
Zinsser Analytik Lissy SN 3241

ID-Nummer: 014482
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Zinsser Analytik Pipettierautomat Lissy SN 3241. BJ 2002.
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Objektnummer B00014482
ID-Nummer 014482
Objektbezeichnung Zinsser Analytik Lissy SN 3241
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Zinsser Analytik

Modell:            Lissy SN 3241

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Universal Pipetting System for Microliters and Milliliters

LISSY is a compact, high precision, robotic sample processor, capable of automating all precision liquid handling tasks. LISSY uses a robotic XYZ arm with four independent probes which can dispense or aspirate into various tubes, vials, microtitre plates etc on the workbench. An optional handler is available which can move plates around the workbench. Stackers are also available for storage of the plates.

Options for the LISSY include a 6 way valve, which can handle up to 6 liquids, powder dispensing, vacuum filtration, vortexing and lots more! All our systems are custom designed to meet specific requirements.

The LISSY comes with a 0.9m workbench as standard but workbench sizes of 1.2m (XL) and 2.0m (XXL) are also available.

Simple programming with a mouse

LISSY is as easy to use as a manual pipette, ue to the unique 32-bit Windows®NT software, ‘WinLissy. Using ‘drag and drop’techniques, the user can easily design their own layouts for the workbench and protocols which can be tested in a simulation run. Additional commands can be added to switch internal and external devices on or off, e.g. valves, shakers, alarms and screen messages.

Integrated Safety

Winlissy® automatically calculates optimum parameters in the protocol e.g. airgaps and dispensing speeds. If necessary, the user can define their own parameters from their experience and intervention is not required once LISSY has been set up. During the run each individual step is documented on the screen in a logfile and stored after the run. In case of an interruption, e.g. a power failure, the liquid handling task can proceed without difficulty.

A flexible system

LISSY is an open system which allows the WinLissy® software to interface with any network organisation or automation structure via an RS232 port.

Precision and Accuracy

Each of LISSY’s 4 sampling tips has its own dedicated precision syringe pump. The software allows the use to preoptimised operational and precision parameters.

Minimising Carry-over

LISSY offers the choice of washable or disposable sampling tips as an option. Each tip has an individual liquid level sensor to prevent over-submersion of the tip during sampling. A wash station is used to rnse washable tips inside and outside between samples or reagents.


32-bit WinLissy©-Software for Windows®-NT.

‘WinLISSY’ easy to use, flexible software makes this an ideal system. All operations are easily observed, as they are graphically displayed on the computer screen. Using ‘drag and drop’ techniques the users can easily design their own layouts for the workbench and test them in a simulation run. Additional commands can be added to switch internal and external devices on or off e.g. shakers, valves etc.

The software ‘WinLISSY’ makes LISSY as easy to use as a manual pipette


LISSY uses 4 sampling tips which adjust their spacing automatically when pipetting from one spatial arrangement to another, so ensuring maximum efficiency at every stage.

Safety Features

Operator Safety

A safety bar deters access to the instrument while it is working. Additionally, each movement axis of the LISSY has a feedback circuit to detect incorrect positioning. This helps to prevent accidental injury and instrument damage in the unlikely event of a collision.

Sample Tracking

The optional bar coe reading device is fully integrated, and can read any commercially available bar code format. Resulting bar codes are transferred to the final work-list output, which matches the destination position of each sample with its identified bar code.

General Specifications

Accessories and Options

·          Sample tube racks for tube diameters 11-18 mm

·          Standard and customised reagent racks

·          Reagent stirrers (option)

·          Microplate shaker, capacity 1 or 4 microplates (option)

·          Tube rack shaker for 192 tubes (option)

Bar codes

Most commercially available bar codes can be read


·          Washable tip: down to 10 -7 with sufficient tip wash

·          Disposable tip: Zero


Up to 192 tubes and 6 plates, or up to 400 tubes


RS 232

Liquid Detector

Capacitive detector. Minimum detectable volume 200µl (with 0.9% sodium chloride in atube diameter 16 mm)

Operating Conditions

·          Temperature: 15 o C to 30 o C

·          Relative Humidity: 10-85% at 30 o C or below

Pipetting Througput

Up to 1500 Sample transfers per hour

Precision and Accuracy

Pipetting better than 1% at 10% syringe volume, based on volume range 10 ml to 1 ml, gravimetric evaluation


·          4x High precision syringe pumps for precision liquid handling, syringe size variable from 250 µl to 5 ml.

·          4-channel peristaltic pump for tip wash, minimum flow rate 100 ml/min

Tube sizes

·          Max: Tubes OD 18 mm,

·          Min: Tunes OD 8 mm


washable: special stainless steel tip with smooth surface inside and outside and PTFE coating on the outside. Other materials may be available. Disposable: conductive, volume 200 µl to 1 ml (option) Spacing from 9 to 38 mm


Sample/reagent volumes from min. 5 µl to max. 1 ml

Power, Dimensions and Weight

·          Self regulating power 90 to 260 AC, 47-63 hertz

·          Weight: 38 kg

·          Work space: 720 x 290 x 150 mm (WxDxH)

·          Overall dimensions: 900 x 710 x 600 mm (WxDxH)

Produktgruppe: Pipettiersysteme

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