
Perkin Elmer Scan Array

ID-Nummer: 015374
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Perkin Elmer Scan Array Express. Baujahr 2006.
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Objektnummer B00015374
ID-Nummer 015374
Objektbezeichnung Perkin Elmer Scan Array
Status Archiv

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manufacturer:       Perkin Elmer

model:                   Scan Array

annotation:           Dokumente engl.

ScanArray Express


The Packard- ScanArray Express from PerkinElmer Life Sciences is an extreinely sensitive, upgradeable microarray laser scanner. It Features an easy-to-use, integrated acquisition and analysis Software packalte, ScanArrayExpress, which runs on Windows" 2000.

Instrument Features

•    Confocal Laser Scanning: ScanArrayExpress utilizes proven confocal technology, long used in microscopy to collect more Signal of interest and to automatically lower background noise in Order to achieve higher Signal-to-noise ratios.

•    Continuously Adjustable Laser Power and PMT Controls: Makel data optimization at acquisition possible by allowing the user to maximize the dynamic range to achieve the greatest sensitivity.

•    Auto Focus: An accurate, simple step that makes manual focus a secondary choice.

•    Wavelength Upgradeable: Alternate dye choices based on dye incorporation efficiency, brightness (quantum efficiency), stability and cost are made possible with 6 wavelength choices to currently Support almost 70 fluorescent dyes. The scanner can be configured with up to 5 wavelengths and can used to simultaneously detect 2, 3, 4 or 5 different dyes in one experiment. If the original configuration is less than 5 wavelengths, additional wavelengths can be added later.

•    Repeatability of <5% CV: Producer highly reproducible results. Repeatability of results with multiple scans and uniforrnity of results across the slide are botli less than 5% Cv.

•    Sequential Scanning: Results in higher quality data since single channel excitation minirnizes troll-talk between fluorophores.

•    Auto Sensitivity Calibration: Signal intensity is balanced across all fluorophores in an array by automatically adjusting the laser power or PMT gain to a user defined target of pixel intensity for each fluorophore.

•    Five User-selectable Resolutions: 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 micrometer resolution options enable the user to match the right resolution to the Feature size to be scanned.

•    Application Flexibility: Protein arrays used to determine protein-protein interactions or used as micro ELISA platforms, living arrays used to determine gehe expression at the protein level, SNP analysis for detection of genetic variations at the single nucleotide level and tissue scanning to detect tumor specific antigens represent a range of applications that can be executed wich this scanning platforin.

•    Highest Quality Lasers: All lasers are the highest quality gas and solid state lasers to ensure consistent power out­put, uniform beam size and shape, and long life. Built-in laser standby and sleep modes extend laser life to maxi­mize Service life.

•    Slide Holder Flexibility: Accommodates a wide range of custom and commercial Substrates and can be used with wet or dry samples (wich or without cover Slips) as well as tissue samples.

•    Geometrie Beazusplitter: Equipped with a patented geometric beamsplitter (US patent allowed), reflected laser excitation light is effectively blocked and emission light collection efficiency improved thereby increasing the sensitivity of the Syltern.

•    True 5µm Resolution: Precise 5pm excitation beam generates fluorescence frorn discreet 5pm pixels, producing an accurate fluorescence map.

•    Array Quality Control: Two exclusive Features check arrays for Spot presence and immobilized DNA before hybridization, without sacrificing the array. Can be used to troubleshoot the arrayer for problems (e.g., blocked pinn) and to quality control pre-printed arrays before incurring the cost of hybridization, Scanning and analysis.

Software Features

•    Intuitive Interface: Logical screen Layout is easy to under­stand and is designed to increase workflow. Action buttons, Status buttons and results tabs are grouped in specific areas on the screen for quick access.

•    Easy-to-use: Use the Easy Scan button if using one Substrate and one area of interest. Use the Custom Scan button to quickly access the right scanning protocol if there are multiple users with arrays in different positions on different Substrates. The Software allows for the addition of and usage tracking of protocols and fluorophores.

