
Labtoc TC, TOC

ID-Nummer: 012940
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Labtoc TC/TOC-System. Mit Labtoc Cell. Autosampler PSA 20.100. Rechner Uras 10E/2-h. Meßbereich: 0-10 bis 4000 ppm. PC(Software) zu verschenken!
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Objektnummer B00012940
ID-Nummer 012940
Objektbezeichnung Labtoc TC, TOC
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Labtoc

Modell:            TC, TOC

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl..

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

LABTOC is a fast, reliable and highly accurate system for the laboratory analysis of sample water.

Simple to use, LABTOC can be used by laboratory technicians with the minimum of training and still be relied upon to produce precisely accurate TOC and/or TC values from single or multiple samples with a range from 0-10 ppm to 0-4000 ppm.

LABTOC consists of an organics analyser, based on proven PPM PROTOC chemical technology , an auto-sampler capable of feeding between one and eighty eight separate samples to the analyser during a single run, and an lBM-compatible PC with exclusive, user-friendly software, which both controls the analytical process and monitors the results.

Competitively priced and highly flexible, LABTOC is ideal for applications where multiple
samples need to be taken from variety of areas or variable areas on a single site, or from a number .of sampling points on multiple sites for further analysis.

As such, it is suitable for use. by industry or by regulating authorities charged with monitoring widely divergent areas such as points along a river

LABTOC will also be of interest to Companies offering off-site sample analysis service to industry, water authorities in sewage receiving applications and environmental companies engaged in waste analysis and disposal contracts.

lncreasingly, the Total Organic Carbon content found in water streams is regarded as an excellent indication of water quality, and may protocols now specify TOC or TC analysis.

TOC testing can also compliment existing BOD or COD testing facilities, particularly if organics are of major importance in the analysis exercise.

LABTOC Systems can be custom-designed and built to customer’s own specifications and

software customised as required to meet more specialised requirements


•            User friendly Windows driven software

•            Provides TOC and/or TC analysis

•            Full on-screen and hard copy reporting

•            Range from 10 ppm to 4,000 ppm, fully adjustable

•            Multi-point calibration with 'Best Fit'curves

•            Print calc curve (with results)

•            Fully automatic QC diagnostic

•            Automatic re-calibration on failure

•            Multiple runs on each sample with SD, RSD and mean value

•            Automatic range adjustment for over ranging samples

•            Single and batch analysis (no syringe required)

•            Automatic shut off after batch analysis

•            No manual acidification of sample


The sample s continuously drawn in through the autosampler dip probe This is then joined by a continuous flow of acidified reactor fluid which - depending on the mode of operation - is either TC pumped directly to the injection valve, or TOC routed via an IC removal stage to the injection valve.

Once the .fresh sample has had time to flush out the injection valve it is switched by the PC for a precisely determined amount of time, diverting the flow of sample momentarily into the flow of fresh reagent which is being pumped constantly into the reactor

The organic carbon contained in the sample is then converted to CO 2 , by the UV light and the sodium persulphate. This is carried by a very constant flow of gas, firstly to a Gas Liquid Separator (GLS). The gas is finally dried by passing through a permeation dryer tube

CO 2 concentration is then measured by a solid state infrared detector which is tuned only for the detection of CO 2 . The output of the infrared is then fed back directly into the PC where the signal is measured and integrated to provide a precise measurement of TOC or TC, as required.

Control and Monitoring Options

The LABTOC analyser and auto-sampler units are controlled by an IBM – compatible PC. Data produced by the analyser is sent to the PC in turn, where it can be displayed graphically and automatically stored on floppy disk for later retrieval or as a permanent record of sample data.

The PC features PPM’s own exclusive Labmon TM Windows-driven software, providing a user friendly, clear and flexible means of controlling sampling and presenting sample data.

This data can then be displayed graphically and, if required, a hard copy can be made on a colour graphics printer.


Analysis Models:


Sample Models:

Single sample Batch of up to 48/88 samples

Repeat Samplings:

From 1 to 3 runs (selectable)


Manual calibration, with choice of calibration curve.

Automatic calibration at start of batch.

QC calibration at selectable intervals during batch


Variable between 0-10 ppm to 0-4000 ppm

Detection limit:

1% of calibrated range


Better than 1% of calibrated range


Within 2%

Analysis time:

Typically 6 minutes per sample

Data Handling:

By PC (manual supplied)


Results which are written to file and may be printed include calibration plots and tabular sample data. (On screen plot of measured concentration during run is no maintained)

Warm up time:

20 minutes from power on or stand-by

Analyser Output:

4-20 mA

Sampler Prep Time:

120 seconds

A/D base Address:

380 Seconds

Power:                        Voltage           Frequency

Analyser:                    240Vac            50 Hz

                                   110Vac            60Hz

Auto-Sampler:            240Vac            50Hz

                                   110Vac            60Hz

External Dimensions

Analyser:                    550mm H x 300mm W x 550mm D

Weight (approx):       25 kg

Auto-sampler:            560mm H x 660mm W x 710mm D

Weight:                       22 kg

Utilities Required

Gas:                             Nitrogen/Oxygen/Argon clean gas, ie. Dust and oil free to be supplied @ psi constant

Typical usage:           TC 180ml/min

                                               TOC 560 ml/min


5 % sodium persulphate, 5% orthophosphoric acid in DI water

Typical consumption is 1ml/min


IC Analysis:                            Allowing TOC by difference TC-IC = TOC

Low Level IR:            Permitting an analysis range of 0-100 ppb up to 0-40 ppm

Produktgruppe: TOC

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