

ID-Nummer: 013292
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Dade automatische Zentrifuge DAC II 589E. Speziell für Blutproben. Mit Ausschwingrotor für 10x15 mL.
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Objektnummer B00013292
ID-Nummer 013292
Objektbezeichnung Dade DAC II
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Dade

Modell:            DAC II

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

1-1: Dade Automatic Centrifuge II

Functional Description

The Dade® Automatic Centrifuge II is a laboratory bench-top, multi-purpose, electrome­chanical instrument designed to perform cell washing and immunohematology procedures including cell resuspension. lt provides the laboratory with a fast wash cycle capability, thereby lowering laboratory time costs. lt can be easily pro­grammed to automatically perform one, two, three, four or five wash cycles per test sequence. Each cycle consists of pro­grammed saline introduction and subsequent decanting during centrifugal rotation. The System provides a saline monitoring feature to warn the Operator when saline is not being delivered. The centrifuge incorporates variable spin times for several different types of centrifuge operation. Decant RPM is Operator adjustable to give more than 0.1 mL residuals if desired.

An agitation cycle resuspends cells for approximately 5 seconds and then spins the cells for 20 seconds before completion of the cycle. The agitate time, as well as spin after agitate time, is operator-programmable. The front control panel (See Figure 1-2) contains a vacuum fluorescent display of RPM functions and time which allows the operator to continually monitor the status of instrument operation.

Physical Description

The centrifuge is a self-contained Instrument 14.5 inches (36.8 cm) high, by 12.75 inches (32.4 cm) wide, by 16 inches (40.7 cm) deep, and weighs approximately 43 pounds (20 kg). lt is mounted on a heavy metal base with two adjustable front feet and two stationary rear feet. A power cord with a three­pronged plug provides primary power to the unit.

The microprocessor-controlled electronics portion of the instrument consists of the Control and Display Printed Circuit (PC) Board. This PC Board coordinates the Operation of the instrument control panel and keyboard, electronic detectors, and control elements throughout the instrument. The board also visually displays the motor RPM, wash count or function and time through the three display view windows located on the front control panel. An "end of cycle" is signaled by an audible signal.

The four basic assemblies or components that comprise the mechanical portion of the instrument (see Figure 1-3) are as follows:

A. Centrifuge inner bowl - The centrifuge inner bowl houses the centrifuge rotor with 12-tube carrier. Access to these components is gained by opening the centrifuge top cover. The inner bowl is easily removed for cleaning. Warning: After replacing the removable bowl, and before installing the rotor, rotate the rotor drive by hand until it turns freely. The saline dispensing adapter, located on the top and inside of the centrifuge cover, is connected to the saline pump by the saline output tubing (see Figure 1-3). The saline drain outlet is located at the rear of the centrifuge bowl and extends out of the rear of the instrument. An overflow drain is located just above the normal drain fitting.

B. Centrifuge rotor - The centrifuge rotor has a capacity of 12 test tubes of either 10 x 75 mm or 12 x 75 mm size. All load­bearing components are manufactured from high grade, corrosion-resistant stainless steel. The rotor may be removed from the instrument by grasping the upper collar of the rotor and lifting. The centrifuge rotor can be placed either on a bench top or in a water bath, as the bottoms of the tube carriers act as supports.

C. Test tubes - Either 10 x 75 mm or 12 x 75 mm glass test tubes can be used in the rotor. Use of a 10 mm adapter (P/N S23265-001) in each tube carrier is required for 10 x 75 mm test tubes.

D. Control panel - The control panel (also referred to as the operator's panel or front panel) is equipped with a vacuum fluorescent alphanumeric readout display of RPM functions and time which allows the Operator to continually monitor the status of instrument Operation. All panel switches are the tactile type, activated by applying finger pressure to the embossed panel surface. A "rocker" power switch is mounted through the front panel.

1-3: Dade Automatic Centrifuge II Wash Enclosure, Bowl and Rotor

Performance Characteristics

The Dade® Automatic Centrifuge II encompasses the following performance characteristics:

•            The instrument can be programmed to perform one, two,

three, four, or five wash cycles per test sequence.

•            Spin function can be selected for a preset spin time of 20


•            Manual Operation of the instrument allows for variable spin

times up to a maximum of 9 minutes 59 seconds.

•            An agitation function is provided for resuspension, then

centrifugation of the resuspended mix.

•            Front panel keys are tactile type.

•            RPM, Function and Time readout displays permit constant monitoring of instrument Operation.

•            An audible signal accompanies the end of all test programs.

•            The centrifuge Iid interlock prevents instrument Operation if the centrifuge cover is open.

•            Decant RPM is operator-adjustable for a dry (790 RPM) or wet (750 RPM) cell button.

•            The centrifuge lid lock prevents operator from opening cover during instrument operation.

•            The instrument is automatically grounded when connected to properly grounded power source.

•            Saline volume is microprocessor-controlled.

•            All programmed functions last selected and entered via the ENT key will be retained even after power is turned off.


The specifications listed below are subject to change without notice to allow the introduction of design improvements.

Automatic controls



Speed                                    approx.                                   Time

Auto             * Wash     0-3200 RPM                N/A       4 sec.

Wash          * Fill          3000-3200 RPM          9.2 cm (925-1050 rcf)             16 sec.

Sequence   * Pack       3000-3200 RPM          9.2 cm (925-1050 rcf)             14 sec.

                   * Pause    3200-0 RPM                N/A                                          10 sec.

* Decant   750-790 RPM              4.8 cm (19-34 rcf)                     9 sec.

Auto             * Spin        3000-3200 RPM          9.2 cm (925-1050 rcf)


Auto             * Agitate    N/A                                          (5 second agitation

Agitate                                                                        & 20 second spin)      25 sec.

Manual Controls



Speed                                                approx.                       Time

* Spin              3000-3200 RPM                     925-1050 rcf               Programmable

(1 second - 9 minutes

59 seconds)

* Agitate          N/A                                         -                                  Programmable

(1-9 seconds)

* Spin after      3000-3200 RPM                     -                                  Programmable

agitate                                                                                                (1 second-2 minutes

55 seconds)


Catalog No. B5054-2X

*         Volts                       220-240 VAC

*         Amperage (max.)   1.5A

*         Cycles                    50 Hz


*         Height                     14.5 in. (36.8 cm)

*         Width                     12.75 in. (32.4 cm)

*         Depth                     16.0 in. (40.7 cm)

*         Weight                   43.0 Ibs. (20.0 kg) approx.

*         Shipping weight     58 Ibs. (26.3 kg) approx.

Produktgruppe: Zentrifugen (Allgemein)

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