
Biocode Hycel Lisa 300

ID-Nummer: 012590
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Biocode Hycel Hämatologie-Analysator LISA 300 plus. 150 Tests/Stunde. Baujahr: 2004. Neupreis: 16.769,- Euro.
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Objektnummer B00012590
ID-Nummer 012590
Objektbezeichnung Biocode Hycel Lisa 300
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Biocode Hycel

Modell:            Lisa 300

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


Lisa 300 Plus is a selective multiparametric analyzer for clinical chemistry assays in vitro.

Lisa 300 Plus is well suited for analyzing a broad range of substances:

•            substrates,

•            enzymes,

•            electrolytes,

•            specific proteins,

•            drugs, etc.


-            Lisa 300 Plus is an open system, adapted to one- or two-reagent systems and can be used in the following working modes:

-            On the distribution sequence:

-            one reagent:    - reagent and specimen sampied simultaneously,

- reagent sampled and reaction then started by adding the


-            two reagents:   - simultaneous sampling of the two reagents and the specimen,

- sampling of the two reagents then reaction started by adding

  the specimen,

- sampling of the first reagent and the specimen, then starting

  the reaction by adding the second reagent.

-            On measurement processing:

- end point, internal calibration,

- end point, factor,

- initial reaction rate,

- kinetics.

-            On the caiculation of curves entered:

- linear function,

- four non-linear functions.

•            Electrolytes 1 are determined with a specific electrodes module built into the distributor.

•            A library of 96 tests in memory is used to create two working panels, each containing 36 parameters. The composition of the panels can be changed at any time. Analyses to be run an the specimens are programmed in the two panels and, for the active panel, can be processed as profile or in series.

•            Reagents are kept at a constant temperature inside the analyzer in a refrigerated rack.

•            The specimen and reagent(s) are sampied simultaneously with the sampling probe equipped with capacitive effect levei detector. The specimen and reagent(s), sampled according to the parameters of each analysis, are transferred to a microcuvette where absorbance changes are followed during the reaction. In the course of transfer, the reagent is preheated to the working temperature in the sampling probe. The outside and inside of the sampling probe are rinsed between sampling cycles to prevent contamination.

•            Reaction cuvettes are continuously recycled by the built-in wash module.

•            The specimens are continuously loaded in the analyzer in racks.

•            The analyzer is runs in conjunction with a microcomputer used to program all working parameters of the machine.


The analyzer is composed of two modules:

- the distributor, including the selective electrodes module, contains the racks for reagents and specimens which it prepares (sampling reagents, specimens, pre-dilutions, post­dilutions, etc.),

- the optical module includes the reaction turntable where samples are transferred, the photometric system used to follow reactions and the reaction cuvette wash module.

The analyzer is connected to a microcomputer. When the microcomputer is booted, operating software is loaded from the microcomputer into each of the two modules.


• Fluids part

Water is permanently circulated through the fluids system (syringes, tubing, etc.).

- 1000 µl syringe        Sample reagents and diluent (distilled water) by volume displacements.

Volumes sampled       • reagent 1: from 10 to 500 µl

• reagent 2: from 0 to 450 µl

• diluent : from 0 to 450 µl

- 100 µl syringe          Sample specimens by volume dispiacement.

Volumes sampled       • from 3 to 50 µl

- Water reserve         The external reservoir provides water to this reserve, which is

equipped with a level detector that interrupts sampling if the water level is low.

This alarm system prevents the fluids system from draining. The water reserve is maintained at a constant temperature.

- Rinse well                The inside and outside of the sampling probe are decontaminated between successive sampling operations. Waste Iiquids are pumped into the waste container.

• Sampling system

- Principle                   Reagents and specimens are sampled with the sampling probe. The reagent and specimen are separated inside the probe by Interface bubbies.

- Sampling unit          The sampling unit is equipped with a capacitive level sensor that works with reagent and specimen samples. Reagent is preheated to analysis temperature when it is transferred to the turntable. The probe also homogenize the samples in the reaction cuvette.

• Selective electrodes module

- Principle                  Direct potentiometric

- Parameters              Sodium, potassium, chlorides

• Racks

- Reagents rack         32-position removable rack for specific reagentbottles (volume: 50 mI). Refrigeration by Peltier effect.

- Specimens rack      Linear 13-position specimen racks with one emergency


Specimens can be placed in primary tubes (maximum size: H=75 mm, 0=13 mm) or in cups.

