
Pharmacia HPLC

ID-Nummer: 013059
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Pharmacia Gradienten HPLC-Anlage. 3 Pumpen 2248. Shimadzu Integrator C-R6A Chromatopac. 2 Gradientenmischer. Detektor VMW 2141.
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Objektnummer B00013059
ID-Nummer 013059
Objektbezeichnung Pharmacia HPLC
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Pharmacia

Modell:            HPLC

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl. (nur für IDNR.: 09253)

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Uvicord SII


Pharmacia LKB Uvicord SII Code No. 18-1004-50 is a compact single beam UV-monitor with flow-through cell for monitoring the eluant from various column separations. Available wavelengths, selected by a combination of lamp and interference filter are 206, 226, 254, 280, 313, 365 and 405 nm.

Pharmacia LKB Uvicord SII is housed up in one combined optical and electronic unit. This detector simultaneously produces two absorbance outputs - one fixed at 2 AUFS and one selectable from 0.005 - 2 AUFS in 9 steps. Thus, with the selection of the appropriate absorbance range, Uvicord SII enables monitoring of both high and low concentration substances simultaneously with a dual-channel recorder.

Substances such as non-aromatic peptides, amino acids, lipids, nucleotides and certain carbohydrates have strong absorption at 206 nm whereas at higher wavelengths they show little or no absorption. Furthermore, most proteins also exhibit greater absorption at 206 nm than they do at 280 nm. By employing all fully integrated electronics and the very latest detection principles Uvicord SII performs to specification at ambient temperature and under cold room conditions.

Technical Specifications

Operating wavelengths           206, 226, 254, 280, 313, 365 and 405 nm.

Absorbance ranges                 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 AUFS.

Noise                                       <1x10 -4 AU measured peak to peak in a dry cell.

Drift                                          <5x10 -4 AU/h at constant temperature.

Operating temperature            0 to +30°C.

Recorder outputs                    100 mV for selected absorbance range and 100 mV for fixed 2A   range.

Integrator output                      1 V = 2 AU.

Power consumption                20 W.

Mains Voltage                          100/115/120/220/240V ±10%, 50/60 Hz.

Dimensions (LxWxH)              313 x 131 x 147 mm.

Weight                                     4.3 kg.



GradiFrac (Code No. 18-1993-01) from Pharmacia Biotech AB combines the functions of gradient programmer and programmable fraction collector for standard chromatography

applications. It forms the basic unit of GradiFrac System, which includes GradiFrac, Pump P-1, Monitor UV 1, Recorder REC 102, Valve IV-7, Switch Valve PSV50 and a mounting rack. Gradients are generated using a single pump and a Switch valve. Easy-to-use programming allows automatic gradient formation for pre­programmed separation methods. Up to ten methods can be stored in the instrument memory. Stored methods are retained in memory even when the power is switched off. GradiFrac can also be used in manual control mode, and manual adjustments can be made while a method is running.

GradiFrac can be programmed to collect fractions based on time, volume or drop count. Fractions can also be collected in a peak detection mode when a suitable monitor is connected. Tube racks accommodate tubes with diameter 10-18 mm and length 50-180 mm.

Technical specifications

Programming base                 ml or min

Programming capacity            10 separate methods, 52 breakpoints each

Memory protection                  EEPROM

Pump control                           Remote for Pump P-1 and HiLoad Pump P-50

Gradient formation                  Single pump and switch valve

Fraction collection

Time base                               0.1-99.9 min

Volume base                           0.1-99.9ml

Drop base                               1-999 drops

Tube change time                   0.3-0.6 s (tube rack 18 mm)

Rack capacity                         95 tubes, rack 18 mm

Event mark                              50 ms contact closure

Flow diverter                            Solenoid valve PSV-50

Monitor input range                  0-10 mV, 0-100 mV, 0-1000 mV

Recorder control                     Controls REC 101 and REC 102

Valve control                            3 outports for Solenoid Valve PSV-50 (switch valve, flow    diverter, auxiliary)

Mixer                                        0.6 ml

Power supply                          24 V Power Supply for 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz

Power consumption                15 W maximum

Dimensions (w x d x h)           290 x 300 x 390 mm

Weight                                     3.9 kg

Working temperature range:   4-40°C

Safety standard                       Conforms to IEC 1010-1 and UL 1262 requirements.

