell pressure tolerance           30kg/cm 2

Materials in contact with liquid SUS 316, quartz, Teflon

Base line noise                        3 X 10 -5 AU Max. at 250nm, 500nm

                                               (using air in the cell, as a response STD)

Base line drift                          1 X 10 -3 AU/hour Max. 250nm, 500nm

                                               (using air in the sample cell)

Measurement range                0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64,           1.28, 2.56, AUFS - intervals of selectable in 12-steps

Response                                3-step selection: FAST, STD and SLOW

                                               Corresponding to 0.05, 0.5 and 1.5 sec time constants.     However, an internal switch can change the time constants to     0.1, 1.0 or 3 sec.

Zero adjustment                      Auto zero by pushbutton switch

Zero adjustment range            Maximum of 1.4AU

Zero adjustment accuracy      Maximum of ± 1 X 10 -4 AU

Recorder terminal outputs      1mV, 10mV full scale

Integrator terminal output        0.4V/AU, 0.8V/AU

Weight                                     14kg

Size                                         26(W) X 16(H) X 40(D) cm

Optimum operating temperature range         10° to 40°C

Power requirements               (SPD-6AV is classified as follows according to supply voltage.)

                                               P/N 228-15001-91       100V ± 10V         1.3A        50, 60Hz

                                               P/N 228-15001-92       115V ± 10V         1.3A        50, 60Hz

                                               P/N 228-15001-93       220V ± 20V         0.7A        50, 60Hz

                                               P/N 228-15001-94       240V ± 20V         0.7A        50, 60Hz

                                               P/N 228-15001-95       230V ± 20V         0.7A        50, 60Hz

Produktgruppe: Integratoren / Workstations

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