
Jeol JSM T200

ID-Nummer: 013303
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Jeol Raster-Elektronenmikroskop JSMT 200. Auflösung 10nm bei 25 kV und 20mm Arbeitsabstand. Vergrösserung 15x bis 100,000x
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Objektnummer B00013303
ID-Nummer 013303
Objektbezeichnung Jeol JSM T200
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Jeol

Modell:            JSM T200

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

The Model T200 Scanning Microscope has been developed under the design philosophy of combining simple Operation, simple maintenance, and high performance. Accordingly, quality micrographs comparable to those obtainable by a large instrument can be readily obtained without any special skill.

These features together with the various advantages peculiar to the scanning microscope, such as very large depth of focus, wide magnification range, and minimal specimen preparation, make the T200 a most effective instrument for research work, quality control, and as a visual education aid.


The scanning electron microscope is a comparatively recent addition to the microscope family and is proving to be very popular along with the long established light and transmission type electron microscopes.

In spite of their merits and demerits, each type of microscope has its role to play depending on the field of application. For example, if a high resolving power and large depth of focus is not called for, a light micro­scope would be ideal. Where a very high resolving power is required, a transmission electron microscope would be necessary. However, when using a transmission electron microscope, the specimen must be very thin (less than 1 um (10,000 Ä) in thickness), a factor which requires a great deal of skill on the part of the user in order to prepare such specimens.

The scanning electron microscope, on the other hand, offers a fairly high resolution and moreover, since it is possible to use bulk specimens (specimen thickness being of no consequence), specimen preparation is easy. In addition to which, the depth of focus is large, thereby enabling 3-D observation.

The operational principle of the scanning electron microscope is illustrated in Fig. 1.1. A finely focused electron probe is made to scan the specimen, resultant upon which, secondary and backscattered electrons, etc. (Fig. 1.2) are emitted from the surface of the specimen. These signals are then detected by a detector and outputted via an amplifier to a synchro­nously scanned CRT as an intensity variation signal. The CRT raster width divided by the electron probe scanning width gives the Image magnification.

By adding an appropriate detector (optional) to the Standard T200, transmitted electron images, cathodoluminescence images, etc. can be observed in addition to secondary and backscattered electron images. Further, by incorporating an X-ray detector, X-ray analysis becomes possible.


Technical data

n Performance

Resolution:                              10 nm (100 Ä) at 25 kV and 20 mm working distance.

Magnification:                                      15x to 100,000x (15x available at work­ing distance 48 mm only).

n Electron optical system

Accelerating voltage:               2, 5, 10, 15, 25 kV.

Electron gun filament:             Precentered cartridge tungsten filament.

Lens system:                                      3-stage demagnifying system (2-stage condenser lens and objective lens).

Alignment:                               Mechanical.

Stigmator:                                8-pole electromagnetic type.

Image fine shift:                                  Up to ±10 um (25 kV) in any direction; electromagnetic, joystick control.

n Specimen stage (twin stage)

Specimen stage

I (Eucentric specimen stage)

II (Large specimen stage)



Up to 10 dia. x 10 thick*(mm)

Up to 76.5dia. x

25.5 thick ** (mm)

Range of


X: 10 mm

Y: 20 mm

X: 40 mm

Y: 40 mm


-40° to +90°***







20 mm

48 mm



By drawing out the stage



Optional (max. 48 pins)

* 32 dia., 51 dia., 76.5 dia. (mm) optionally available.

** Up to 127.5 dia. x 25.5 thick (mm) possible.

*** 220° possible.

n Scanning system

Secondary and backscattered

electron detection*:                 By a detector (comprizing a scintillator, a light pipe, a photo­multiplier and a collector).

* Backscattered electron detector, which is capable of obtaining topographic and composition images, transmitted electron detector, cathodolumines­cence detector, specimen current detector, X-ray

detector:                                  Optionally available.

Scanning modes:                    Frame scan (including TV scan), line scan and Y modulation.

Scanning speeds:                   Visual ••• TV scan; 0.2, 0.33, 10 sec/ frame.

                                               Line scan ••• 0.2, 0.33, 10 sec/frame.

                                               Record ••• 60 sec/frame.

Magnification:                          35x to 100,000x (23 steps; series of 35,

                                               50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 350,    ).

                                               (15x available at WD = 48 mm).

Viewing area:                           135 mm x 180 mm.

Cathode ray tube:                               230 mm, green phosphor CRT (used for viewing and recording*).

                                               * A CRT exclusively used for recording is optionally available.

n TV signal output terminal :           BNC-R connector; VTR available; compo­site video signal output; positive polarity; output voltage 1 Vp-p; use of 75 ohm coaxial cable; scanning

                                               frequency — horizontal: 15.75 kHz, vertical: 60 Hz.

n Recording System

(complete with electro-

magnetic shutter and

shutter button)

CSI-1:                                      Standard; Brownie roll film; 1 to 1/2 photographing ratio.

CSI-2:                                      Polaroid pack film; 1 to 3/4 photographing ratio (optional).

CSI-3:                                      35 mm roll film; 1 to 1/4 photographing ratio (optional).

CSI-4:                                      Polaroid sheet film; 1 to l photographing ratio (optional).

n Vacuum system

Operation:                               Fully automatic.

Ultimate pressure:                   7 x 10 -4 Pa (5 x 10 -6 Torr).

Vacuum gauge:                       Pirani gauge.

Pump-down time:                               About 30 minutes (from cold).

                                               Specimen exchange: About 2.5 minutes.

Oil rotary pump:                      100 l/min — 1 unit.

Oil diffusion pump:                  420 l/sec — 1 unit.

n Safety devices:                Devices for power failure, water failure and vacuum deterioration: built-in.

n Miscellaneous:                  Service outlet: built-in (100 V, 2 A; used for operating optional attach­ments).

                                               The instrument can be wheeled an its own casters.

2. Installation requirements

n Power and water

Power:                                                100 V, 50/60 Hz, single phase, 2 kVA (basic instrument: 1.2 kVA; attachments: 0.8 kVA).

                                               Starting current 60 A (0.2 sec.)

            Fluctuation: less than ±10% (that also includes initial Operation).

Ground terminal:                     1 terminal, less than 100 Ω.

Cooling water:                         Flow rate ••• 2 l/min at 0.05 — 0.2 MPa (0.5 — 2 kg/cm 2 ).

            Temperature ••• 20 ±5 °C (water temperature at the outlet: not greater than 35 °C).

                                               Faucet            1, 12 mm O.D.

                                               Drain   1.

n Installation room

Room temperature:                 20 ±5 °C.

Relative humidity:                    Less than 80%.

Floor vibration:                         Less than 2 µm p-p (5 Hz) in the X, Y and Z directions, less than 3 µm p-p (10 Hz) in the X, Y and Z directions, and less than 8 µm p-p (50 Hz) in the X, Y and Z directions (with the instrument installed).

Stray magnetic fields:                         Less than 0.3 µT (3 mG).

Note: The above specifications are subject to change without notice.

Layout, dimmensions and weight

Overall weight (basic instrument: about 280 kg)


Produktgruppe: Elektronenmikroskope

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