
Varian Star 3600 Cx

ID-Nummer: 014343
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Varian GC Star 3600CX. FID. Autosampler 8200 Cx für 48 Proben. Für Kapillarsäulen.
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Objektnummer B00014343
ID-Nummer 014343
Objektbezeichnung Varian Star 3600 Cx
Status Archiv

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Firma:                   Varian

Modell:                Star 3600 CX

Kommentar:        Dokumente deut./engl.


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Durch das Beibehalten einiger der beliebtesten Ausstattungsmerkmale des Varian GC 3700 und durch zusätzliche Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten, steigert der Star 3600 CX mit seinen Multi-lnjektoren und Multi-Detektoren beträchtlich die Produktivität. Mit seinem größten und komfortabelsten Säulenofen in der Industrie ist der 3600 CX die Basis für spezielle Systeme, wie z.B. Gasanalysatoren. Die Möglichkeit, 2 automatische Probengeber 8200 CX gleichzeitig betreiben zu können, ermöglicht es, den Probendurchsatz zu verdoppeln .

Der Multi-Modus GC Star 8200 CX Auto­sampler mit automatisierter "Sandwich"- Injection vermeidet die wichtigste Ursache für Probendiskriminierung. Optimiert für die Spurenanalytik, für kleine Proben-volumina und geringste Probenverluste, ist er der beste Autosampler der Industrie. Eine dynamische Spülung eliminiert Probenverschleppung und Varians neuer AutoDrive ermöglicht automatische Probenaufgabe in unterschiedliche Injektoren und damit höheren Probendurchsatz mit nur einem GC.



Star 3600 CX shares the same specifica­tion as the Star 3400 CX, with the following differences:

Capability to control up to two 8200 CX AutoSamplers an one Star 3600 CX.

Electronic pressure, linear velocity, and split ratio displays available as an option.

Seven Heated Zones:

Column Oven dimensions allow for simple side by side Installation of columns.

Oven cool-down from 250°C to 50° in 7 minutes, including stabilization.

Dimensions: 25.4 cm x 38.1 cm x 22.9 cm
10 x 15 x 9 inches

Two injector ovens can be installed an one Star 3600 CX. Each injector oven can accomodate up to 2 injectors.

Two detector ovens can be installed an one Star 3600 CX. Each detector oven can accomodate up to 2 detectors.

Auxiliary heated zone is isothermal or programmable from ambient to 420°C. Auxiliary zones can accomodate valves, injectors, or detectors.

Heated Pneurnatics are standard.

Dimensions (H x W x D)

40.6 x 76.2 x 61 cm
16 x 30 x 24 inches

Power Requirements

+/- 10%, 110, 120 Volt, 60 Hz, 20 amp
+/- 10%, 220, 240 Volt, 50 Hz, 10 amp



Peak area precision <1.0% typical for all injector types except split/splitless injectors, with precision of <1.5%, 1 µl sample volume.

Standard sampling mode is the sandwich injection (solvent flush) technique. Other sampling modes include optimized parameters for neat, viscous, and volatile samples. Programmable parameters include air gap selection, solvent plug volume (0-3 µL), sample volume

(0.2 to 5.0 µL in 0.1 µL increments).

Minimum sample volume of 10 µL in microvials; 300 µL in standard 2 mL vials.

Sample waste < 0.1 9L µL at injection, sandwich mode.

Sample capacity 48 vials, either screw cap or crimp top.

Sample carryover < 0.05% typical with default dynamic purge wash parameters; < 0.01% achievable by optimizing programmable parameters such as number of solvents (two maximum) and purge time.

Programmable features

8200 parameters are entered via the GC Star CX Chromatograph keyboard or via Star Workstation.

Needle Depth in Vial: 0-100%

Plunger lnjection Speed: 0.2-10 µL/sec

Plunger Uptake Speed: 1.0-5.0 µL/sec

Plunger Pause Time: 1-10 sec

Hot needle time (pre-inject needle residence in injector): 0-1 minutes

Residence time (post-inject needle residence in injector): 0-10 minutes

Random access capability with Star Workstation control.

Power requirements

90 VAC to 264 VAC total operating range; includes four ranges; 100, 120, 220, 240 VAC. Each can operate at +/- 10% nominal value.


Single channel integrator, with 40 Hz maximum sampling speed, fully programmable.

Up to 4 baseline compensation methods may be stored.

Recalculation and recalibration capabilities standard.

Calculation selection: Area percent, normalized percent, internal standard, ex­ternal standard, multiple reference peaks.

