
Ocean Optics S 1024

ID-Nummer: 012009
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Ocean Optics Extra deep well Detektor Spektrometer S1024DW. USB ADC 1000. Küvettenhalter. Durchflusszelle. 2 Lichtleiter. Mit Deuterium Lampe 215-400nm. Baujahr: 2003.
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Objektnummer B00012009
ID-Nummer 012009
Objektbezeichnung Ocean Optics S 1024
Status Archiv

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Firma:                   Ocean Optics

Modell:                S 1024

Kommentar:        Dokumente engl. für ID. 12009

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

S1024DW Deep Well Spectrometer

The S1024DW Deep Well Detector Spectrometer features a 1024-element photodiode array detector for applications requiring high signal-to-noise (S:N) measurements. 

·          Reliably observe an change of less than 0.00001 absorbance units 

·          Ideal for high light level applications involving solution absorbance, transmission and dissolution testing

·          Can be multiplexed with up to 8 spectrometer channels

The S1024DW Spectrometer has a compact optical bench coupled to a 1024-element photodiode array detector. The S1024DW accepts light energy transmitted through single-strand optical fiber and disperses it via a fixed grating across the photodiode array, which is responsive from 200-1100 nm. An SMA 905 connector allows for easy coupling to an extensive line of fiber optic light sources, probes, chemical sensors, and other spectrophotometric accessories.

The S1024DW can be multiplexed with up to 8 spectrometer channels, all of which run from a single A/D converter, the ADC1000-USB.


Signal-to-noise for all detectors is limited by the number of sampled photons. The S1024DW has a large well depth detector with high S:N that makes it especially useful for high light level absorbance applications.


S1024DW Deep Well Detector Spectrometers


Hamamatsu S3903 linear photodiode array

# of pixels:


Pixel size:

25 x 500 µm

Effective range:

200-1100 nm

(at full signal):


Well depth:

31 million electrons

A/D resolution
(minimum required):


Integration time:

31 milliseconds to 65 seconds (with 500 kHz A/D card)

Dark noise
(RMS counts):


Corrected linearity:



14 gratings; UV, VIS and Shortwave NIR options


5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 µm widths (1000 µm slit height); no slit option also available


Single-piece, multi-bandpass detector coating (OFLV-DW-350) for applications from ~200-850 nm (available only with Grating #1 and Grating #2) or Schott glass longpass filters (installed or loose)

Optical resolution:

~0.3-10.0 nm FWHM

Stray light:

<0.05% at 600 nm
<0.10% at 435 nm
<0.10% at 250 nm

Fiber optic connector:

SMA 905 to single-strand optical fiber (0.22 NA)

ADC1000-USB A/D Converter

The ADC1000-USB A/D Converter is a plug-and-play high-speed A/D converter designed for hassle-free instrument-to-PC interfacing.

·          Fast USB port interface

·          Acquires data from up to 8 channels at once

·          Integration time as fast as 3 ms

An analog-to-digital converter is necessary to interface all Ocean Optics spectrometers to PCs. Using the ADC1000-USB to interface the spectrometer to a PC eliminates the need for installing A/D converters into a PC’s motherboard and for searching for available IRQs and I/O ranges. Instead, the ADC1000-USB connects to the back of an S2000-series Spectrometer and connects to a notebook or desktop PC via a 1-meter USB cable (included). Additionally, the ADC1000-USB can be stacked or rack-mounted with the spectrometer in the same housing.

·                      Versatile Interface Options. Allows you to interface the spectrometer to a desktop, notebook or handheld PC via the USB port or to a PLC via the serial (RS-232) port

·                      Multiple Setup Options. The ADC-1000 USB can be attached directly to the back of an S2000-series Spectrometer or stacked or rack-mounted with the spectrometer in the same housing

·                      1 MHz Sampling Frequency. Enables spectrometer integration times as fast as 3 milliseconds

·                      Channel Rotator Function. Allows simultaneous acquisition of data from up to 8 spectrometer channels

·                      No External Power Requirements. When the USB port is utilized, the spectrometer and ADC1000-USB draw their power from the computer to which they are connected

Serial Interface Option. The ADC1000-USB also has a serial port for interfacing the spectrometer to PCs, PLCs and other devices that support the RS-232 communication protocol. When using the serial port on the ADC1000-USB, a separate serial cable and power supply must be specified, as they are not included with the ADC1000-USB. The serial port on the ADC1000-USB can also be used to interface an S2000 to a handheld PC running Windows CE 3.0. A different serial cable is required for spectrometer-to-handheld PC interfacing.

Storing Wavelength Calibration Coefficients. Each spectrometer has unique wavelength calibration coefficients that are necessary for calibrating the wavelength of the spectrometer. With the ADC1000-USB, you can permanently store these values onto an EEPROM memory chip in the ADC1000-USB.

High-speed Data Processing. The ADC1000-USB has 1 MHz sampling frequency for high-speed data processing. Because the integration time of Ocean Optics spectrometers is a function of each A/D converter's sampling frequency, the fastest S2000 Spectrometer integration time possible with the ADC1000-USB is 3 milliseconds, well within the parameters required for most applications. (At the opposite extreme, the longest possible integration time is 60 seconds.)

