
Dynex Opsys MW8

ID-Nummer: 013211
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Dynex Mikroplatten Washer Opsys MW8. 8-well Waschkopf. Mit Pumpe. Baujahr: 2004. Neupreis: 3.700,- Euro.
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Objektnummer B00013211
ID-Nummer 013211
Objektbezeichnung Dynex Opsys MW8
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Dynex

Modell:            Opsys MW8

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

The Opsys MW TM is an economical, full-featured 96-well microplate strip washer that complements the Opsys MR TM microplate reader. The Opsys MW TM is an excellent choice for many laboratories because of its simplicity, ease-of-use, flexible and intuitive protocol definition, and options for 12-way (row) or 8-way (column) microplate washing for full plates or strips.

The Opsys MW TM is a microprocessor-controlled microplate washing system that performs wash protocols that are defined by the user. lt is designed to wash all of the wells in one column or one row of a 96-well plate at once. The washing protocol can be programmed so that all of the columns (or rows) are washed in the saure manner, or different wash cycles can be appiied to specified columns (or rows) on the plate.


The Opsys MW provides a surprising amount of flexibility for its size and price. User-definable plate types and wash protocols provide significant versatility.

¨          You can wash whole or partial plates by row or column with interchangeable 8-way and 12-way wash heads.

¨          Combine prime, dispense, soak and aspirate steps in any order, defining the duration and repetition of each protocol step. Soak times can range from 1 to 999 seconds.

¨          Define, name, save and password-protect up to 10 microplate definitions.

¨          Define, name, save, copy and password-protect up to 40 wash protocols.

¨          Control how vigorously the Opsys MW cleans the bottom of each well by choosing the precise wash head height you need.


The Opsys MW TM provides consistent results with low well-to-well variation. Sweep mode aspiration provides minimal residual volume on flat bottom microplates.

¨          Dispense precision of 5% CV for 96 wells, using 300 µL of distilled water.

¨          Sweep mode aspiration provides a "sweeping" wash head movement during aspiration to achieve reproducibly low residual volumes.

¨          Low residual aspirate volumes of <1 µL for U, V, and C bottom microplates; and <5 µL for flat bottom plates (with sweep mode).

¨          On-board seif-diagnostic routines automatically assure that the Opsys MW is functioning properly each time it is turned on.


The Opsys MW provides key features that simplify setup, protocol definition, operation, and cleanup.

¨          Compact dimensions conserve valuable bench space.

¨          8-way and 12-way wash heads can be quickly and easily interchanged to wash full or partial microplates by row or colu nn.

¨          A "show" function provides quick verification of wash head height settings when defining a wash protocol.

¨          Notification to user when the waste bottle is full.


The Opsys MW TM system has a number of performance and convenience features. These are summarised below:

¨          Small footprint

¨          Up to 40 wash protocols can be programmed

¨          Up to ten plate types can be programmed

¨          Two wash head configurations (1 x 8 and 1 x 12)

¨          On-board seif diagnostics

¨          SHOW function allows visual verification of wash head height settings

¨          High-Ievel alarm an Waste Container


All wash protocols on the Opsys MWTM Microplate Washer are user­defined. Up to 40 wash protocols can be contained on the system.

Note:   Memory limitations may restrict the size and complexity of an individual wash protocol.

In addition, the system can be configured with up to ten different plate types so that the wash head positions for each plate type can be specified.

Programming of a new wash protocol (or modifying an existing one) and configuration of the system are carried out using the keypad and display.


Dimensions and Weight

Length                                     49 cm (19.3 in)

Width                                       38 cm (15.0 in)

Height                                      19 cm (7.5 in)

Weight                                     9.1 kg (20 Ibs)


Dispense Range                     50 — 999 µL

Dispense Precision                 5% CV (with 300 µL distilled water)

Residual Aspirate Volumes     < 1 µL for U and V bottom plates

                                               < 5 µL for flat bottom plates

Washing Time                         Typical 5 cycle wash: 5 min 30 sec

Power                                      < 100 W

Display                                    2 by 20 character back lit LCD

Keypad                                    21 key tactile membrane

Output                                     Display, Printer, RS232


Operating Range                     15° C to 30° C

                                               15% to 85% relative humidity (non-condensing)

                                               2000m altitude

Computer Interface

Port                                          Serial RS-232 port (Service Access)

Baud Rate                               19200. Character format

Character Format                   7 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

Power Requirements

                                               Voltage            Power              Frequency

Main Unit                                  100 - 240 V      200 VA             50/60 Hz

Line Voltage Variation              ± 10%

Line Frequency Variation        ± 3 Hz

Input Ranges

Assay Programming

Assay Name                            Up to 10 characters

Password                                Up to 8 characters

Move: Start Strip                      1 - 8 for 1 x 8 heads and 1 - 12 for 1 x 12 heads (Increment: 1)

Move: End Strip                       1 - 8 for 1 x 8 heads and 1 - 12 for 1 x 12 heads (Increment: 1)

Move: #Cycles                         1 - 9 (Increment: 1)

Aspirate: Cycles                      1 - 9 (Increment: 1)

Dispense                                 50 - 999 (Increment: 1µL)

Purge                                       50 - 9999 (Increment: 1 µL)

Fill                                            50 - 300 (Increment: 1µL)

Soak                                        1 - 999 (Increment: 1 second)

Plate Setup

Plate Name                             Up to 10 characters

Dispense Height                      001 - 999 (Increment: 1)

Top of Well Height                   001 - 999 (Increment: 1)

Aspirate Height                        001 - 999 (Increment: 1)

Sweep Height                          001 - 999 (Increment: 1)

Sweep Stroke                          001 - 999 (Increment: 1)

Bottom Wash: Dispense        001 - 999 (Increment: 1) Height


The instrument is designed in accordance with CSA 1010.1-92, UL 3101-1, EN61010-1 and EN61326.

Produktgruppe: Life Science / Biotechnologie

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