
Planer Kryo 10 II

ID-Nummer: 012637
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Planer Einfriergerät Kryo 10 Series II. Programmierbar. Zur Konservierung von biologischem Material. Integrierter Drucker. Temp +30°/-180°C. H/B/T: 30/22/22 cm.
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Objektnummer B00012637
ID-Nummer 012637
Objektbezeichnung Planer Kryo 10 II
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Planer

Modell:            Kryo 10 II

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

The following descripton is correspondig to Modell Kryo 10 Series II

The Kryo 560 - 16 incorporates all of the critical features expected from a high dass biological freezer. The system is specifically designed with full system safety protection. The -180 °C end temperature ensures sample integrity during transfer to storage whilst the flexibility of the system, including protocol stage transition based an sample or chamber temperature or time, is ideal for the more demanding protocols associated with the most advanced cryopreservation techniques.

The high capacity LNP4 active nitrogen pump offers both faster cooling rates and, when combined with a LAB 30 dewar, a largo reservoir offering the reassurance of an extended hold time at the protocol end temperature. The system sample capacity is sufficient for the busiest laboratory and the state of the art compact design will enhance the most modern facility. The top opening chamber, combined with a unique forced laminar ilow pattern of the coolant and cryogenic insulation, ensures even and accurate temperature control in all phases of the protocol and prevents the lid from freezing shut at cryogenic temperatures.

The MRV controller system has been created to offer multiple protocols whilst remaining simple to programme and operate. Both during and after a run it offers the widest range of displayed information, alphanumericaily and graphically via the easy view display and as a print out an the integral full view printer. Validation is a high priority and the MRV offers password controlled access an multiple user levels, time and date stamping, programme preview/verification before running and data storage for the last 10 runs for subsequent printing.

User calibration with associated hard copy is featured and PC connection compatible with our comprehensive Delta T TM software application is standard. These help protect against power failure and PC failure when running wich software. Processor or system problems are controlled and the system restarts to protect samples. For example all control and data systems are separated, the controller can be removed from the operating freezer wich no loss of programme integrity; data storage and processing are run an completely isolated electronic systems.

The Planer Kryo 560 - 16 fully featured Tissue Bank freezer for cryopreservation of Bone Marrow, Stern Cells, Skin, Cord Blood and other critical high volume samples

q    Designed for freezing of samples in bags, ampoules and straws

q    Controller displays demand, sample and chamber temperatures, programme stage and current temperature graphic

q    Menu driven controller, simple to programme and operate

q    Protocol stage trigger an sample or chamber temperature or time

q    Unique forced laminar flow system ensures efficient, even cooling

q    Standard operating features:­

• Start above ambient

• Controlled heating

• Dato Printing (integral printer)

• Comms port for PC connection

• Fast cooling rates

• Multiple safety features


·            Chamber volune: 16 Iitres

·            Capacity: 11 x 250/500 rni bags, horizontally or vertically in chamber

·            Ampoule capacity: 726 x 2 ml in basktets

·            Straw capacity: 608 2 ml on canes (horizontal)

·            Lower temperature limit: -180 °C

·            Cooling rates: -0.01 to -50 °C/min

·            Controlled heating rates: 0.01 to 10 °C/min

·            System controller: MRV


5 psi or 22 psi Liquid Nitrogen Supply


System Specification


+30 °C to -180 °C

Heating rate

0.01 °C/min to 10 °C/min

Cooling rate

-0.01 °C/min to -50 °C/min

Controller accuracy

±(O 3 + 0 005 x TM) °C (where TM is the magnitute of the temperature)

Storage temperature

-10 °C to +50 °C

Storage humidty

5 % to 95 % relative humidity non-condensing

Operating temperature

5 °C to 40 °C

Operating humidity

5 % to 90 % relative humidity non-condensing

Controller Specification


80 mm high x 220 mm wide x 350 mm deep

Weight (approx.)

2.6 kg


240 x 64 LCD with CCFL backlight


320/640 dot thermal printer


20 key membrane keypad

Programmable Cooling Rate Range

-0.01 °C/min to -99.9 °C/min

Number of profiles


Steps per profile


Number of stored runs


Chamber Specification

Weight (kg)


Capacity (litres)


Chamber dimenisions

350 mm high x 230 mm wide x 230 mm deep

0.25 ml straws

608 horizontal or 250 vertical

0 5 ml straws


2 ml ampoules


50 cc blood bags


250 cc blood bags


500 cc blood bags


Power requirements (inc. MRV Controller)

115\1~ 50/60Hz 1500VA / 230V- 50/60Hz 1500VA

Recommendation of additional equipment

5 psi System          System Pump - LNP4-C

                              System Dewar - MVLAB 30

22 ps System         System Cylinder MVEURQCYL23OSB

                              Phase Separator MVPHASE


22 psi System        Vacuum Jacketed Pipe Work System

                              Phase Separator - MVPHASE

Produktgruppe: Gefrierschränke / Kälteanlagen

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