
Bioblock Scientific 8005

ID-Nummer: 018652
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
PolyScience Umwälzthermostat 8055-BB. Max. 150°C. 220 V. 50 Hz. 4,4 A. 6 L. Badöffnung: 135x135 mm. Digitalanzeige. Anschluß an externen Kreislauf möglich. CE-Kennzeichnung.
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Objektnummer B00018652
ID-Nummer 018652
Objektbezeichnung Bioblock Scientific 8005
Status Archiv

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manufacturer :       Bioblock

model :                   Scientific 8005

annotation :           Dokumente engl .




Description of Circulating Bath

Standard controller refrigerated and heating circulating baths are designed to provide precise temperature control of fluids for closed loop circulation to external equipment or to be used as a stand alone bath. The reservoir may be used for immersing samples while the unit is connected to an external device. All wetted parts are corrosion resistant 300 series stainless steel. Models are equipped with various size reservoirs and refrigeration capacities.




Specification Chart - Circulating Baths


Model    Type                  Temperature                               Reservoir           Amps@             Amps @

Range                                     Capacity            120v 60Hz         240v 50Hz


9005      Refrig /Heat         -20°C to 150°C                           6L                     10a                    5a

9105      Refrig /Heat         -20°C to 150°C                           6L                     10a                    5a

9505      Refrig /Heat         -30°C to 150°C                           13L                    12a                    6a

9605      Refrig /Heat         -25°C to 100°C                           28L                    12a                    6a

9705      Refrig /Heat         -40°C to 150°C                           13L                    12a                    6a

8005      Heat                  Ambient+5°C to 150°C                6L                     8.8a                   4.4a

8105      Heat                  Ambient+5°C to 150°C                13L                    8.8a                   4.4a

8205      Heat                  Ambient+5°C to 150°C                8L                     8.8a                   4.4a




Specifications for all Models

Temperature Stability              ± .05°C                        Over Temp Protection           Yes

Readout Accuracy                 + .5°C                          Low Liquid Protection            Yes

Heater                                     1000 Watts                  Pump Speeds                        7 & 15L/Min





Circulating Bath Fluid Connections To External Apparatus

On circulating baths, the pump inlet and outlet are internally threaded with fernale 1/4 inch NPT to allow use of barbed tubing adapters or hard plumbing. Or, you can slide 1/2 inch (13mm) ID tubing over each pipe and hold it in place with a hose clamp.

Select tubing and fittings that are compatible with bath fluid and temperature range. If the pump inlet and outlet are not used for external circulation, for best results connect the inlet and outlet pipes with a short length of insulated tubing. Or, plug the pipes with male nylon plugs (supplied) or with metal plugs (not supplied) for high temperature use.

The nylon barbed tubing adapter fittings supplied are for applications from -40°C to 93°C. Brass, stainless steel or Teflon® fittings are recommended for applications above 93°C.

Quick connectors are not recommended as they typically restrict flow rate.






Immersion CircuIator



Description of Immersion Circulator

The immersion circulator is not supplied with integral reservoir and is primarily for heating and circulating fluid in a reservoir supplied by the user Although not designed for closed loop circulation, it can be used for this purpose. Operation of the controller is the same as the reservoir units.




Specification Chart - Immersion Circulator

Model    Type      Temperature                   Reservoir                                   Amps                Amps

Range                            Capacity                                    120v 60Hz         240v 50Hz


7305                  Immersion/Heat             Ambient+5°C to 150°C*              Not Built In         9a         4.5a


*See Section 1.4.5 - Attainable Temperatures for Immersion Circulator. Accessory cooling coil must be used for temperatures closer to ambient. Auxiliary refrigeration can be used for temperatures at or below amb ient.




Specifications for all Models

Temperature Stability .            +/- 05°C                       Over Temp Protection           Yes

Readout Accuracy                 +/- 5°C                                     Low Liquid Protection            Yes

Heater                                     1000 Watts                  Pump Speeds                        7 & 15L/Min




Set Up of Immersion Circulator

Clamp the immersion circulator to the side of a tank (user supplied) or to a support rod adjacent to a tank. Be especially careful to maintain an adequate    depth to fully immerse the heater and pump outlet nozzle. When using a plastic tank, position the circulator so the heater does not contact the side of the tank. The rotatable pump outlet nozzle should be pointed along one side of a reservoir wall to produce the best fluid agitation.




AttainableTemperatures for Immersion Circulator

An immersion circulator can be used with reservoirs of varying size and shape, as well as with different types of fluid. The following chart indicates the maximum temperature that can be achieved, dependent on the reservoir's size and fluid's surface area:




lmmersion Circulator Fluid Connection to External Apparatus

The immersion circulator does not have inlet and outlet fittings. However, 1/2inch I.D. tubing may be fastened with a hose clamp to the rotatable pump outlet nozzle and connected to the inlet of external apparatus. Tubing from the external apparatus outlet must return the fluid back into the reservoir.




Operation - All Models


Set Up




Locate your circulator on a level surface free from drafts and direct sunlight. Do not place it where there are corrosive fumes, excessive moisture, high room temperatures, or excessively dusty areas. Refrigerated circulators must be four inches minimum away from walls or vertical surfaces so air flow is not restricted. Avoid voltage drops by using properly grounded power outlets wired with 14 gauge or larger diameter wire and if possible, be close to the power distribution panel. The use of extension cords is not recommended, this will avoid low line voltage problems.





Produktgruppe: Thermostate / Kryostate

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