
Beckman ProteomeLab PF 2D

ID-Nummer: 020164
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Beckman Coulter Chromatographie-System ProteomeLab PF 2D. Mit Computer, Fraktionssammler, Säulen. Baujahr 2004
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Objektnummer B00020164
ID-Nummer 020164
Objektbezeichnung Beckman ProteomeLab PF 2D
Status Archiv

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manufacturer :       Beckman

model :                   ProteomeLab PF 2D

annotation :           Dokumente engl .






The advantages are easy to see.

By providing an automated, two-dimensional fractionation system expressly designed for high-resolution analysis of complex protein mixtures, the ProteomeLabTM PF 2D delivers an integrated solution that effectively resolves the thousands of proteins present in cell lysates .



Since the ProteomeLab PF 2D system generates data from two dimensions, detailed protein maps can be constructed for easy comparison using the ProteomeLab Software Suite. Liquid fractions can be collected and stored for future analysis or the eluent can be connected directly to ESI-mass spectrometry.



The PF 2D’s unique combination of chromatofocusing followed by non-porous reverse phase chromatography provides ultra-high resolution of proteins, while delivering information that can be related to 2D gel data.



Extended coverage.

Proteins can be detected over a wide range of molecular weight, including those below 20,000


The ProteomeLab PF 2D Kit contains the buffers and columns needed for 2D protein fractionation, and is optimized for use with the PF 2D system.



Compared to traditional fractionation techniques, advantages of our chromatographic approach include: high loading capacity without band distortion; improved detection of low-abundance species, membrane or hydrophobic proteins, and low molecular weight proteins; enhanced reproducibility; a contamination-free liquid flow path; simple automation; and liquid fractions.


The fractionation step involves separating and distinguishing thousands of proteins in a given tissue, cell or organelle over a range of abundance covering many orders of magnitude.



High-resolution capability.

The ProteomeLab PF 2D’s second dimension is capable of resolving hundreds of proteins in great detail from each first-dimension fraction. A close-up view of Fraction 16 is shown, illustrating high resolution separation from Mouse Embryotic Stem Cell Lysate figure.



An integrated suite of efficient proteomics solutions.

All of Beckman Coulter’s ProteomeLab offerings are designed to serve as an extension of your thinking, making it easier for you to do your best science, your way. That means you get a complete solution that puts meaningful, actionable information into your hands, quickly and easily.



Easy automation, for efficient workflow.

Fraction collection from the first dimension is quality-controlled with an in-line pH monitor, then automatically injected into the second dimension. As a result, the ProteomeLab PF 2D requires much less time and attention than traditional labor-intensive techniques.



Convenient M.S. compatibility.

Liquid fractions can be stored or transferred to a MALDI plate spotter, or directly connected to an electrospray source



Clean and controlled sample handling.

The ProteomeLab PF 2D’s closed system utilizes a self-contained liquid flow path, reducing the sample contamination and transfer loss so commonly seen with manual systems.



Clear visualization of results.

ProteomeLab software suite generates high-resolution, color-coded protein maps that are easy to read and interpret. Differential display of protein profiles allows you to clearly highlight a treated and untreated state.



More consistent results.

The high precision of chromatographic techniques–combined with our world-class pump technology–delivers significantly greater reproducibility than traditional gel methods.



Enhanced quantitation .

Compared to staining and densitometry our refined electronic peak-detection algorithms provide much more accurate integration.



The ProteomeLab advantage.

To provide researchers with the most comprehensive and efficient proteomics research solutions, we’re integrating our leading-edge systems, software and chemistries with a targeted focus on proteome research. By combining our many technological strengths , ProteomeLab delivers a system of complementary tools that are uniquely optimized for accelerating protein discovery.



Detailed resolution of low-abundance species.

With a loading capacity of up to 5 mg, and ultra-sharp, highly resolvable band definition, the ProteomeLab PF 2D delivers enhanced detection of low-abundance species. Even in close proximity to high abundance peaks, fine areas can be seen in great detail.



32 Karat software also contains the technical controls necessary for compliance with Title 21 CFR Part II, including secure data, permanent read-only method storage, user -authentication routines with levels access, electronic signature signoff, and system, method, data and sequence audit trails.



Through our renowned 32 Karat TM software–a fully integrated control and data analysis workstation–the ProteomeLab PF 2D works in concert with the ProteomeLab PA 800 automated protein characterization system. Once proteins are fractionated by the PF 2D system, they are easily transferred to the PA 800 protein characterization system for isoelectric focusing, peptide mapping/MS-characterization, carbohydrate profiling and SDS-MW analysis.



The PF 2D is an important part of Beckman Coulter’s ProteomeLab , a comprehensive set of interrelated solutions designed specifically to accelerate proteomics research. Our cutting- edge solutions encompass virtually every aspect of the proteomics process, including cellular isolation, antigen identification, protein fractionation, protein characterization, data evaluation and disease diagnosis.





Voltage 90-130 VAC or 198-264 VAC 50 or 60 Hz


Height:            26.1" (66.3 cm)

Width:                         46" (117 cm)

Depth:             20.3" (51.6 cm)


219 lbs. (99.5 kg)


The ProteomeLab PF2D–and all our ProteomeLab offerings–are an important part of a broad continuum of Beckman Coulter products, including automated liquid handling, capillary electrophoresis,centrifugation , ultracentrifugation, chromatography data systems, DNA sequencing, electrochemistry, HPLC, integrated core systems, laboratory data

management , scintillation counting, and spectrophotometry .















Produktgruppe: Life Science / Biotechnologie

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