
BioRad Mini Protean

ID-Nummer: 012639
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Biorad Elektrophorese-Trennkammer Mini Protean. Für Glasplattendimensioninnen: 7,3 x 10,2 cm und außen 8,3 x 10,2 cm. Mit ElektrophoreticDestainer 1200 A.
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Objektnummer B00012639
ID-Nummer 012639
Objektbezeichnung BioRad Mini Protean
Status Archiv

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Firma:              BioRad

Modell:            Mini Protean

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


The Mini-PROTEAN II dual slab cell allows rapid analysis of protein and nucleic acid samples in miniature polyacrylamide gels. The cell allows analysis to be completed two to three times faster than is possible with conventional 16 cm cells, while maintaining comparable resolution. The Mini-PROTEAN II cell 'can run two slab gels for analysis of up to 30 samples at one time.

The Mini-PROTEAN II cell makes casting and running miniature slab gels almost effortless. Glass plate sandwiches are assembled using the unique four-screw Clamp Assemblies, then transferred to the alignment bar of the separate casting stand. The clamp screws are loosened, the plates and spacers are aligned, the screws are re-tightened, and the glass plate sandwich assembly is snapped into one of the two casting slots of the casting stand in one simple motion. No grease or agarose plug is required for casting. Once the gels are cast, the clamp assemblies are snapped onto the inner cooling core, samples are loaded, and the electrophoretic run is complete within 45 minutes. While two gels (up to thirty samples) are being run in the Mini-FROTEAN II cell, two more may be cast in the separate casting stand.

Specifications Construction

Inner coollng core                                  Molded polysulfone

Ciamp assemblies                                Glass-filled polysulfone clamps with acrylic pressure plate

Power buffer chamber, Iid,                    Molded polycarbonate

casting stand

Electrodes                                             Platinum wire 0.254 mm diameter

Gaskets: coollng core, casting stand    Silicone rubber

Combs                                                   Teflon®

Spacers                                                 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Shipping weight                                     2.2 kg

Overall size                                           16 cm (L) x 12 cm (W) x 18 cm (H)

Gel size                                                 7cm(L)x8cm(W)

Glass plate sizes                                   (inner) 7.3 cm x 10.2 cm

                                                              (outer) 8.3 cm x 10.2 cm

Voltage Limit                                          600 VDC

Note: Mini-PROTEAN II cell components are not compatible with chlorinated hydrocarbons (e.g., chloroform), aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., toluene, benzene), acetone, ethanol, or 2 amino-2 methyl-1, 3 propanediol. Use of such organic solvents voids all warranties. Cal! 1-800-4-BIORAD for technical information regarding chemical compatibility of Mini-PROTEAN II cell components with various laboratory reagents.

          Teflon is a registered trademark of E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.

Description of Major Parts

Fig. 2.1. Mini-PROTEAN Ii siab cell, Iower buffer chamber, and lid (a), casting stand (b), inner cooling core (c), and sandwich clamp assemblies (d).

Sandwich Clamp Assemblies

Sandwich clamp assemblies consist of two clamps with two screws each, permanently attached to a clear acrylic pressure plate. A gel sandwich is formed by placing a long (outer) plate against the acrylic pressure plate, adding two spacers, and then a shorter (inner) plate to complete the sandwich.

The combination of the four clamp screws and the acrylic pressure plate assures even pressure over the entire length of the glass plates and spacers, providing a leak-proof seal while preventing plate damage due to uneven pressure.

Casting Stand

The casting stand is separate from the Mini-PROTEAN II cell so that two gels may be cast while two others are being run. The stand consists of one alignment bar and two casting slots. The glass plates and spacers of the gel sandwich are aligned in the alignment slot of the casting stand and then the glass plate assembly is snapped into one of the casting siots. The rubber gasket provides a leak-proof seal without grease or an agarose plug.

Inner Cooling Core

Once the gels are cast, the clamp assemblies are snapped onto the inner cooling core to form the upper buffer chamber. The molded U-shaped gaskets provide a leak-free seal without grease. The upper buffer is in direct contact with the inner glass plate of the gel sandwich to provide even heat distribution over the entire gel length, preventing thermal band distortion during electrophoretic separations.

The inner cooling core houses both the upper and lower electrodes and the connecting jacks. The anode or lower buffer chamber jack is identified with a red marker and the cathode or upper chamber jack with a black marker.

Lower Buffer Chamber 'and Lid

The lower buffer chamber and lid combine to fully enclose the Mini-PROTEAN II cell during electrophoresis, providing electrical insulation. The lid cannot be removed without disconnecting the electrical circuit. This lid and buffer chamber can be used with a variety of different electrode modules to convert the Mini-PROTEAN II cell into a Mini Trans-Blot® cell, a Mini-2D electrophoresis cell or an electro-elution cell for preparative recovery of proteins and nucleic acids. For more information, see Section 3.4 or ask for Bulletin 1273.

Equipment and Accessories

Mini-PROTEAN II Siab Cell

Mini-PROTEAN II Cell, 10 well combs, 0.75 mm spacers, includes inner cooling core with gaskets, Iower buffer chamber, lid with power cables, Glass Plates (3 sets), 2 Clamp Assemblies, 10 well, 0.75 thick combs (2), 0.75 mm thick spacers (4), Casting Stand with Gaskets, leveling bubble, and instructions.

MinI-PROTEAN II Cell, same as above without combs and spacers.


Casting Stand wlth Gaskets, to cast 1 or 2 gels

Replacement Gaskets, casting stand, 2

Clamp Assembly, to cast 1 gel

Replacement Gaskets, inner cooling core, 2

Glass Plates, 10 sets*

Glass Plates, 10 inner plates

Glass Plates, 10 outer plates

Buffer Tank and Lid

Mini-PROTEAN ii Electrode Assembly

Replacement Power Cabies, 1 pair

*One set = one short (inner) plate and one Jong (outer) plate (enough to cast one gel).

Produktgruppe: Elektrophorese

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