Plot characteristics include: .001 minute retention times, peak start/peak end, Chart speed, detector attenuation, detector range changes, and peak width updates.

Report Formats include: Short and long forms, run lag, error log.




Constant current, pulse modulated concentric tube design, with 63 Ni toll of 15 mCi, nominal.

Detectivity < 50 fg/sec lindane, N 2 carrier.


Detectivity 2 pg C/sec

Linearity 10 7

Standard .020 inch ID flame tip is patented inert ceramic composition; a .010 inch tip is also available.

Unique flame-out algorithm halte automation in the event the flame is extinguished.


Dual channel design prevents filament damalte due to accidental exposure to air.

Linearity 10 6 (butane)

Detectivity 3 x 10 -10 g/mL (butane)

Flow range 5-250 mL/min


Selective for nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, the TSD has bead current set and stored in the chromatographic method.

Bead current may be turned on or off during chromatography.


N/C > 5 x 10 4

P/N > 2


N: < 100 fg N/sec (azobenzene)

P: < 100 fg P/sec (malathion)


N: 10 5
P: 10 4


Dual flame design to eliminate quenching of sulfur emission in a high hydrocarbon background.


   P: < 1 pg P/sec (tributylphosphate)

   S: < 100 pg S/sec (n-hexanethiol)

Dynamic range:

   P: 10 5
   S: 10 3


   S/C 10 3 to 10 6


Selective conductivity detector especially recommended for halogens.

Halogen Performance:

Detectivity: 2.5 pg/sec (heptachlor)

Selectivity: H/C: > 10 6

Linearity: >10 6

Nitrogen Performance:

Detectivity: 10 pg/sec (azobenzene)

Selectivity: N/C: >10 7

Linearity: 10 5

Sulfur Performance:

Detectivity: 10 pg/sec (ethion)

Selectivity: S/C: >10 5

Linearity:          10 4


Highly sensitive non-destructive detector, including an inert transfer line for serial connection to another detector installed on the gas chrornatograph.

Detectivity: 10 pg (benzene)

Linearity:          >10 4




All Star CC CX injector systems come with automatic injector switches to initiate all system functions at injection.

Upper temperature limits are user settable to prevent accidental overheating of columns.

All capillary injectors have active septum purge controls.


Septum-equipped temperature program­mable injector with patented direct heating and cooling.

Injector temperature settings and programming are independent from any other heated zone.

Cryogenic capability with LCO 2 , LN 2 , or air is standard.

Three glass insert types available: high performance; 530 micron on-column; insert packed with glass wool.

Temperature programming in two ramps, three isothermal hold steps, up to 180°C/minute.


Pressure-regulated pneumatics with flow controlled split ratio.

Temperature range ambient to 420°C, settable in 1°C increments.

Split ratio from 20:1 to 500:1


Pressure-regulated pneumatics with flow controlled split ratio.

Temperature range ambient to 420°C, settable in 1°C increments.

Split ratio from 20:1 to 500:1

Three inserts available: open (for spiitless), fritted, and packed (for split).

Recommended for use with the 8200 CX AutoSampler.


Physical specifications identical to the 1076 and 1077.

Pressure regulated pneumatics with split flow regulated by a variable flow restrictor.

Recomrnended for non-automated split/splitless applications and for enhanced conservation of carrier gas.




1040 Injector

Used in applications that require on­column injections into 1/8 inch or 1/4 inch packed columns.

Temperature range ambient to 420°C in 1°C increments.

Digital flow meters are standard, with flow range of 0-100 ml/min.

1041 Injector

The 1041 Injector is used for 530 micron, 1/4 inch, and 1/8 inch columns. Physical specifications are Idendeal to the 1040, with the tollowing additions:

Flow range optimized for 0-10 ml/min, easily modified for 0-100 ml/min flows for packed coiumn applications.

The 1041 includes a detector make-up gas pneumatics to optimize for low-flow 530 micron applications.




1061 Injector

Reeomenried for applications that

require large injection volurnes or for injec­tions of samples with non-volatile materials.

Compatible with 1/4 inch, 1/8 Inch, and 530 micron columns.

Temperature range from ambient to 420°C settable in 1°C increments.

Includes a glass injector insert that may be removed from the top of the injector.

Includes detector make-up gas

pneumatics to optimize for low-flow 530 micron applications.

1060 Injector

The 1060 injector has Identical physical specifications as the 1061.

Digital flow controllers inciuded, with a flow range of 0-100 mL/min.

Compatible with 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch columns.


Produktgruppe: Gaschromatographen (FID)

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