
Nanogen NanoChip Workstation

ID-Nummer: 018888
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Nanogen NanoChip Molecular Biology Workstation. Mit NanoChip Reader und Loader. Software QNX 4.25 zur Steuerung und Auswertung. Gerät ist unbenutzt und in Originalverpackung.
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Objektnummer B00018888
ID-Nummer 018888
Objektbezeichnung Nanogen NanoChip Workstation
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Nanogen

Modell:            NanoChip

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

NanoChip System Components

The NanoChip system includes the Loader, the Reader, NanoChip cartridges, data visualization software, reagent bottles, conductivity meter, start-up kit, user's guide and applications notebook.

NanoChip Loader

Users design and create their own assays or experiments on blank NanoChip cartridge using the Loader. A 96-/384-well plate containing up to 96 or 384 different genetic sequences is placed in the Loader. The Loader then automatically electronically addresses the microarray accord­ing to a user-defined map. For experiments requiring further hybridization of complementary genetic material, the Loader can be used to automatically hybridize these samples. The elecronically-driven arraying process is both fast and flexible, allowing for multiple types of experiments.

Note: Build 4 NanoChip Loaders (with Loader serial numbers beginning wich 0137-0xx or 0237-0x.x) and Build 5 Loaders (0295-0xx) have the added feature of a reagent pack slot, which allows the user to load only samples from a 96-/-384-well plate and bad assay reagents from a reagent pack.

NanoChip Reader

The Reader is used to hybridize and analyze target samples using NanoChip cartridges prepared on the Loader A reporter probe is hybridized to matching target sequences on the NanoChip cartridge. Results are detected on the Reader through laser-driven fluorescence.

NanoChip® Cartridge

The NanoChip cartridge encloses the electronic microarray and directs fluid to the chip test surface.

The bar-coded cartridge is available in a ready-to-address Format with no DNA probes attched.

Store all cartridges at 2-8°C until ready for use.

Notes: When handling the cartridge, hold by the clear plastic only, clo not touch the electrical contact area on the underside of the cartridge, do no allow the underside of the cartridge to get wet and do not place the cartridge on any surface > 25°C (see Section X-Operating Safety for detailed information on cartridige handling). Use the NanoChip Cartridge Case to hold cartridges.

Remove the protective tape from the underside of the cartridge before inserting the cartridge into the Loader

NanoChip Electronic Microarray

The NanoChip electronic microarray is the active surface where the electronic addressing takes place. There are 100 individual test sites. Each test site is connected to an electrical contact on the bottom side of the NanoChip cartridge. This contact makes the electrical contact to the Loader or the Reader.

RLAB NanoChp Data Viewer and Anaysis Software

Easy-to-use data analysis tools are provided with the NanoChip System. These menu-driven tools transform the data output into useful information in the form of histograms, tables and data charts that are accessible through the Reader or an internet browser from any networked laboratory computer.

Reagent Bottles

Nanogen provides 11 reagent bottles with the workstation-3 to be used with the Loader and 8 to be used with the Reader.

Conducitvity Bottles

It is critical for the proper operation of the NanoChip System that the histidine buffers remain at the appropriate conducitvity and that samples are low in salts. A conductivity meter is provided to check conductivity of the histidine buffer and samples.

Start-up Kit

Nanogen provides an initial amount of L-histidine powder, high salt buffer, low salt buffer, dH2O, 96-/384-well plates, a Zip disk, NanoChip Microplate Seals (tape to cover the 96-/384-well-plate), two blank reagent packs, a User’s Guide and an applications notebook. Additional reagents must be purchased by the user.

Additional Materials Required


The user will need a computer for post sarnple process data analysis for single color fluorescence scans (Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher or Netscape 4.74 or higher are required, however a Netscape 6.x and 7.x will not work with the NanoChip System), This computer should be an IBMPC or compatible, contain Windows 9x/NT/2000 ,and have a CPU speed of at least 166 mHz. A printer (preferrably color) is also required to print hand-copies of results.

