
Genetix Q-Array mini

ID-Nummer: 020146
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Genetix DNA-Microarrayer Q-Array mini. Mit Kompressor. Notebook. Software Genetix Qsoft auf CDRom. Dongle. Wasser-, Abfall- und Ethanol-Vorratsflasche. 230 V. 50 Hz. CE-Zeichen. Baujahr 2004.
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Objektnummer B00020146
ID-Nummer 020146
Objektbezeichnung Genetix Q-Array mini
Status Archiv

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manufacturer:       Genetix

model:                   Q-Array mini

annotation:           Dokumente engl.











Q-Array mini

The fully featured compact arrayer


Highest slide capacity in its class

Plate chiller and humidity control

Superior array accuracy for easy analysis

Space-saving laptop control

Simple to use protocol-based software




Fully-Featured Compact Arrayer

The Q-Array mini is a fully-featured compact microarrayer from Genetix.

This benchtop instrument has the capacity for 5 source microplates and 54 slides placed on the robot bed - the highest available capacity in the compact arrayer class. The 1 µm resolution on the X and Y linear servo drive axes and the high-precision flat bed design ensure accurate printing and reproducible spot location. A number of optional extras can be selected, including o source plate chiller, humidity control and an oil-free compressor.



Source Plates

The Q-Array mini is compatible with 96- and 384-well source microplates of different heights. Up to 5 of these microplates can be held on the robot bed. The source plates are positioned at the front of the robot bed, for easy access when changing plates. The height of the

source plate holder can be adjusted to accommodate microplates of different depths and well volumes without the need to change any software settings, making changing between plates of different heights quick and simple.



Microarray Pins

The Q-Array mini is compatible with an extensive range of Genetix solid and multiple spotting (split) aQu pins. The HPLF print head can be used in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 and 48 pin mode, to give the user maximum flexibility in spotting patterns and the ability to work with 96- or 384-well microplates.



Slide Holders

Slide Position accuracy is achieved with a novel vacuum system, ensuring reproducible array locations on all slides. There are 4 individual user-controlled vacuum channels allowing the user to place a maximum of 54 slides on the system. The holders will take all standard size microscope slides (approx. 75 x 25 mm or 1 x 3 inch}, including membrane-coated slides.



Environmental Control Features

The Q-Array mini is a fully enclosed system to maintain the dust-free conditions that are critical for obtaining successful microarray data. The system can be optionally equipped with humidity control to maintain sample integrity and provide the optimum environment for printing. A high-pressure wash station with 2 source wash bottles and compressed air drying is used to clean the pins. Tests have shown that this rigorous pin washing system eliminates carryover.



Superior Array Accuracy

Superior array accuracy and exceptional array regularity is achieved on the Q-Array mini through a combination of the patented high-precision low-friction (HPLF) print head and linear servo motors. In the HPLF head the pins are held precisely in position by two layers of ball bearings, with no lateral pin movement. The small points of contact between the ball bearings and the pin allow free movement in the vertical direction with almost no friction, thereby reducing the problem of pin-sticking associated with traditional drilled heads (refer to Genetix Application Note "HPLF Head and aQu Microarray Pins"). The linear servo motors that control positioning of the HPLF head have very smooth motion and high accuracy. In comparison, the lower-cost traditional ball-screw or belt-driven systems found in non-Genetix arrayers tend to suffer from friction, backlash and jitter, all of which reduce the accuracy of the printed arrays (refer to Genetix Application Note "Linear Drive Systems").



DNA and Protein Arraying

The Q-Array mini is ideal for protein, DNA and oligo arraying. For protein and antibody arraying, it is important that the 3-D structure of the protein is retained. Proteins and antibodies are particularly temperature-sensitive and will denature if conditions are too warm, so Genetix recommends using the chilled source-plate holder (optional) for protein arraying. Conditions can be optimised further by controlling the humidity and using 300 µm solid aQu pins in the patented HPLF printing head (refer to Genetix Application Note "Protein Microarraying"}. For DNA arraying, both solid and split aQu pins can be used and humidity control is highly recommended for Optimum spot morphology and sample stability.



Instrument Specifications

Slide capacity

Up to 54 standard, 25 x 75 mm, 1 x 3 inch microscope slides


Number of spots per slide

100.000+ with aQu split pins


Spot diameter

75 - 420 µm


Spot location

Can be defined in increments of 10 µm


Centre to centre distance (spot pitch)



Spot consistency

<4% CV in diameter for 24 Genetix 150 µm pins


Array density



Type of print head

Patented 48-pin high-precision low-friction (HPLF) head


Types of pins

Genetix aQu solid and split pins


Number of pins

Maximum 48


Number of replicate spots per slide

Any number of replicate spots may be arrayed, user-defined



High pressure wash station with 2 source wash bottles and compressed air drying


Environmental conditions

Fully enclosed system: optional user-defined humidity control



QSoft MicroArraying and QSoft Data Tracking


Dimensions of complete unit (W x D x11)

930 x 650 x 525 mm

37 x 26 x 21 inches



148 kg / 326 Ibs


Power requirements

Frequency:                 45 - 66 Hz

Voltage:                      100 - 120 V AC / 210 - 240 V AC

Power consumption: 200 VA Average

500 VA Maximum



Q-Array mini Arraying Speeds

Number and type of pins                     Speed                         Time to print full run of 54 slides

with 10,000 spots


48 split pins                                        -44 spots / sec            -3.5 hr (including wash & dry)

48 solid pins                                       -12 spots / sec            -12.5 hr (including wash & dry)
























Produktgruppe: Life Science / Biotechnologie

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