
Packard Multiprobe 204

ID-Nummer: 011009
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Packard Robotic System Multiprobe 204 DT. Baujahr: 2001. Neupreis:60.000,- Euro.
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Objektnummer B00011009
ID-Nummer 011009
Objektbezeichnung Packard Multiprobe 204
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

1 Level Detector Cable

2. Sampling Tips

3. Tip Holders

4. Connector Block

5. Robotic (XYZ )Arm

6. Safety Shield

7. Z—Racks

8. Syringe Pump Outlet Tubing

9. Tubing Guide

10. Front Shield

11. Top Cover

12. Safety Shield Retainer Screws End

13. End Cap

14. Syringe Valves

15. Peristaltic Pump Outlet Tubing

16. Syringe Pump Inlet Tubing

17. System Liquid Container

18. Peristaltic Pump Tubing

19. Peristaltic Pump

20. Peristaltic Pump Manifold

21. Syringe Pumps

22. Grid Deck

23. Work Surface

24. On/ Off Switch


The MuItiPROBE Automated Liquid Handling System is a fully automated sample processor. Automating the process of liquid handling greatly increases the speed and accuracy with which sample preparation can be carried out. The instrument emphasizes precision, accuracy, minimal carry—over and ease of use.

The instrument's modular design minimizes down time due to servicing and keeps daily maintenance to an absolute minimum. High precision syringe pumps are used for pipetting of sample, reagent and diluent. A peristaltic pump is utilized for high speed tip washing.


Eliminating Carry—Over

The need for minimal or zero carry—over is of paramount importance. To that end, the sampling tips of the instrument each have a liquid level detector that causes the tip to stop as soon as liquid is detected. A programmed submerge depth ensures that sample liquid. will be aspirated without unnecessary external contamination of the sampling tips. As liquid is aspirated, the sampling tips follow the liquid surface down maintaining a constant submerge depth.



Throughput of the instrument is maximized by the simultaneous operation of up to four sampling tips. The instrument utilizes a feature called Varispan " Varispan is the ability of the instrument to automatically vary the Y spacing (front to back) between the four sampling tips. This means that you can use several combinations of tubes, bottles, and plates together, without sacrificing throughput. Th minimum spacing between the tips is 9 mm; the maximum spacing is 31 mm.

The 101 does not utilize Varispan since it offers a single tip only.

Utilizing independent liquid level detectors, the instrument can aspirate four samples simultaneously, with or without reagent and diluent; and dispense to other tubes, microplate wells, or other destination vessels.

This kind of flexibility renders the instrument the ideal solution for most laboratory methodologies in the clinical, life science, or pharmaceutical environments.


Instrument Models

The MultiPROBE Automated Liquid Handling System offers the 100 series and the 204. The 100 series offers the 101 single tip system , the 104 four tip system and the 104DT disposable tip system. The 204 offers a four tip system only.

Both the 100 series and the 204 share the same liquid handling components and also offer a grid deck system. The grid deck provides for the flexible arrangement of racks. When you use the grid deck, the number and variety of rock positions is expanded. Rocks can be rotated 90° and 180° for example.

There is one large grid plate on the work surface of the 100 series. There are three grid plates on the work surface of the 204. Collectively these plates comprise the grid deck.

The physical dimensions of the two systems differ: the 204 offers about twice the deck capacity as the 100 series. The increased deck capacity allows the system to process more vessels at one time.

Example deck capacities of the 100 series and the 204 are shown below. Capacities may vary based on vessel size and deck orientation.


MuItIPROBE 204 Deck Capacity

Tube to tube                         Up to 984 test tubes

Tube to microplate               Up to 500 primary tubes and 12 microplates

Microplate to microplate       Up to 24 microplate


Teflon®—Coated Tips

Both systems are equipped with Teflon—coated fixed tips. The tips can be washed between samples both internally and externally at a specially designed wash station. This wash process, combined with. the Teflon coated tips, helps to keep carry—over to a minimum.

The wash station is Iocated an the surface of the Instrument. The volume and rigor of the wash is user—programmable, and is automatically controlled by the instrument.