9 racks in line.

Positive identification of racks.

15-rack recognition capacity.

- Fixed rack                One position for a 30 ml bottle (P/N LI33151972) used for:

•           the needle cleaning solution (Cat. No. R61029A), taken after

certain reagents in the assay cycle,

•           cuvette detergent solution (Cat. No. R60129A), used in standby


- Selective electrodes rack           

4-position removable rack:

•           90 ml bottle of calibrator A (P/N 7871 N20),

•           10 mI bottle of calibrator B (P/N 7R71P10),

•           10 mI of urine diluent (P/N 7R71 D 10),

•           10 mI of cleaning solution (P/N 7R71B10),

Optical module

• Reaction turntable

- Temperature control         By pulsed air.

Temperature choice: room temp., 30°C or 37°C.

- Cuvettes                  88 positions (11 bars of 8 cuvettes),

1 cm optical pathlength,

Reaction volume 250 to 550 ui.

• Wash module

- Washing comb         Composed of six sets of needles.

Set of three needles: used to drain the cuvette and inject system liquid, with fill level detection.

Set of two needles: used to dry the cuvette before the next use.

- Peristaltic pumps    7 draining pumps

5 injection pumps

- Fluids                        Cuvette wash liquid supplied from the external container The container is equipped with a level detection system. Waste is drained into common container that also has a ievel detection system.

• Photometer

- Filters                                   340/ 405 / 500 / 540 / 580 / 620 nm.

- Light source                        Halogen lamp: light transmitted by optical fiber.

- Linearity                   from 0 to 3000 mOD (mA) units.

• Printer

- Built-in printer        Thermal printer (80 columns).

- External printer       Possibility of connecting a Centronics type printer (via the microcomputer).

• Peripheral outputs

Computer System     

  Minimum configuration

- Microprocessor         486 /25 MHz

- Screen                      VGA

- Hard disk                   50 Mb

- Serial port                  1

- Parallel port               1

- Diskette drive            3,5"

- RAM                          640 Kb

- Memory extension     not necessary

- Co-processor            not necessary.



n         150 tests/hour for biochemistry with mono-reagents

n          Up to 300 tests/hour with Na + , K + , Cl - ISE module (in option)


n          36 tests an line

n          Subtrates, enzymes, electrolytes, specific proteins, coagulation factors, drugs.

Analysis principles

n          End-point, factor or calibration

n          Kinetics

n          One- or two-reagent methods

n          Linear or non-linear calibration

n          1 to 10 standards per parameter

n          Calibrations memorized

Sampling module

n          32-positions refrigerated reagent holder

n          108 sample capacity, (180 in Option)

n          Capacitive level detection (reagents and specimens)

n          Reagent preheating


n          Primary tubes or Cups

n          Automatic pre- and post-dilution at programmable rates (diluent: isotonic saline, distilled water or specific diluent)

n          Samples continuously Ioaded with positive identification of the rack. Stat samples processed in priority

Reaction medium

n          88 microcuvettes

n          Temperature control by pulsed air (room temperature, 30 or 37°C)

n          Reaction mixture homogenized when injected in the microcuvette.


n          Permanent access to the work-list

n          Immediate processing of stau

n          Alphanumeric sample identification

n          User definable operating parameters


n          Filter photometer

n          Wavelenghts: 340-405-500-540-580-620 nm

n          Light source halogen lamp + optical fiber transmission.

n          Measurement in the reaction microcuvette

n          Built-in wash station with liquid detection

ISE module (in Option)

n          Measurement of NA + , K + , Cl - by direct potentiometry

n          Sample: serum, plasma, urine with automatic predilution

n          Maintenance free electrodes

n          Measurement ranges             Serum             Urine

Na +                  20-200             20-1000           mmol/I

K +                    0,2-20,0           1-500               mmol/I

Cl -                    25-200             20-500             mmol/I

Computer System

n          Programming with portable microcomputer

n          Built-in 80 column thermal printer

n          Output for external printer

n          RS 232 C (two-way communication with host computer)

n          3-level quality control

n          LEVEY-JENNINGS representation

Power supply requirementst

n          220/110 volts, 50/60 Hz

n          Maximal power consum cion 550 VA c z st


n          L121xD72xH75cm

n          Weight: 86 kg

Produktgruppe: Hämatologie

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