

ID-Nummer: 013143
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
IGT Multi purpose printability Tester AC2. AE Einfärbeeinheit. zu verschenken!
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Objektnummer B00013143
ID-Nummer 013143
Objektbezeichnung IGT AC2
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              IGT

Modell:            AC2

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Please note, that the following descriptions refer to the successor-model AIC2-5 !

IGT Testing Systems has for many decades been supplying the well-known AIC2-5 printability tester for making numerous types of tests an different substrates and inks in oualitv control and research.

•            Can test small quantities of ink and substrate in conditions simulating actual practice.

•            Makes colour strips using various inks an different substrates, which can be used for numerous purposes.

•            Saves costs because fewer tests need to be made on the printing presses.


The test strips made with the AIC2-5 printability tester are suitable for many purposes:

•            Measuring colour using colour measuring systems/ spectrophotometers

•            Use in colour matching systems

The AIC2-5 is used in the following industries:

•            Printing ink, paper and board, printers

•            Metals, plastics and packaging

•            Resins, Iacquers and coatings

•            Raw materials

•            Training centres and research institutes


The principal properties of the AIC2-5 tester are:

•            Simple to operate due to the modern software, very reliable and sturdy construction for intensive use over a Iong period, easy and quickly to clean

•            Manyaccessories available for a wide range of processing possibilities for varioussubstrates and offset, gravure and flexo inks; substrate, ink and printing form are simple and quick to change

§           Repeatability and reproducibility is extremely good

•            Printing force continuously adjustable from 50 to 1000 N

•            Two speed types which are both adjustable continuously:

- Constant speed:       0.2 – 5 m/s

- Increasing speed:     0.5 – 7 m/s

•            Extra time interval between 1 st and 2nd printing form, adjustable from 0.2 to 120 s to an accuracy of 0.1 s

•            Suitable for two printing forms

•            Maximum printing width 50 mm

•            Low initial cost and low running costs; complies with the latest standards; provided with detailed instructions for use

•            Visual appraisal

•            Density measurements, including establishing colour and density tolerances

•            Determination of coverage, wear resistance, abrasion resistance, flexibility, adhesion and gloss, ink transfer (in g/mz), Iight fastness, resistance to chemicals, etc.

•            Testing printing quality, picking, wet pick and wet repellence, roughness, printing penetration, set-off, striking through, mottle, loose and weakly bound paper particles, etc.

The AIC2-5 prints all sorts of materials:

•            Paper, board, plastic film, cellophane, laminate, metal, etc.


The AIC2-5 printability tester consists of an impression cylinder and a choise of one or two printing forms (printing discs). The printing forces, speed and interval time between the first and second printing disc are adjustable. The printing discs, which are inked on the High Speed Inking Unit 4, are printed on the substrate, which is mounted on the impression cylinder. Many sorts of printing discs are available in various widths for the different tests and inks. When setting the highest speed, interval times of 0.014 s can be achieved. This makes it possible to set practically all the


Printing unit

•           Printing speed:

constant 0.2 - 5 m/s

increasing 0.5 - 7 m/s

•            Printing force: 50 - 1000 N

•            Extra interval time: 0.2 - 120 s

•            Number of printing discs: maximum 2

Printing discs

•            Printing width: 10, 20, 35 and 50 mm

•            Printing length: 200 mm

•            Types:

- Rubber, 85 shore A, coated, for conventional inks

- Rubber, 65 shore A, coated, for conventional inks

- Rubber blanket, for conventional inks - Rubber, 85 shore A, for UV-curing inks

- Rubber blanket, for UV-curing inks - Aluminium

- Also light weight versions < 200 g


•            Complies with EC directives

•            Inking and printing unit in separate devices

•            Many accessories available

•            Simple Operation

•            Reliable

•            Low initial cost

•            Processing of many substrates and inks possible

•            Easy to move

•            Detailed instructions for use


Weight:            97 kg

Height:             500 mm

Width:              440 mm

Depth:              500 mm

Electrical connection:

115 - 230 V/ 50 - 60 Hz

Inking Unit AE

The A1-3 or A2-3 printability tester set consists of the printability tester and the IGT inking Unit AE . The printing unit consists of an impression cylinder and one or two printing forms (printing discs). The printing forces are adjustable as well as the speed in case of the use of a spring drive. The printing discs which are inked on the separate inking unit are printed on the substrate which is mounted on the sector. For different tests the sector can be covered with different packings.

The AE Inking Unit was developed for users looking for an uncomplicated way to conduct inking under controlled conditions.

The IGT AE Inking Unit is a slow running inking unit which can be used to ink a maximum of 4 printing discs simultaneously.
The technical design of this inking unit enables the user to make a large number of prints without adding ink or pick test oil and without heating up the device significantly and without influence of misting.


·                      Inking time: inking section 60 s and printing disc 30 s

·                      Extra distribution mechanism for quick distribution of ink

·                      Rear aluminium drum driven

·                      Two top rollers with two ink sections each

·                      Two aluminium drums with top roller

·                      Low initial costs

·                      Area 1200 cm 2

·                      On request suitable for printing discs for new IGT testers

·                      Rigid construction, can be used in a production environment

·                      Rubber rollers for conventional or UV-curing inks

·                      CE compliant

·                      Size: 600 x 500 x 300 mm

Electrical specs: 115 or 230 V/50-60Hz

Produktgruppe: Physikalisch-chemische Geräte

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