Disposable Tips

The disposable tip system can be equipped with conductive disposable tips or non— conductive disposable tips. Conductive tips are capable of detecting the surface of Tonic and non— ionic solutions. Non— conductive tips are not capable of liquid detection.

Both varieties of tips come in 200u1 ,, 20u1, and IniL sizes.

Both conductive and non—conductive disposable tips are available from Packard. Contact your sales engineer for Packard Instrument Company order information.


Instrument Components

The MultiPROBE Automated Liquid Handling System is composed of software and hardWare components. The liquid handling portion of the system is the most visible and critical portion of the hardware.

The liquid handling components of the instrument are controlled by the software. The software resides an the hard disk of the computer. The hardware is based an a modular design concept in which each of the major instrument functions are performed by an independent component of the instrument.

The principle liquid handling components of the instrument are the:

§           Syringe Pump Modules.

§           Peristaltic Pump.

§           X—Y—Z Movement Mechanism (Arm).

§           Liquid Detector.

§           Wash/Waste Station.


Syringe Pump and Peristaltic Pump

The syringe pump module and the peristaltic pump are shown in Figure 2-1. The syringe pump module consists of a syringe Barrel with a 4—port valve. The'valve is also connected to the peristaltic pump, the sampling tip, and the system liquid container. The parts that come into contact with the liquid are made of rubberized plastic tubing, santoprene tubing, and glass.

The syringe plunger is driven by a stepper motor. Both the valve and the stepper motor are controlled by the computer. Each syringe pump module performs the aspiration and dispense functions of one sampling tip.





Up to four high precision Pumps for precision liquid handling. Standard syringe sizes are 500 uL; optional syringe sizes are also available. A peristal­tic pump for tip wash.


n          IBM compatible computer (80386 or higher) with 2MB RAM.

n          40MB hard disk or higher.

n          3.5" 1.44MB floppy disk drive.

n          VGA color graphic adapter.

n          DOS 5.0.

n          Mouse and mause driver (Microsoft compatible).

n          Enhanced function keyboard.

n          VGA color monitor.

n          At least one RS-232 input/output, one mouse port, and one printer port. Other configurations may require additional ports.

Precision and Carry—Over

§           CV < 1% at 100% syringe volume.

•            Carry—over of less than 1:1,000,000 with adequate tip wash.

Physical Dimensions

MuItiPROBE 204 Overall

Height         27 inches           686 mm

Width          51 inches           1295 mm

Depth        32 inches          813 mm

MuItiPROBE 204 Total Workspace

Height         4.5 inches          115 mm

Width         46 inches           1150 mm

Depth         11.25 inches      286 mm

Approximate Weights

Net Weight               200 lbs    91 kg

Shipping Weight       265   lbs 120 kg

Electrical Requirements

100, 220, 240 VAC +-1%; 50/60 Hz, 350 VA.

Environmental Requirements

Operating Ambient Temperature         59-95° (15-35°C)

Operating Relative Humidity                60% to 95% at 85°F (30°C)



n          Dot Matrix Printer: 80—column, high Speed, bidirectional printer with IBM compatible parallel interface.

n          1 mL (1000uL) Syringe Assembly: Includes up to four lmL syringe barrels, plungers and piston seals for larger volume applications.

n          2.5 rnL (2500uL) Syringe Assembly: Includes four 2.5 mL syringe barrels, plungers, and piston seals for larger volume applications.

n          Customer Maintenance Kit: Parts required for proper preventive maintenance of the system. Includes two syringe barrels, two valves, four piston seals, four sampling probes, and liquid tubing.

n          Disposable Tips: Disposable tips help to eliminate carry—over. Disposable tips are available in both liquid sensing (conductive) types and non— sensing (standard) styles.

n          Barcode System: Available for the MultiPROBE 204 only. Helps to ensure positive sample identification. System includes 16 cassette barcode deck with barcode scanner. 12 well cassettes can accommo­date a total of 192 tubes (16mm or 17mm). 16 well cassettes can accommodate a total of 256 tubes (10mm, 12mm, or 13mm).


Produktgruppe: Pipettiersysteme

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