
Perkin Elmer AAS 800

ID-Nummer: 012952
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Perkin Elmer AAS 800. Mit Brennersystem für Flammen-AAS. Integrierter THGA-Zeeman-Graphitrohrofen. Software AA Winlab Version 3.1. PC Dell Optiplex GX. Autosampler AS 800. Cooling system. BJ: 1999. NP: 70.700,- Euro
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Objektnummer B00012952
ID-Nummer 012952
Objektbezeichnung Perkin Elmer AAS 800
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Perkin Elmer

Modell:            AAS 800

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Quick Glance

•            High-efficiency optical system and solid-state detector provide outstanding signal-to-noise ratios

•            THGA tube design eliminates most interferences

•            Longitudinal Zeeman-effect correction for improved accuracy and detection levels

•            Automated flame and furnace atomizer and alignment for optimized performance and day-to-day reproducibility

High-efficiency optical System for lowest detection limits

At the heart of these advanced AAnalyst systems is an exceptionally efficient optical System featuring a unique solid-state detector with a photoactive surface opti­mized to provide the highest quantum efficiency in the UV region. Combine our state-of-the-art detector with proven monochromator efficiency and spectrometer throughput, and even elements such as As and Ba can be measured with outstanding signal-to-noise ratios.

THGA furnace provides uniform temperature distribution

The patented THGA tube used in the AAnalyst systems provides a uniform temperature distribution along its entire length (Figure 1). This eliminates cooler temper­atures at the tube ends and removes most interferences. With the THGA tube design, accuracy and sample throughput are improved by reducing the need for the time-consuming standard additions technique.

Longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction provides lowest detection limits

With longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction, the amount of light throughput is doubled by eliminating the need for a polarizer in the optical System. All other commercial Zeeman designs incorporate inefficient polarizers that reduce light throughput and diminishl performance. With this unique design, the AAnalyst systems provide the lowest detection levels available. To further improve detection levels and accuracy, the AAnalyst systems also include optimized sampling frequency and interpolated background correction.

Consistent temperature control enhances performance

In conventional furnace systems, the heating rate during atomization depends an the input-line voltage. As voltage varies from day to day, season to season or among laboratory locations, so does the heating rate. The AAnalyst high-performance systems use enhanced power control circuitry to maintain a uniform heating rate, so no matter where a system is located, you can be sure that it provides outstanding, consistent performance.

Safety first

Safety features are of foremost importance in any flame AA spectrometer. The AAnalyst flame systems include sensors and interlocks to ensure the utmost in safety. Operation is permitted only if all conditions are satisfied for totally safe operation. Flame ignition and switchover from air/acetylene to nitrous­oxide/acetylene are Computer controlled and automatic. In the event of a power failure, the flame is extinguished safely and automatically.

Real-time continuous measurement for unmatched flame stability

The revolutionary double-beam design of the AAnalyst 800 provides continuous, simultaneous measurement of both sample and reference beams for flame measure­ment (Figure 2). Utilizing a high-efficiency fiber-optic cable, the sample and reference beams are simultane‑

Kusly focused an the solid-state detector. This trans­ates into increased signal-integration time (without increasing analysis time) for improved detection limits and reproducibility.

Burner System maximizes stability

The PerkinElmer premix burner chamber has been proven in thousands of laboratories worldwide. The corrosion-resistant, solid titanium burner head easily installs in the burner chamber, while a fail-safe mecha­nism ensures it is always properly restrained without the need for hold-down cables. An inert polymer spray chamber provides superior performance for corrosive and high-solids matrices. Manufactured from a high­strength composite, the spray chamber eliminates the need for pressure-relief devices. The high-precision nebulizer maximizes stability and sensitivity even for the toughest matrices. The nebulizer is adjustable so a wide variety of sample matrices – aqueous or organic, acids or bases, dilute or concentrated – can be analyzed under optimum conditions.

Easy to use for maximum productivity

The high-performance AAnalyst systems with automat­ic lamp selection and alignment make setup easier than was ever thought possible. High-capacity autosamplers along with WinLab32 software bring a new level of productivity to the laboratory.