Channel Rotator Function. The ADC1000's channel rotator permits acquisition of pixels from alternating channels. For example, acquisition with a triple-channel spectrometer can be configured so that Pixel #0 is acquired from the master channel, Pixel #1 is acquired from the first slave channel, and Pixel #2 from the second slave channel. As the sequence repeats, Pixel #3 is acquired from the master channel, and so on. As a result, spectra are acquired from multiple spectrometer channels simultaneously, making the ADC1000 ideal for applications involving pulsed light sources and transient spectral events. The data collected when using the multi-channel scanning capability of the ADC1000-USB can be separated into individual spectra by a variety of Ocean Optics software products.

Operating Systems. When using the USB port on the ADC1000-USB to interface the spectrometer to a desktop or notebook PC, you must have a Windows 98/Me/2000/XP operating system. Using the serial port on the ADC1000-USB to interface the spectrometer to a desktop or notebook PC requires any 32-bit Windows operating system.

ADC1000-USB Specifications


105.83 mm x 104.87 mm x 41.07 mm  


230 grams

Integration time:

3 milliseconds to 60 seconds (when used with S2000 Spectrometers)

Data transfer rate:

  • Via USB port, full scans (2048 wavelengths) into memory every 13 milliseconds
  • Via RS-232, full scans into memory every 300 milliseconds

Board architecture/design:

USB and RS-232 interfaced external A/D board

A/D resolution:




Sampling frequency:

1 MHz (maximum)

Computer interface:

  • Universal Serial Bus
  • RS-232. If interfacing the ADC1000-USB to a PC via the serial port located on the back of the unit, an additional serial cable and an external +5V AC power supply are required

Operating system requirements:

  • Windows 98/Me/2000/XP operating system when using the USB interface on desktop or notebook computers
  • Any 32-bit Windows operating system when using the serial port on desktop or notebook computers
  • Windows CE 3.0 operating system when using the serial port on handheld computers

Interface cable:

  • Comes with a 1-meter-long cable for connecting the ADC1000-USB to a USB port in a PC
  • Cable for connecting the ADC1000-USB to a serial port in a PC is not included but is available (item ADC-USB-SER)

Multiple-channel capability:

Up to 8 spectrometer channels for S2000 Spectrometers

Spectrometer compatibility:

Supports S2000 and S1024DW Spectrometers 

Software compatibility:

Supports all 32-bit Ocean Optics software


D-2000 Deuterium Light Sources

The D-2000 Deuterium Light Source produces a powerful, stable output from 215-400 nm. In addition, deep-UV versions of the light source are available, providing a wavelength range of 190-400 nm. This powerful and stable lamp provides peak-to-peak stability of less than 0.005% and drift of only +/-0.5% per hour.


·          UV Coverage. Covers spectral range of 215-400 nm and has deep-UV option for 190-400 nm

·          Shutter Option. Operate an accessory shutter automatically via software

·          Great Performance. Provides an extremely stable source, with peak-to-peak stability of <0.005%

Options and Accessories

Integrated shutters are also available with the D-2000 and can be driven by a TTL signal. All versions of the D-2000 have an SMA 905 Connector for easy coupling to our spectrometers and fiber optic accessories, a safety shutter for blocking the light when the fiber is not attached, and safety goggles. The 1,000-hour deuterium bulb used in the D-2000 can be replaced easily.

Shutter Option

You can opt to purchase a D-2000 with an electronic shutter that can be driven via a TTL signal. A toggle switch on the front of the lamp and a port on the back of the lamp allow for manual or electronic shutter control.

Optical Fibers

We recommend using our solarization-resistant optical fibers with all versions of the D-2000.

D-2000 Spectral Output

This spectral output graph shows the output of the D-2000 (blue), DH-2000 (red) at full power and the DH-2000 with the tungsten halogen at low power (pink). The height of the deuterium atomic emission line depends on the optical resolution of the spectrometer.

D-2000 Deuterium Light Source Specifications


150 mm x 135 mm x 319 mm


5.35 kg (without power cord)

Power consumption: 

830 mA @ 230 VDC or 1660 mA @ 115 VDC

Wavelength range: 

215-400 nm (standard bulb); 190-400 nm (deep-UV bulb)

Peak-to-peak stability: 

<0.005% at 250 nm


+/-0.5% per hour at 250 nm

Warm-up time: 

40 minutes

Voltage and current: 

Ignition 350V/20° operating 85 V/0.3A

Bulb lifetime: 

1,000 hours for standard or deep-UV bulb

Operating temperature: 

5 °C - 35 °C


5-95% without condensation at 40 °C

Radiation characteristic: 

Aperture 0.5 mm, numerical aperture 26° (13°)

Power requirements: 

85-264 V 50/60 Hz


CE; VDI/VDE 0160; EN 61010

TTL-shutter input: 

Up to 5 Hz maximum (shutter versions only)

Shutter speed: 

10 msec minimum

Produktgruppe: HPLC-Detektoren

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