
Biotek ELx50

ID-Nummer: 019319
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Biotek Mikrotiterplatten Wäscher ELx50. Baujahr 2008.
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Objektnummer B00019319
ID-Nummer 019319
Objektbezeichnung Biotek ELx50
Status Archiv

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manufacturer :       Biotek

model :                   ELx50

annotation :           Dokumente engl .








ELx50 Microplate Strip Washer





BioTek's years of experience in the development of both microplate washers and automated systems for EIA applications has culminated in the ELx50TM Strip Washer. As a self contained and programmable instrument, the ELx50 allows for full control of precise fluidic delivery from the gentle dripping of a simple squeeze bottle to the full force of pressure delivery systems.


The new ELx50 Washer is now a truly flexible platform that provides washing capabilities unsurpassed in its class. Newly available models with biomagnetic separation and vacuum filtration capabilities make the ELx50 an excellent choice for automating the wash steps of 96-well magnetic or polystyrene bead assays, such as those developed on the Luminex®

xMAP® technology platform. The ELx50 Washer is Luminex® xMAP® approved. Users not requiring an integrated stacker can expect the same great bead washing performance as BioTek’s industry leading full plate washers but here in a more compact footprint. Comprehensive onboard software makes programming quick and easy. Custom magnets, in either flat or ring designs, incorporate high-energy neodymium iron boron magnets for rapid separation of micrometer and nanometer magnetic beads with superior retention. A fast and efficient vacuum filtration module allows vacuum to be adjusted with a range of settings for flexibility with polystyrene beads when using various filter pore sizes and sample viscosities. The vacuum filtration module is also well suited for filtration-to-waste processes such as PCR cleanup after DNA amplification to remove unwanted residues or reaction by-products with filtrate. The washer’s modular platform allows for processing standard solid bottom plates used in a laboratory’s many traditional ELISAs and cell based assays.


The ELx50 can also be equipped with our patented Dual-Action TM 16-channel manifold. This breakthrough design allows for independent control of the dispense and aspiration manifolds for overfill washing and overflow protection in both 96- and 384-well formats. The problem of fitting dispense and aspirate tubes into a much smaller 384-well is solved with the ELx50. Additionally, in a 96-well format, the Dual-Action manifold provides incomparable wash performance with two sets of dispense and aspiration tubes per well. This exclusive method of two-fold aspiration guarantees low residuals.


As a welcome upgrade from manual processing, the new ELx50 Microplate Strip Washer will bring to your lab an all inclusive wash solution offering consistent performance and unattended operation.



High Strength Biomagnetic Separation



The ELx50's custom magnet designs incorporate high-energy neodymium iron boron magnets for rapid separation of micrometer and nanometer beads with superior retention.



Fast and Efficient Vacuum Filtration



An available vacuum filtration module automates the washing of 96-well filter bottom plates. Vacuum is adjusted via a range of settings for optimal performance with various filter pore sizes.



Automated Liquid Level Sensing



The Liquid Level Alert TM option allows users the convenience of continuous monitoring for both supply and waste bottles. At the beginning and end of a wash protocol, the liquid level is verified to ensure sufficient wash buffer remains in the designated dispense bottle to complete a microplate wash. Sufficient storage capacity in the waste bottle is also verified.



Patented Dual-ActionTM Manifold



The ELx50/16 offers incomparable wash results for 96- and 384-well microplates. In 96-well format, the unique design incorporates two sets of dispense and aspiration tubes per well.








  • Syringe drive fluid delivery system for precise control over all fluid flow rates
  • Wash single strips or full plates
  • 96- and 384-well microplates
  • Unique priming trough built into removable microplate carrier for effortless priming and easy maintenance
  • Automatic buffer switching
  • Create, edit, delete and copy up to 75 programs from the keypad
  • Link up to 10 programs to run the most complex routines
  • Multi-user friendly; total programming control for complex research applications, yet easy to use for routine clinical work
  • Programmable shaking duration and intensity
  • Built-in maintenance programs
  • Bottom washing and crosswise aspiration protocols
  • Small footprint with integrated dispense and waste pumps
  • Aerosol cover for safety