GradiFrac System

Recorder REC 102


Pharmacia Biotech model REC 101 (Code No. 18-1001-42), single-channel recorder and model REC 102 (Code No. 18-1001-43), dual-channel recorder are compact recorders designed to meet the challenging demands of today’s technology.

These instruments are part of the new generation of high quality, flat-bed recorders from Pharmacia Biotech which use a null balancing potentiometric system. They can accommodate a range of input voltages, offer a selection of chart speeds, and allow many functions to be remotely controlled.

The recorders have sophisticated features such as electric pen lift, grid and home functions, forward and reversed paper feed. Paper is transported at a constant velocity selected from the 14 different chart speeds in the range from 0.1 mm/min to 20 mm/s, and can be synchronized with the pump to enable chromatogram comparision.

The positions of the two independent pens (REC 102) represent the levels of the two corresponding inputs from which the time functions are drawn. Owing to the nature of the dual-channel recorder, the pen of channel 1 is always 2.5 mm behind the pen of channel 2. Full sensitivity ranges from 1mV to 20VDC.

Recorder (REC 102) is equipped with one chart drive control panel and two independent, isolated servo systems with a control panel for each channel. Recorders REC 101 and REC 102 have an attractive design with much attention having been paid to ergonomics: control functions are well positioned, keys and switches are very accessible, and paper is easily changed. Pens, paper and keyboard are all protected from accidental spillage by the moulded cover which fits over the recorder. The pens, which are non­smear and disposable, give clear, accurate traces for instance evaluation. Chart paper is of a high quality, and 200 mm wide.

Improved control capabilities permit the use of these recorders in all Pharmacia Biotech chromatography systems.

Technical Specifications

Recording channels:               REC 101: 1-channel

                                               REC 102: 2-channels

Input ranges:                           1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 V

                                               FSD (lull scale deflection) for each channel

Variable ranges:                      40-100 % FSD

Accuracy of span:                   < 0.3 % FSD

Non-linearity:                           < 0.3 % FSD

Dead zone:                              < 0.2 % FSD

Pen response time:                 0.2s

Input impedance:                     1 MΩ DC

Input:                                        Floating asymetrical

Input terminals:                        “Low profile" banana plugs

Input current:                           < 5 nA

Maximum input voltage:          Max. 60 V between channels and max. 30 V between channel       and ground

Common mode rejection:       > 130 dB

Zero adjustment range:           -50 % to +150 % of FSD

Zero position:                           Choice of left or right-hand side of chart by a switch on rear          panel. (Right-hand zero point on delivery)

Zero drift:                                 < 1 µV/ °C

Pen lift:                                    Electrical, independent control of pen 1 and pen 2, automatic        pen lift at power down or after 30 s stop of chart speed

Chart speed range:                 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 mm/s or mm/min

Chart paper:                            25 m roll according to DIN 16 230

Chart paper life:                       Max. 4 167 hours at lowest chart speed. Min. 20 min at highest     chart speed

Pens:                                       Disposable, fibre-tip cartridge

Peristaltic Pump P-1


The Peristaltic Pump P-1, 120 V (Code No. 19-4611-02) and 220 V (Code No. 19-4610-02), is a single channel laboratory pump for use in liquid chromatography and other applications where accurately controlled liquid flows are required. Pumping action is provided by a roller cage driven by a stepper motor controlled by a range selector and a continuously variable potentiometer. The motor speed is almost independent of temperature (0-40°C) and load thus giving an accurate and reproducible flow rate under all conditions. An asymmetric shape gives the pump a very low pulsation in the forward direction. The backward direction has a pulsation which is more equal to traditional peristaltic pumps. Maximum flow function and a connector for remote control and pulse counting are provided.

Technical Specifications

Flow rate range                       0.6-500 ml/h depending on tubing diameter and range selector     (x1 or x10).

Standard tubing                       Silicone rubber of internal diameters;1.0 mm, 2.1 mm and 3.1      mm

Voltage                                    100 or 120 V ± 10 %


Frequency                               50-60 Hz

Max Power                              20 W

Temperature range                 0-40°C

Dimensions                             112 x115x145 mm (WxDxH)

Weight                                     1.7 kg

Motor                                       Stepper motor

Remote control                       The following operations can be obtained via the remote control    socket

                                               Outputs:    Actual speed (0-200 Hz)

                                                                Forward/backward direction ON/OFF

                                               Inputs:       Forward /backward direction.

                                                                Speed control (0-200 Hz)

Produktgruppe: HPLC-Systeme

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