Automatic Iamp selection and alignment ensure proper Installation

The systems include an eight-lamp mount with built-in power supplies for both hollow cathode lamps (HCLs) and electrodeless discharge lamps (EDLs) (Figure 3). EDLs provide much higher light Output and longer lifetime when compared to conventional HCLs. The patented PerkinElmer cableless Lumina" lamps ensure proper connection. Just slide them in – you cannot connect them incorrectly. The Lumina lamps are then recognized by the AAnalyst systems and the wavelength, slit and lamp parameters are automatically set and the lamps aligned.

Switching between techniques has never been easier

A simple mouse dick is all that is needed to change between flame and graphite furnace. Switching between flame and graphite furnace is Computer controlled, ensuring each atomizer is returned to its previously determined Optimum position. Only the high-performance AAnalyst systems offer fully auto­mated alignment of both the flame and furnace for optimized performance and day-to-day reproducibility.

Automated optimization for maximum sensitivity

Sensitivity and accuracy in flame AA are directly correlated to the optimization of the burner position as well as the gas flows (Figure 4). Careful optimization of these parameters, which can be different for each element, maximizes sensitivity and can significantly reduce or eliminate interferences. The unique computer­controlled, motorized burner system and gas controls allow precise, automated adjustments. Since WinLab32 software allows optimized burner position and gas flows to be stored with an element method, each element in a sequential multielement run can be determined using its own optimized parameters.

Furnace autosampler ensures high throughput

The AS-800 furnace autosampler can accommodate up to 148 samples with true random sampling (Figure 5). Digital micro-stepper, motor-driven pumps provide unmatched accuracy and reproducibility. The autosam­pler completely automates calibration, reducing Operator

'time and eliminating dilution errors. The autosampler can be easily programmed to automatically add Spikes and matrix modifiers, perform multiple injections and dilute over-range samples. Solutions can be automati­cally injected into preheated tubes to optimize drying conditions and increase analysis speeds. Additionally, the AS-800 autosampler offers variable pipetting speeds to maximize reproducibility for viscous solutions.

Flame autosamplers oller exceptional sampling capacity

The AS-90plus or the AS-93plus flame autosamplers automate standard and sample introductions for instru­ment calibration and sample analysis, extending the capabilities of the AAnalyst 800 to those of a fully automated analytical workstation. Both PerkinElmer autosamplers come with a self-rinsing sampling probe and the flexibility to select from multiple tray configu­rations. An advanced drive system moves the sampling arm in the X and Y coordinates simultaneously, mini­mizing changeover time between samples.

Random access gives you exceptional flexibility in the placement of samples and reference solutions. Corrosion­resistant sampling compo­nents are made entirely of acid- and solvent-resistant materials, ensuring longer life. With the AS-93plus autosampler, a built-in peristaltic

pump permits continuous rinsing of the sampling capillary between samples, significantly reducing the risk of carryover. In addition to the standard sample trays, the AS-93plus autosampler is compatible with trays from many 3rd-party suppliers, providing increased flexibility.

AutoPrep 50 automatic dilution system

The AutoPrep TM 50 system provides automatic, intelligent on-line dilution capabilities, eliminating the time-consuming manual tasks in flame AA analysis. The AutoPrep 50 also eliminates problems such as carryover and contamination. When used in conjunc­tion with a PerkinElmer autosampler, the AutoPrep 50 provides fully-automated sample introduction.

STPF increases accuracy and productivity

More than 20 years ago, PerkinElmer pioneered the Stabilized Temperature Platform Furnace (STPF) technique to provide interference-free graphite furnace analyses. By eliminating the need for standard additions, STPF improves accuracy, precision and detection limits, while dramatically improving sample throughput. While some other instrumentation offers partial STPF imple­mentation, the AAnalyst systems have fully implemented the technique, providing the best furnace performance.

Produktgruppe: Atomabsorptionsspektrometer

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