
Thermo Electron Omni slide

ID-Nummer: 014386
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Thermo Electron Thermocycler Omni Slide Flatblock Uni W/O Prog Card. Objektträgerhalterung. Baujahr 2005. Neupreis 9.200,- Euro
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Objektnummer B00014386
ID-Nummer 014386
Objektbezeichnung Thermo Electron Omni slide
Status Archiv

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Firma:                Thermo Electron

Modell:              Omni slide

Kommentar:      Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


The OmniSlide Thermal Cycler can be programmed to perform all types of temperature-controlled reactions on slides, from simple one step incubations, to complex multi-step temperature cycling protocols.

The OmniSlide Thermal Cycler Controller stores up to 18 programs; additional programs (up to 36) may be stored on Data Cards by individual users. Programming and operation are simple to perform, using the combination of user-friendly screens and operating keys. During programmed operation the display screens provide comprehensive Information regarding sample temperature, number of cycles completed, estimated time for completion, etc.

There are two options for control of sample temperature on slides using the OmniSlide Thermal Cycler:

Block Control

Simply controls the temperature of the block, with reference to the thermistors mounted on the lower surface of the block.

Simulated Slide Control

An advanced method of temperature control designed to give accurate temperatures at the upper surface of slides. Typically, when slides are heated on a block, the temperature at the surface of the block is as muck as 3°C higher than the temperature at the surface of the slide. The Simulated Slide Control algorithm compensates for hegt losses from the surface of the slide, so that the programmed temperature is the temperature achieved in samples mounted on the surface of the slides. Furthermore, the approach to temperature is accelerated by precise overshoots in the block temperature.

Two additional software features control the rate of change of temperature and the length of programmed steps with successive cycles:

Temperature Ramping

The temperature ramping Option precisely controls the rate of change of sample temperature (degrees centigrade per second). The maximum setting for the ramp rate with the OmniSlide Thermal Cycler is 0.5°C/ second, which is the default ramp rate. Unless the ramp rate is adjusted then the rate of change of temperature will be fixed at 0.5°C/second that ensures consistent performance from one unit to another. In some instances, however, it may be advantageous to limit the rate of change of temperature, for example, to allow limited extension of short or degenerste primers between primer annealing and DNA synthesis steps to stabilise the primer and template duplex in primer extension reactions. In this case a lower ramp rate (adjustable from 0.1-0.5'/second) should be selected.

Time Increment

This feature enables the time interval of a specified programmed step to be increased with successive temperature cycles. For example, if a time increment of 10 seconds is entered with a step time of 60 seconds, then the incubation times will be 60,70,80,90... etc. seconds.

Temperature accuracy and uniformity across the block, particularly during rapid temperature cycling operations, haue been of paramount importance during the design and development of the OmniSlide. Every machine is calibrated using miniature thermistor probes attached to microscope slides at several block positions simultaneously to ensure that the required temperatures and incubation times are achieved homogeneously in all samples.


Thermal Cycler Specifications

Ingress Protection Rating                 IP20

Standard Accessories                      Open Humidity Chamber

                                                         Slide Rack

                                                         Data Card


Temperature Range                         Ambient +15°C for cycling

                                                         Ambient + 5°C for incubations

Temperature Control

Accuracy                                           ± 1 °C

Display Resolution                            0.1 °C

Block Uniformity                                ±1.25°C

Temp. Control Options                     Block Control

                                                         Simulated Slide Control


Block Component                             Epoxy/Polyester Povvder Coating

Block Capacity                                  20 slides (75mm x 25mm x 1 mm)


Number of Programs on Controller   18

Number of Programs on Data Card 36 Max.

Number of Program Stages            10 Max.

Number of Steps per Stage             10

Max. Programmed Dwell Time         9 hrs 59 mins 59 secs

Temperature Ramping                     0.1 to 0.5°C/sec

Time Increment                                1 sec - 59 mins 59 sec

Auto Restart Facility                         Yes

Run End Time Calculation               Yes


Width                                                380mm

Depth                                                670mm

Height                                                170mm

Weight                                              19.8 kg

Equipment Rating

Supply Voltage Range                      220/240V on 240V setting

          110/120V on 110V setting

Supply Frequency Range                 50-60Hz

Power Rating                                    950W

Fuse Rating                                      2 fuses of 5A (T) HBC for 220/240V regions

          2 fuses of 10A (T) HBC for 110/120V regions

Environmental Operating Conditions

Ambient Operating Temperatures 5°C-40°C

NOTE: When removing the OmniSlide Thermal Cycler from a cold room it should first be equilibrated for 2-3 hours to avoid condensation.

Conforms to IEC1010-1 pollution degree level 2.

Conforms to Electrical Safety requirements described in IEC1010-1.

Produktgruppe: Life Science / Biotechnologie

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