
Malvern Zetasizer 1000

ID-Nummer: 017771
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Malvern Partikelgrössen-Messgerät Zetasizer DTS 5100. 230 V. 50 Hz. Software zur Steuerung und Auswertung. Betriebssystem Win95.
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Objektnummer B00017771
ID-Nummer 017771
Objektbezeichnung Malvern Zetasizer 1000
Status Archiv

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manufacturer :       Malvern

model :                   Zetasizer 1000

annotation :           Dokumente engl.




Technicla Specification

Model                              Zetasizer Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analyser.

Laser                              10mW max. output He-Ne; 633nm.

Computer, minimum      IBM PC-AT compatible, Pentium 166MHz processor, 32MByte RAM, specification        30 Mbytes free disk space, one free RS232C communications port,

                                      3.5" disk drive, CD-ROM drive.

Windows 2000 or NT sp6b installed. 800*600 resolution 256 colour monitor (2 Mbytes video card).

                                      Notes:     1. A laptop computer is suitable,

2. Use with a Titrator or autosampler requires two free RS232C communication ports.

Data display                   Graphical and tabular formats for particle size, electrophoretic

mobility and zeta potential distributions; graphical plots of any two parameters e.g. mobility vs. pH, particle size vs. zeta potential.

Communications           Full bi-directional RS232C standard.

Printer                            Any Windows compatible printer.

Power requirements     100 -260 V; 50/60 Hz.

                                      Maximum 720VA power consumption.

Size range Zetasizer     2nm - 3 microns approx. (Sample and source dependent).


Scattering angle for        Zetasizer 1000 90 degree fixed angle.

size analysis                  Zetasizer 30 00 12 and 90 degrees.

Electrophoresis              Applicable size range, 5nm - 30 microns (Sample dependent).

Mobility range                 ±10 m 2 s -1 V -1 x10 -8 , typical, no maximum exists.

Operating mode             Heterodyne zetapotential, Homodyne or self beat size mode.

pH range                        2 - 12.

Applied voltage               400V max.

Field strength (Max.)     80 V/cm.

                                      Duty cycle operation limits heating in high conductivity media.

Cells                               Zetasizer 1000 series Supplied with disposable polystyrene and

                                      glass cuvettes.

Zetasizer 2000 Standard capillary electrophoresis cell. Optional parallel plate cells.

Zetasizer 3000 series Standard capillary electrophoresis cell. Optional parallel plate cells. Supplied with disposable polystyrene and glass cuvettes for size measurement.

Automatic settings         Automatic setting and sensing of applied voltage, temperature and

                                      cell type.

Modulator                       125, 250, 500 or 1000Hz frequency. Fixed heterodyne optical



The optical unit

The Zetasizer optics unit can be divided into three areas for the purposes of this description. These are; the front panel (1), the sample area (2) and the rear panel (3 ) . Each of these are discussed below.


Front panel

Two LED’s are situated on the front panel (1). The far left LED glows orange to indicate that power is on. The right hand LED will glow green shortly after the instrument is switched on to indicate that the instrument is ready to make a measurement, it will flash red when a measurement is being made.



Sample area

Textfeld: The illustration below identifies the features of the sample area.

Textfeld: Textfeld: 4 Textfeld: 6 Textfeld: 5 Textfeld: 6 Textfeld: 1 Textfeld: 2 Textfeld: 3 Textfeld: 8 Textfeld: 7 (1) Hinged sample compartment cover

To access the sample compartment the cover must be raised. There is a mechanical laser interlock connected to the cover and an electrical interlock to cut off the power supply to the cell. Consequently, laser radiation is inaccessible as soon as the cover is opened. When the cover is lowered completely the laser will illuminate the sample.

(2) Pinhole

Dependent on the system ordered, systems incorporating size measurement (i.e. Zetasizer 1000 and 3000 series) are supplied with a 200 micron pinhole fitted. This should not be changed in normal operation.

(3) Sample valves

The sample valves control the flow of sample through the cell.

(4) Size cell

The sizing cell is used to make size measurements. This is only applicable to the Zetasizer 1000 and 3000 series systems. The cell is fitted with a thermal cover.

Plastic or quartz cuvettes can be used. The type chosen will be dictated by chemical compatibility with the sample and dispersant. It is strongly recommended that tops are fitted to the sample cuvette prior to insertion into the cell holder. This is to prevent spillage into the sample holder and better thermal stability. In the event of a large spillage a service visit by a Malvern representative is recommended.

For measurements done above ambient temperature it is recommended that the insulating thermal cover is fitted.

(5) Zeta potential capillary cell

The capillary cell is used to make zeta potential measurements.

(6) Electrode connectors

These electrodes are connected to the electrode blocks once the capillary is fitted. The grey electrode wires are colour coded. The yellow connector is clipped to the yellow electrode at the rear of the cell and obviously the red connector on the red coded electrode. Connectors are a simple push fit, however to remove them, the clip should be pushed sideways rather that pulled.

(7) Sample in/out connectors

The sample in/out connectors are used to inject the sample into the capillary and sizing flowcell.

(8) Aqueous / non Aqueous dip cell readback connector

The readback lead from the Aqueous / non Aqueous Cells is connected to this connector.




Rear panel

Use the diagram below to identify the features on the rear panel and their function.

(1) On/off switch

This is the main power switch for the instrument.

(2) Main fuse holder

The main instrument fuse (only to be replaced by the supervisor or a Malvern representative).

(3) Mains power socket

The mains power supply is connected to here.

(4) Detector output test connector (Service personnel only)

This connector is only used by Malvern Service personnel for testing the detector output. The user should never use this connector.

(5) Computer COM1 connector

This connector is connected to the computer “RS232”, “COM1”, “I0I0” or “Serial” port (depending on computer).

(6) External link (Service personnel only)

This connector is only used by Malvern Service personnel. The user should never use this connector.

(7) Aux. output

This port is used to connect the MPT1 Autotitrator Accessory to the instrument. Details of the connections will be found in the relevant Accessory manual.

(8) Auxiliary fuses

Fuses for Accessory options. Details of these fuses will be found in the relevant Accessory manual.

Produktgruppe: Partikelgrößen-Analysatoren

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