

ID-Nummer: 017614
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
IL Hämostase-System ACL TOP. Bis zu 360 Tests/h. Mit Computer. Betriebssystem Win2000. Software Vers. 2.8.7. Letzte Wartung im Dezember 2009. Baujahr 2007.
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Objektnummer B00017614
ID-Nummer 017614
Objektbezeichnung IL ACL Top
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

manufacturer :       IL

model :                   ACL Top

annotation :           Dokumente engl.





"Testing process automation" for your hemostasis lab

With throughput up to 360 PT results per hour, the ACL TOP is a fully automated, user-friendly system that allows high-volume hemostasis labs to maximize staff productivity and improve patient care. It provides a comprehensive test menu that gives hemostasis labs new capabilities for disease state management.

Complete solution for both routine and specialty testing

Continuous operation, with access to samples, reagents and cuvettes at any time

STAT samples to introduce at any time, in any position

Closed-tube sample configuration with cap-piercing module (CTS model)

Laboratory Automation System integration with off-board sampling (LAS model)

Bar-coded reagents for safe and fully automated materials management

Sophisticated onboard QC package

Fully automated rerun, reflex, and factor parallelism testing

Results management including clot curves display and auto-validation program

IL’s ACL TOP is a powerful, highly intuitive system that offers continuous 24-hour, 7-day operation, allowing your lab to increase testing efficiency and reduce turnaround time.


Consolidated and Complete

•      Broad test menu, gives you a complete solution for both routine and specialty assays‡

•      High throughput routine assays

•      Specialty assays as simple as routine

•      Clotting, chromogenic and immunoassays

Fast and Easy

•      Advanced automation features

•      Up to 360 PT results/hour

•      State-of-the-art software with Windows® interface and touch-screen

•      Comprehensive, intuitive operation

•      Minimal maintenance

Safe and Reliable

•      Transparent locked covers for samples and reagents

•      Password-controlled user access

•      Automated logging of significant events

Expandable and Versatile

•      Base configuration

•      Closed-Tube Sampling configuration with cap-piercing module (CTS model)

•      Laboratory Automation System configuration with off-board sampling for the simplest and most efficient integration in the lab automation environment*

Continuous and Convenient

•      24-hour/7-day continuous operation

•      Continuous loading and unloading of samples, reagents and reaction cuvettes

•      Real-time information about status of samples, supplies and system

Optimal Sample Management

•      Parallel loading of racks-no sample queuing

•      Continuous loading

•      Cap-piercing module for Closed-Tube Sampling (CTS model)

•      120 samples onboard

•      Simultaneous loading of different sample containers

•      Barcode identification

•      Sample presence detection, for non-barcoded samples

•      Automatic sample predilution

•      Factor parallelism testing with automatic multiple dilutions

Automatic Checks and Validation

•      Sample liquid-level sensing

•      Automatic rerun testing with possibility of extra sample predilution for enhanced test linearity

•      Automatic reflex testing

•      Automatic results validation

Optimal Reagent Management

•      Parallel loading of racks for reagents, calibrators, controls, deficient plasma and any required material

•      Continuous loading

•      Up to 60 materials onboard

•      Barcoded vials for random loading and automatic identification, including vial size, expiration date and lot

•      Vial presence detection for non-barcoded materials

•      Handling of multiple vials of the same material

Automatic Sensing and Tracking

•      Reagent liquid-level sensing

•      Volume tracking

•      Onboard stability tracking

•      Expiration date tracking

•      Calibration stability tracking

Real-Time STAT Capability

•      STAT samples loaded on any rack, in any position, at any time

•      System ready to run 24 hours/day

•      PT result in less than three minutes when processing one sample from idle system status

Intelligent Quality Control

•      Westgard multi-rules

•      Automatic QC

•      Statistics and graphics

Minimal Maintenance

•      5 minutes of daily maintenance, ordered by the user and performed by the system

•      Fully automatic maintenance for all other daily activities

Expands to Your Needs

•      Open and flexible system

•      Complete menu of HemosIL® parameters

•      250 open parameters, completely customizable


•      Base configuration for open tube samples


•      Cap-piercing module for Closed-Tube Sampling

•      Limited maintenance

•      Reliable


•      Compatible with Laboratory Automation System

•      Off-board sampling: the sample stays on the LAS track

•      Simplest, most cost-effective type of connection




Test menu                                      Clotting, chromogenic and immunological assays

System configurations                   Base         Open tube sampling

                                                      CTS          Closed tube sampling (cap-piercing)

                                                      LAS*         Laboratory Automation System compatibility

                                                      ( off-board sampling)

Continuous sample loading           YES

Continuous reagent loading           YES

Continuous operation                     YES

Samples transport system            Racks

Samples onboard                          120 (10 samples/rack)

Reagents transport system           Racks

Reagents onboard                         60 (44 refrigerated + 16 room temperature)

Reagents barcode reader              YES (integrated)

Barcoded reagents                        YES (barcode includes lot, exp. date and vial size)

Cuvettes onboard                          800

Applications onboard                     500

User programmable applications 250

Tests per sample                           30

Throughput                                     Base       PT tests/hour                   360 (360 samples/hour)

                                                                    APTT tests/hour               320 (320 samples/hour)

                                                                    PT and APTT tests/hour 330 (165 samples/hour)

                                                      CTS        PT tests/hour                   270 (270 samples/hour)

                                                                    APTT tests/hour               270 (270 samples/hour )
PT and APTT tests/hour 260 (130 samples/hour)

Sample predilution                         YES

Calibration curve predilution          YES

Factor parallelism                          YES

STAT capability                              YES (at any time in any position)

Rerun testing                                 YES (configurable)

Reflex testing                                 YES (configurable)

Reaction curves display                YES

Quality Control program                YES (with configurable multi-rules)

Results autovalidation                    YES

Patient samples results database      20,000 samples

Security system                             YES (configurable)

Events log system                         YES

Bi-directional interface                   YES

Host query function                        YES

PC                                                  External

Operating system                          Windows® 2000

Monitor                                           17" color LCD touch-screen (external)

Keyboard                                        YES (external)

Mouse                                            YES (external)

Printer                                            YES (external)

User interface                                Windows based, powerful, easy to use

Dimensions (analyzer)                  w x d x h   151 cm x 76 cm x 73 cm

Weight (analyzer)                          Base         150 Kg

                                                      CTS          160 Kg


Produktgruppe: Hämatologie

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