Biomagnetic Separation

  • High strength biomagnetic separation for super paramagnetic bead based assays, such as Luminex xMAP®
  • High energy neodymium iron boron magnets
  • Optimized field gradients within wells
  • Choice of flat or ring magnets - two 96-well high strength designs custom for BioTek microplate washers
  • Rapid separation of micrometer and nanometer beads
  • Superior microsphere retention


Vacuum Filtration

  • Fast and efficient vacuum filtration for polystyrene bead assays or filtration-to-waste processes
  • Range in accommodated filter pore sizes from 0.45 mm to 1.2 µmm
  • Selectable vacuum levels from –91 mmHg to –313 mmHg for varying sample viscosities
  • Carrier vacuum grate directs liquid droplets away from plate for minimized after-wash residual on plate’s underside and no cross contamination
  • Software programmable dispense volume, soak and aspiration time for completely unattended operation and recall







Model         Part #         96-well              96-/384-          Buffer               Biomagnetic     Vacuum

only                  well                   Switching          Separation       Filtration


ELX50/8          •

                  ELX50/8M     •                                                                         •

                  ELX50/8MF    •                                                                          •                        •

                  ELX50/8F       •                                                                                                 •

ELx50 TM      ELX50/8V       •                                                  •

                  ELX50/12       •

                  ELX50/12V     •                                                  •

                  ELX50/16                              •

                  ELX50/16V                            •                              •









Magnetic bead, polystyrene bead (model dependent)

  • Multiplex assays
  • Bead-based ELISA


Cell-based assays

Protein arrays

Filtration-to-waste processes (model dependent)



Biomagnetic separation, vacuum filtration (model dependent)


Microplate Types

96- and 384-well (model dependent)

Standard height and low profile

Solid and filter bottom (model dependent)

  • Filter pore sizes 0.45 µM to 1.2 µM



Programmable in minutes and seconds up to 60 minutes

Intensities - slow, medium, fast or variable


Soak Time

Programmable in minutes and seconds up to 60 minutes



High strength 96-well format

Choice of two designs, custom for BioTek microplate washers:

  • Flat
    • Flat-bottom well - beads pulled to band across well bottom
    • Round-bottom well - beads pulled to button at well bottom
  • Ring - beads pulled to 4-zone ring at well bottom

Incorporated into carrier, removable for non-magnetic washing



Waste sensing, fluid detection (optional)

Aerosol cover

Overflow protection

Pre-programmed maintenance routines


Onboard Software

2 x 24 character LCD display

25 alphanumeric soft keys

Create, edit or run multiple protocols


Operating Temperature

15°C to 40°C (59° to 104° F)



10% to 85%, non-condensing



Compatible with 100 to 240 V~ ± 10% @ 50-60 Hz





Manifold Type

96-well washing:         8-tube (1x8) manifold

12-tube (1x12) manifold 96-/384-well washing :

Dual-Action TM 16-tube (1 x 16) manifold


Washing Speed

Solid bottom plates    3 asp ./ disp . cycles: >300 µL/well, 96 wells, 8-tube manifold, final

aspirate : < 130 seconds

Filter bottom plates:   Variable, based on wash parameters


Fluid Delivery

Internal positive displacement syringe drive


Vacuum Filtration

Selectable vacuum levels (final at 30 seconds):

0.45 µm 96-well plates:           Low:                   -91 mmHg

Medium:          -150 mmHg

High:               -313 mmHg

1.2 µm 96-well plates:             Low:                   -95 mmHg

Medium:          -155 mmHg

High:               -299 mmHg

Vacuum filtration time range: 1 to 180 seconds


Volume Range

25 - 3,000 µL/well (model dependent)

Selectable in 1 µL increments


Buffer Selection

Automatic switching for up to 3 wash buffers (model dependent)


Flow Rates



Wash Cycles



Dispense Precision

≤3% CV


Residual Volume

Solid bottom plates                ≤2 µL/well

Filter bottom plates                Average increase weight of plate ≤1.2 g after dispensing 300 µL

to 0.45 µm plate, filtration 30 seconds, low vacuum, blotted



Chemical:                    70% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol and 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution


Supply Bottle Volume

2 L



Physical Characteristics



14"W x 16"D x 6.5"H (35.6 x 40.6 x 16.5 cm)



22 lbs (9.8 kg)










Produktgruppe: Mikrotiterplatten-Geräte

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