
Hewlett Packard 5890 II Plus

ID-Nummer: 010500
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Hewlett Packard GC 5890 Series II Plus. 2 x Split/splitless. FID.
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Objektnummer B00010500
ID-Nummer 010500
Objektbezeichnung Hewlett Packard 5890 II Plus
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Hewlett Packard

Modell:            5890 II Plus

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

HP 5890 Series II and HP 5890 Series II Plus Gaschromatographs

(Note: The HP 5890 II Plus is a version of the HP Series II configured specifically for the use of EPC).

Technical Data

Instrument Dimensions and Weight

Height:                  18-3/8 inches (465 mm)

Width:                   25-7/8 inches (655 mm

Depth:                   20-1/8 inches (511 mm)

Weight:                 90 pounds (41 kg)

Power Requirements:

Voltages:              120/200/220/240

Range:                  +5, -10% each

Frequency:           47.5-66 Hz

Consumption:       2200 VA max

Output:                 7500 Btu/hr max


Operating range is: 0-55°C ambient (20-27°C optimum)

5-95% humidity (50-60% optimum)

Heated Devices

Five heated zones standard: Two detectors

                                               Two inlets

                                               One auxiliary

Methods stored:                      Two

Flow Sensor (not available with EPC or Series II Plus)

Range.-                0-35 sccm [sccm = standard cc/minute]

Accuracy:             ± 3 sccm für He and H 2

                            ± 5 sccm for N 2 and ArCH 4

Extended range:   100-150 sccm

Accuracy:             ±15 sccm

Detector Signal

For external processing by a recorder, integrator, or computer:

Signal Path

Signal Bandwidth

Minimum Peak Width*

INET digital

4 Hz

0.32 sec

0-1 mV analog

~ 4 Hz**


0-1.1 V analog

2.6 Hz

0.50 sec

* That can be calculated accuratey by an external measuring device (e.g., integrator) operating at ≥ 4-Hz bandwidth frequency.

**Actual bandwidth depends on the input impedance of the measuing device.

Standard Inlets on the HP 5890 Series II

Split/Splitless Capillary

Paked witb Septum Purge


Cool On-Column Capillary

Split/Splitless Capillary

•            Range to 400°C in 1°C increments

•           Back-pressure design permits independent adjustment of split flow rate without affecting column flow, 0–30 psi head pressure gauge and regulator standard; 0–15, 0–60, and 0–100 psi regulators and gauges also available

•            Septum purge built in at 3 ml/min

•            Accepts columns up to 1.2-mm od

•            Accepts 114-inch glass column for on-column injection

•            Multimode design includes split and splitless injection

•            Air fan built into mainframe to assist in cool-down of inlet

•            Splitless purge time variable in 0.01-min elements

Packed with Septum Purge

•           Range to 400°C in 1°C increments

•           Flow control/forward-pressure design; 0–100 psi head pres­sure gauge standard; 0–10 and 0–60 psi gauges also available

•            Septum purge built in at 1.5 ml/min

•            On-column injection available with configuration A, 1/4-inch od glass columns

•            Individual liners for use with 114-inch metal columns as well as for Series 530-µ columns

•           Liners available for use with replaceable glass inserts

•            Air fan built into mainframe to assist cool-down of inlet

Tempera ture-Program mahle Cool On-Column Capillary

•            Temperature-programmable to 450°C with up to three ramps at up to 100°C/min; also avail­able with oven track mode

•           Forward-pressure design, 0–30 psi head pressure regulator and gauge standard; 0–10, 0–60, and 0–100 psi regulators and gauges also available

•            Septum purge built in at 14 mI/min.

•            Accepts columns with 0.32- to 1.2-mm od (min id = 0.2 mm)

•            Automated injection onto 250-p, 320-1p, and 530-p capil­lary columns with HP 7673A

•            Air fan built into mainframe to assist cool-down of inlet; optional cryogenic cooling

Inlets with EPC (Standard for the HP 5890 Series II Plus)

Each inlet has the same description as its standard inlet counterpart plus the EPC specifications below.

EPC Specifieations


Retention time reproducibility:          0.007 min standard deviation

of n-decane alter one blank run

and constant ambient temperature

Pressure Control

Programming:                                   Three ramps, 0.1–99 psi/minute

Pressure Range for inlets:               1–100 psi (7–689 kPa) digital readout of head pressure or

                                                         1–15 psi (7–103 kPa) digital readout of head pressure

Flow Range for inlets:                       0–450 mumin (split/splitleas)

                                                         0–250 ml /min (purged-packed and cool on-column)

Constant Flow Mode (Standard):    Inlet pressure ia adjusted real time to Inlets Only        maintain constant volumetric flow at column outlet.

