
Mattson GL-3020

ID-Nummer: 021188
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Mattson FTIR-Spektrometer GL-3020. 220 V. 50/60 Hz. 2,5 A. Display. Bedienfeld. Halter für KBr-Presslinge. Ohne Auswerteeinheit.
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Objektnummer B00021188
ID-Nummer 021188
Objektbezeichnung Mattson GL-3020
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Mattson

Modell:            Spektrometer

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

Simple. Flexible. Powerful. Tailored for industrial use.

With DeterminatIR, you have a powerful, routine analysis FTIR/FT NIR industrial spectrometer, with all of the analytical power of a labora­tory FTIR practically packaged for use in a warehouse, loading dock, or production area.

From the core spectrometer to the methods of sample introduction to the software, DeterminatIR's wide­ranging applications have been tailored specifically to the needs of industrial analysis.

On-the-spot analysis.

Take the rugged, mobile DeterminatIR to your samples and streamline inspections of incoming raw materials inspection or outgoing product quality.

Whether you are in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical, polymer, paint and coatings, nuclear power, or specially chemical industry, the DeterminatIR can be a powerful tool to help you maintain control of your routine analysis.

With a full range of sampling configurations to allow both qualita­tive and quantitative analysis of most organic materials in all of their forms, the DeterminatIR easily accommo­dates liquids, powders, pastes, gels, and many solid samples.

Easy, flexible operation.

Operation is easier than ever with Mattson's QC-Complete Software and made flexible with Mattson's WinFIRST software and ApPro macros. Every aspect of your analysis - from methods development to system validation and from system administration to customizable, turn­key, end-user interfaces - has been considered in detail throughout the development of the DeterminatIR.

Rugged inside and out.

Founded on Mattson's proven Genesis series of laboratory spectrometers, the DeterminatIR has been enhanced to extend its capabil­ity into the harsh industrial environ­ments encountered outside the laboratory. lt has been designed to be used in the QC lab, as well as on the factory floor, on the loading dock, and in the warehouse - without compromising any of its Perfor­mance.

DeterminatIR has been designed around Mattson's rugged, vibration­insensitive Quadrascan interferometer utilizing Corner Cube retrore­flector optics to insure the best possible optical performance. Corner Cube retrore­flectors instantaneously compensate for any mirror tilt that might occur while the interferometer is scanning.

•     Every data point of every scan is referenced to the frequency of an internal laser to maintain the highest possible level of frequency accuracy and precision.

•     All focusing and collimating optics in the DeterminatIR are constructed of solid blocks of aluminum which have been turned with diamond bits to create first-surface reflectors of the highest quality.This solid design yields extremely rugged mirrors that are impervi­ous to warping and drooping over time. First-surface reflectors avoid the problems that are encountered with conventional mirrors that use reflective coatings, which can peel and flake off over time.

•     Completely sealed internal interferometer chamber can be desiccated, providing an additional layer of protection for the optics.

•     Vibration Shield insulates the interferometer from vibrations in the environment.

•     Microcast baseplate is cast as a single piece to minimize misalignment effects induced by thermal cycling.

•     Software-controlled autoalignment of the interferometer corrects for any remaining alignment drift and keeps the interferometer operating at its peak.

•     Multilayer cover design provides maximum protection by channeling spills away from the optics and electronics.

•     Rugged, heavy, cold-rolled, steel outer cover provides solid protection from extreme blunt force as well as every day knocks.


The DeterminatIR can be used as a stationary system or as a mobile analyzer when coupled with its specially designed transport.All components of the DeterminatIR fasten securely to the transport.

A wide wheelbase provides stability even on inclines and large wheels let the cart navigate effortlessly over bumps and uneven terrain. Brakes prevent the system from rolling during operation. A cord reel keeps the power cable out of the way during transport and allows you to operate the system at long distances from a single power outlet. The transport even has a storage cabinet for storing consumables and a docking station for securing alternate sampling modules.


The DeterminatIR can be config­ured as a mid-infrared or near­infrared system. Sampling is done with specialized, interchangeable sampling modules for in-compart­ment analysis or with fiber-optic probes for remote analysis.

Remote Analysis: Both mid-IR and near-IR fiber-optic probes are available. Fiber-optic probes offer ultimate sampling ease for quick identification of unknown materials, or identity verification of incoming raw materials. Fiber-optic probes can dramatically increase your sample throughput by eliminating time­consuming sample preparation steps. Some probes can even collect spectra directly through thin plastic bags or glass vials without ever actually contacting the material, completely eliminating the possibil­ity of contaminating the samples.

Interchangeable Internal Sampling Modules: A full line of in-compart­ment, specialized modules are available for more sensitive analyses or for those situations when remote analysis is not necessary. Each module is designed for specific types of analyses to make sample applica­tion as simple as possible and to minimize the cleanup process between samples. Eliminate sample cleanup completely for liquid samples by using disposable cuvettes for the near-IR or disposable IR cards for the mid-IR.Temperature-con­trolled modules are available for use with temperature sensitive samples such as hydroxyl number analysis. Modules are completely enclosed to protect them from spills and physical contact which might otherwise result in damage. All of those modules can be easily interchanged without the use of any tools and without any alignment. Modules can even be locked in place if desired to assist with maintaining SOPs.

Produktgruppe: FTIR-Spektrometer

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