96-well and 384-well Plates

The user will need to order 96-well and 381-well plates that fit into the Loader.

Notes: The plates recommended by Nanogen provide the tishtest fit for the Loader and are made of polypropylene.

The NanoChip System is calibrated for the 96-well and 384-well NuncTm plates and the MicroAmp9 Optical 96-well amplification plate (Build 4 (and higher) Loaders only). Using other plates may result in improper functioning.


The user will need to provide oligonucleotides, buffers and reagents specific to the user's application. This includes sample purification kits, amplification reagents, oligonucleotides and assay specific buffers.

Instrument Specifications

NanoChip Reeder (Array Processor & Scanner)


Height     0.61 m           Depth     0.69 m

Width      0.70 m           Weight    66.2 kg

Electrical Supply

Line Voltage Power     100-120 VAC/220-240 VAC; 10/6 Amps

Line Frequency            50/60 Hz

Fluctuation                   Main supply voltage not to exceed

                                    ±-10% of nominal supply

Class 1 (grounded)


Cartridge Capacity      1 NanoChip® cartridge

Assay Conditions

Hybridization                Electronically-accelerated

Stringency                   Thermal, chemical and/or electronic

Sample Format

Sample carrier                    NanoChipa cartridge

Sample attached

to array                              Biotinylated 35-1000 bp nucleic acid fragments

Sample for hybridization     10-1000 bp nucleic acici fragments (<250 optimal)

Laser Information

Laser I (red laser):              Excitation Wavelength 635 nm

Laser 1I (green laser)         Excitation Wavelength 532 nm

Class I Laser Product

Detection Specifications

Detector                              Photomultiplier Tube

Emiss!on Wavelength I:     660-720 nm

Emission Wavelength II:     550-600 nm

Environmental Conditions

Temperature                       18-30°C

Hurnidity                              40-75% noncondensing

Pollution degree                  2

Installation category            II

Altitude                                up to 2000 m

Control Processor/Storage

Controls up to 5 Loaders

Data back up to Zip disk

Data access and analysis from external PC via web browser

NanoChip Loader (Electronic Arrayer)


Height     0.30 m         Depth     0.57 m

Width      0.69 m         Weight    51.0 kg

Electrical Supply

Line Voltage Power               100-120 VAC/220-240 VAC; 6/4 Amps
Line Frequency                     50/60 Hz

Fluctuation                            Main supply voltage not exceed -±10%

                                             of nominal supply

Class 1 (grounded)


Cartridge Capacity                1-4 NanoChip Cartridges

Assay Conditions

Array addressing method    Electronically-driven

Hybridization                         Electronically-accelerated

Stringency                             Chemical

Sample Format

Sample carrier                      96-well or 381-well plate to NanoChip cartridge

Sample attached to array     Biotinylated 35-1000 bp nucleic acid fragments

Sample for hybridization       10-1000 bp nucleic acid fragments (<250 optimal)

Environmental Conditions

Ternperature                         18-30°C

Humidity                                40-75% noncondesning

Pollution degree                    2

Instalation categroy               II

Altitude                                  up to 2000m

NanoChip Cartridge

Chip Size

0.7 cm square

Array Dimensions

2 mm square

Array Site Size

80 microns

Distance between Site Centers

200 microns

Number of Test Sites


Permeation Layer

Thin, fully synthetic hydrogel permeation layer incorporating streptavidin

Binding Chemistry for Customizing Arrays

Electronically-driven streptavidin/biotin binding

Maximum Loading Density

Approximately 10 9 fragments per site

Minimum Sample Volume

60 µL

Storage Conditions


Data Analysis Computer Requirements


IBM-compatible Pentium class


64M3 minimum

Browser Software Requirement (one of the following):

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher

Netscape Communicator 4.74 or higher (excluding versin 6.x and 7.x)

Free Hard-Drive Disk Space

10 MB minimum

Operating System

Microsoft Windows 9xNT/2000

Other Requirements

Ethernet port

PC-compatible printer

Produktgruppe: Life Science / Biotechnologie

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