
Perkin Elmer Integral 4000

ID-Nummer: 012383
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Perkin Elmer HPLC-System Integral 4000.
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Objektnummer B00012383
ID-Nummer 012383
Objektbezeichnung Perkin Elmer Integral 4000
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Perkin Elmer

Modell:            Integral 4000

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

Figure 1 The Locations of the Shipping Screws

Locking Screw and Washer Secured into Pump Casting

VDU Platform

Captive Detector Shipping Screws

Hexagonal Shipping Bolt and Washer

Caps On Drain Tubes

Luer Tip Dummy Needle

Rheodyne Valve Seal (in Position During Shipping)

Autosampler Arm

Oven Access Door

Sample Tray

Pump Transit Clamp (at rear of pump)

Accessing the Principal Components

The principal components of the Integral 4000 liquid chromatograph are:

•       Solvent reservoirs and support tray (available as a Solvent Accessory,

       part number 1535 0024, which is supplied with instructions for installation and         Operation),

•       Quaternary solvent pump,

•       Autosampler,

•       Injection valve,

•       Oven and column,

•       Detector.

The left hand side of the instrument, with the Solvent Accessory (L535 0024) fitted. The Solvent Accessory is a seif contained unit that controls the solvent environment and ensures reproducible delivery of solvent. The facility exists to allow thermostatting of the sample tray, by means of an external recirculating water bath (not supplied). The inlet and outlet connections for the cooling medium are also located on the left hand side of the instrument, below the solvent shelf.

The autosampler drains, detector walte lins, mains power on/off switch and the power supply connections panel, where electrical connections are made, are located on the right hand side. The VDU signal connection is located on the left hand side of the instrument.

Accessing the Pump

Verify that the transit clamp has been removed from the back of the pump unit. It is secured on the outside of the pump casting by four screws and is only visible when the pump is removed.

Open the pump access door on the front of the instrument. Disconnect the pipe at the right hand side of the in-line solvent filter, using a 1/2 inch wrench to hold the body of the filter, and a 1/4 inch wrench to loosen the fitting. Open the oven door and spring the pipe into the oven. (lt should not be necessary to disconnect the two Sets of cables from the electronics board on the right.) The pump is secured by two screws and washers. Unscrew these and slide the pump and board forward.

The Autosampler

The sample tray can accommodate up to 100 small vials and 9 large vials; there is also a priority vial position an the instrument, which enables an urgent sample to be given priority over those in the tray.

A sensor detects whether the tray is present and prevents a run from starting if the tray is not located correctly, or if the tray handle is not down.

The sample vial tray may be thermostatted by connection to an external recirculating water bath (for temperatures in the range + 4 to + 40°C), or an ethylene glycol bath (for temperatures in the range -20 to + 4°C).

The Oven and Column

The oven and column are accessed by opening the hinged door an the front of the instrument. The oven can accommodate columns up to 30 cm in length. The use of column clamps (L535 1243) is recommended to retain the tubing in place inside the oven. These are clipped into place either side of the column.

When the oven is in use, the solvent is preheated by passing it through a solvent/sample preheater, where its temperature is raised to the selected value. The Integral 4000 is supplied with the solvent/sample preheater fitted after the injection valve as this gives the better oven performance. Should the user wish to minimize potential problems due to blockages, the tubing may be fitted before the injection valve; it may also be by-passed completely.

Accessing the Detector Flowcell and Lamp

Unclip the keypad panel by pulling it from underneath. The keypad will then hinge down to enable easy access to the detector. The detector flowcell and the metal panel (lamp access panel) above it are shown in Figure 12. Remove the blanking screw from the detector flowcell outlet and connect the waste tubing (L535 1159), which is supplied in the shipping kit.

The lamp access panel is secured by two screws and washers, which must be removed to provide access to the deuterium lamp.

Produktgruppe: HPLC-Systeme

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