•    Powerful Spot Einding: Rapidly find spots from either a user defined array template or directly from a GAL file. The Find Spots button marks spot location on the displayed image, if further refinement is needed (rotation or movement of grids, sub-grids or spots) tools are provided.

•    Quantitation : Perfonned with one click of the mouse, normalized results are displayed in a table and a scatter plot (which provides 18 axis choices). Wich one more dick the Output results can be directly viewed in Excel'.

•    Inforniatics Readly: Results are output in CSV and GPR Formats for easy data Integration.

•    View Controls : Users can select the area to be scanned by either inputting their coordinates or using the mouse to outline the area of interest. Images can be viewed with eight color palette selections which allow for contrast settings for individual preferences for background and Signal intensity coloration. Zoom controls and a spot viewer are provided for closer array and spot inspection. After analysis individual spot Images can be looked at either from the table or from the scatter plot.

•    Image Files: Four output image Files (TIFF, bitmap, JPEG and Raw) can be selected. Files can be automatically named using custom text as well as time, fluorophore and barcode Information.


•    Barcode Reader: A patented barcode application can be used to automatically define scanning pararrieters (US patent 6215894) and for automated data tracking.

•    20-slide Autobader: Provides walk-away scanning of up to 20 slides with e-mail notification upon batch completion. Batch processing is automatically tracked and documented with a real-time batch Status display, a scanning log and a history file.

ScanArray Express Specifications

Sample Size

•    Single slide:

Length 75.0 mm - 76.2 mm (2.95" - 3.0")

Width 24.6 nun - 25.5 mm (0.97" - 1.02")

Thickness 0.93 mm - 1.29 mm (0.037" - 0.05V)

Meets ISO slide Standard

Scanning Field

•    22 mm x 73 mm

Pixel Resolution

•    User selectable scanning resolutions: 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 microns

Laser Excitation Wavelengths

•    Up to 5 of: 488 nrn, 514rini, 543 nrn, 594 nm, 612 nm and 633 nm

Emission Filter Wavelengths

•    508 nm, 522 nm, 530 nm, 549 nm, 570 nm, 578 nm, 592 nm, 614 nm, 660 ni-n, 670 nm and 694 nm

Scan Speed

•    20 Scan lines/second <2.5 minutes for a 20 mm x 30 mm area at 10 microns with 2-second slide ejection/retraction

Dynamit Range

•    16-bit dynamic Tange over 4 Orders of magnitude

Repeatability and Uniformity

•    Both less than 5% CV


•    0.05 fluorescent molecules/pm2

Image File Formats

•    TIFF, BMP, JPEG or Raw

Palette selections

•    8 user selectable: rainbow, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple


•    30"L x 16"W x 16"H (76 cm x 41 cm x 41 cm)

•    External Laser: 291, x 13"W x 12"H (74 cm x 33 cm x 30 cm)


•    82 lbs (37kg), External Laser: 55 lbs (25kg)

Electrical Requirements

•    Autoselecting from 100-240V, 3.5A, 50/60 Hz

Computer Recommendations

•    Pentium III 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM

•    40 GB hard drive, CD-RW

•    19" color monitor, Resolution 1024 x 768 x 65K colors

•    Two 10/100 Mbs Ethernet network Interface card (NIC)

•    Windows 2000 SP1, Internet Explorer, 5.0 or later

Safety Agency Approvals

•    Electrical and Safety Standards: UL Listed: UL 3101-1; TUV certified EN 61010-1/A2; CE Marked

•    Laser Safety CRDH Class I Laser Product; EN 60825-1 Class I Laser Product

•    Electromagnetic Emission FCC Part 15 Class A, EN55011: Class A; 10ES-003, Class A

•    Electromagnetic Immunity: EN50082-1 (EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-1 1)

Produktgruppe: Life Science / Biotechnologie

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