
Genevac Mega 980SII

ID-Nummer: 010736
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Genevac Evaporations-System Mega 980SII MK2. 1382 x 1084 x 1371 mm. Baujahr: 2003. Neupreis 168.100,- Euro.
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Objektnummer B00010736
ID-Nummer 010736
Objektbezeichnung Genevac Mega 980SII
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Genevac

Modell:            Mega 980SII

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Mega Evaporation Systems

Genevac's new Series II Mega Systems provide ultra high throughput solvent evaporation.

Accommodating samples in an extensive variety of microtitre or smaller formats, Mega systems are also designed to handle formats langer than a microtitre plate. Common examples are fraction collector racks from LC/MS systems, larger reaction blocks or proprietary sample formats. Evaporation Performance is similarto HT systems.

Common applications include

• HPLC or LC/MS Purification

• High Throughput Screening & Compound Storage

• High Throughput Synthesis

Sample Handling & System Operation

Access to the evaporation chamber is via a top opening, powered aluminium lid. Samples are loaded into large sample swings, which are fixed to a high strength rotor. The evaporation chamber is constructed from corrosion resistant hard anodised aluminium. For high boiling point solvents (e.g. DMSO & NMP), the chamber and lid can be heated to 45°C to prevent solvent condensation during the evaporation process. This gentle heating can also be used to aid evaporation. Coolheat lamps provide most of the heat required for rapid evaporation of solvents. A powerful vacuum system ensures low pressure and low sample temperatures during evaporation. Similar to HT systems, vapours pass from the evaporation chamber into a VC8000T series cryopump/condenser. High boiling point vapours are condensed under vacuum, very volatile vapours pass into the CVP vapour vacuum pump and from the pump exhaust into a solvent waste condenser.

User interface - simple to use with sophisticated capabilities for optimum evaporation

Genevac Series II systems are easy to use, high performance systems. Evaporation runs are selected by highlighting a nun from a menu on a full colour LCD screen. Each nun has a user-defined description for easy identification. The embedded PC Stores up to 100 runs. This easy to use interface provides very simple and flexible operation, ideal for a multi user environment. A run is selected and started sample temperature control and shut down are automatic. For optimum evaporation settings, numerous parameters can be pre-set and stored for each run. The sophisticated software incorporates many safety interlocks to eliminate the risk of harm to the user, samples or system. Important run parameters are displayed "live" on an LCD screen and can be reviewed after each run. Run parameters can be altered during a run if necessary.

Coolheat technology and SampleGuard temperature control provide rapid evaporation

The systems generally consist of three main components: evaporator, cryopump and vacuum pump. Powerful gold plated Coolheat infra red lamps in the evaporator provide the heat required for very rapid evaporation of all commonly used solvents, including DMSO and waten. A high vacuum pumping system consisting of the CVP 100 vapour vacuum pump and the VC8000 cryopump creates low pressure and low sample temperatures during the evaporation process. The unique dual temperature SampleGuard temperature controller prevents the samples from exceeding the pre-set temperature ceiling by controlling the infra red heat input. In normal Operation sample temperatures need not exceed 40°C. Built-in pressure control and an optional extra set of Coolheat infra red Iamps can be utilised to accelerate the evaporation of water and other slow drying solvents.

High imbalance and sample weight limits ensure maximum flexibility and safe use

The Mega systems will operate safely with imbalanced loads of at least 200 g. A safety switch will shut the system down in a controlled way if this limit is exceeded. A visual warning will appear on the LCD display. The Auto-Balancing Mechanism Option can be fitted for loads over 200g imbalance.

Dri-Pure Anti-Bumping System prevents sample loss and cross contamination

Some solvents and solvent mixtures can "bump" unpredictably even under standard centrifugal evaporation conditions, causing sample loss and cross contamination. The optional Dri-Pure system prevents solvent "bumping" with problematic samples. This patented system combines a gentle, ramped application of vacuum and increased rotational speed at specific pressures to eliminate the sample loss and cross contamination caused by solvent "bumping".

Corrosion Proof Vacuum System

The Genevac designed CVP vapour vacuum pump is standard on all HT and Mega systems. Using a unique pumping principle, the CVP pump provides high vacuum, requires no oil changing or regular maintenance and is corrosion proof against all commonly used acids (including Trifiuoroacetic acid).


Technical Data                                 Mega 980/1200

Temperature controls

Control range                                    1 to 60°C

Control accuracy                              ± 1.5°C

Control resolution                             1°C

Probes                                              2

Display range                                    -44 to +60°C

Chamber temp range                       Ambient to 45°C

End of run criteria                             Timer/IR on:off

Mechanical Data

Max RPM (standard)                         900/810

Max RPM (Dri-Pure)                         1100/990

Max force                                          450 G

Drive system                                    Direct

Operating imbalance                        200/250

Max sample Ioad                               6-9.6 /12-17.6 Kg

IR Iamps                                           12 / 24

Extra IR lamps Option                      6

Vacuum System

Vacuum Pump                                  Genevac CVP 100

Vacuum display                                0-1200 mbar

Vacuum control                                0-Atmosphere

Vacuum ramp                                   Yes

System ultimate vacuum                  0.5 mbar

Auto vacuum vent valve                    Yes

Condenser Data

Condenser temp                               -45°C

Vacuum condenser capacity            2 x 8 litres

Exhaust condenser capacity            2.5 litres

Condenser chamber                        Stainless steel

Condenser drain                               Manual or auto valve

Condenser level detector                 Option

Rapid defrost                                    Yes

Continuous running                          Yes

Auto draining                                     Option

Solvent drain pump                           Option

Power supply

Standard                                           2x230v, 50Hz, single phase

Current                                              21A & 16.8 A Power consumption

980                                                    5.8 kW


Width                                                1382/1600 mm

Depth                                                1084/1304 mm

Height (lid closed)                             1371/1371 mm

Height (lid open)                                2313/2521 mm

Weight                                              960 / 1300 kg

Chamber dia                                     980/1200mm

Compressed Air Supply

Pressure                                           Clean, dry air at 6 or 7 bar

Filtration                                            Air filtered to 40 um

Air consumption                                <10 l/min (free air)

Optional                                            Built in compressor

Produktgruppe: Autoklaven

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