Maximum Channela:                         Two inlet channels to control column head pressure,

                                                         Four auxiliary channels to control aplitvent flow

                                                         (Gas Saver EPC), makeup gas, Tuet gares,

                                                         or external devices (general-purpose EPC)

Precision and Accuracy

Pressure Setpoint Accuracy:           ± 0.1 psi

Flow Setpoint Accuracy:                   ± 0.001 ml/min

Average Linear Velocity Accuracy: ± 0.001 cm/see.


Thermal Conductivity Detector

Electron Capture Detector

Flame Ionization Detector

Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector

Flame Photometric Detector

Thermal Conductivity Deteotor Range to 400°C

•            Single-filament (single caluran) design has fluidic switching of reference and analytical carrier flows; a passivated tungsten­rhenium filament is used in a 3,5-µl pell, operating at a constant temperature dif erence relative to the deteotor block temperature

•            Minimum detectable: <400 pg/ml carrier—equivalent to <1 ppm neon in 1 ml air

•            Linear dynamie range: < ± 5% over 10 5 range

•            Digital gain setting time-programmable through the keyboard

Conditions: detector 100°C, 45 ml/min switching and 30 ml/min analytical flow of helium, propane Sample

Electron Capture Detector

•            Range to 400°C

•            A coaxial design with a 15 mCi source (555 MBq) of Ni-63 plated an the inferior of the lower block

•            Constant current mode of operation features switoh selection of pulse parameters for using either nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, or argon/methane oarrier gas

•            Minimum detectable level: <0.04 pg/sec lindane

•            Dynamic range: >10 4 for lindane

Conditions: detector 250°C, 60 ml/min nitrogen carrier

Flame Ionization Detector

•            Range to 450°C

•            Grounded jet and current limited design for operator safety

•            Push-button Flame ignition Fused silica columns insert within 2 mm of the jet tip

•            Sensitivity:

>18 mCoul/gm carbon: nitrogen oarrier, 0.018-in. id jet

>15 mCoul/gm carbon: helium carrier, 0.018-in. id jet

>22 mCoul/gm carbon: nitrogen carrier, 0.011-in. id capillary jet

>18 mCoul/gm carbon: helium carrier, 0.011-in. id capillary jet

•            Minimum detectable: <5 pg carbon/sec, nitrogen carrier at S/N=2

•            Linear dynamic range: < t 10% over a 10 7 range with 0.018-in, id jet

Conditions: column flow 50 ml/min, 45 ml/min Fit, 650 ml/min air, propane sample

Nitrogen Phosphorur Detector

•           Range to 400°C

•            Minimum detectable:

<0.4 pg Nilsec as azobenzene

<0.2 pg P/sec as malathion

•            Dynamic range: 10 4 (N and P)

•            Selectivity:      35,000 to 1: g N/g C (as octadecane)

75,000 to 1: g P/g C

Conditions: 30 ml/min column flow, 3 m1/min H 2 , 80 mi/min air

Flame Photometric Detector

•            Range to 300°C

•            100—530 µ id capillary columns fit through the transfer line to the base of the flame

•            Two combustion modes: air/hydrogen or oxygen/hydrogen

•            Detector signal display to view when flame is lit

•            Push-button flame ignition

•            Sulfur mode:   Sensitivity to 20 pg S/second Range

10 3 Selectivity

10 5 g S/g C

•            Phosphorus mode: Sensitivity 0,9 pg P/second

Range 10 4

Selectivity 10 6 g P/g C

Column Oven

• Usable volume:      11 in. x 12 in. x 6.5 in. (h x w x d)

                                279 mm x 305 mm x 165 mm (h x w x d)

• Column span:        228.5 mm, 9 in. (coil size)

  •                                                  Automatic cooling under processor control

  •                                                  Operatmg range:   4°C above ambient to 450°C:

- 80 to 450°C with cryogenic cooling

                                • Setpoint entry: 1°C for temperatures

                                                    0.1°C for programm rates

• Programming:        Rates 0.1 to 70°C per min

                                650 min maximum run time

Three ramps with initial/final holds

*Achievable rates depend on zone temperature, voltage and columns.

Technical Performance

Accuracy (true temperature relative to setpoint)

Specification:   ±1% (°K) from 4°C above ambient to 450°C

Stability (effect of ambient change on actual temperature)

Specification:       <0.01°C for 1°C ambient change

Calibration (setting true temperature at a setpoint)

Oven can be recalibrated to ± 0.01°C with appropriate instrumentation

Gradients (temperature variations within a column)

Specification: less than 2°C within a 9-in. coil anywhere within the operating range

Produktgruppe: GC / MS

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