
Tecan Mega

ID-Nummer: 014099
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Tecan Pipettierroboter SLT Mega. Mit Computer und Software. H/B/T: 43/76/66 cm.
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Objektnummer B00014099
ID-Nummer 014099
Objektbezeichnung Tecan Mega
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Tecan

Modell:            Mega

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


1. Tip Unit

2. Tubing suspender

3. Top cover

4. Safety guard

5. Tubing channel

6. Z-Drive case

7. Aspirating tubing

8. Location of add. valves
or option connectors

9. System liquid reservoir

10. Syringes

11. Work table

12. Rack locating pins

13. Reference point

14. On/Off switch

15. Green control lamp

16. Speed control for stirrers

17. Tips

18. Wash station

19. Arm


1. Swing door of Z-drive casing

2. Tubing suspender

3. Tip Units

4. Arm

5. Safety guard

6. Reader beam shield

7. Barcode reader

8. Linear Rack Drive

9. Tool box

10. Mains power connector

11. AC Line Fuse

12. RS 232 interface connector

13. Drain outlet



The TECAN MEGA is a fast, fully automated sample processor controlled by an external Personal Computer (PC). The instrument features two double diluters with independent syringes and four sampling tips an a single robotic arm.

Each tip is capable of performing aspirating, dispensing, or diluting operations at any position an the instrument's work table (see Figures 1-1a and 1-1b).

The robotic arm can move to any point of the work surface in X-direction (left-right). The four pipetting tips are mounted an a Y-slide, inside the arm, which allows free movement to any point in Y-direction (front-back). Finally, the four tips, independently of each-other, can be positioned to any height (Z-direction) within the workspace.

Two double diluters are used for the precise aspiration and dispensing of liquids in accurate volumes of 5 µl to 10ml.

The MEGA comes with the application software packalte MAP (MEGA Application Program) and a Tack set as ordered.

The MEGA's functionality may be extended by the optional Linear Rack Drive (MEGA ID) and the Fast Wash Module. The Linear Rack Drive allows sample identification by reading barcodes an the sample tubes. The Fast Wash Module minimizes the time required for the tip washing procedure.

Principles of Operation

The MEGA combines a system of microprocessor-controlled liquid handling components to one instrument. The system is con­trolled by software which resides an the hard dick of a personal computer (IBM PC model XT, AT or System/2). An operator implements the required liquid handling application method by the MAP software package.

Pipetting methods can be customized for test sample configuration, liquid handling parameters, and data management. Additional programs provided by TECAN permit routine diagnostic tests and assist the operator in troubleshooting component function.

The MEGA's hardware is based an a modular design concept in which each of the major functions is performed by a modular component. The principal liquid handling components of the Instrument are:

(1) Diluter/Dispenser

(2) X/Y/Z Movement Mechanism (Arm)

(3) Liquid Detector

(4) Wash Station

(5) Fast Wash Module (additional Option)

See figure 2-1 for a schematic diagram of the liquid handling system. The modular design of the MEGA maximizes the flexi­bility of the instrument and simplifies maintenance and service procedures.

Instrument Specifications

Dimensions in mm (width x depth x height)

Overall                                     w          761

                                   d           662

                                   h           428

Total Workspace         w          457

                                   d           345

                                   (Tip)     Long     Short

                                   h           115       165

Machine Range in Steps

                        x           2000

Overall per Tip             y           2380

                        X           2008

                        (Tip)     Long     Short

                        z           1100     1600

Smallest                      “X”        0.2286 mm

Adressable Move         “Y”        0.1451 mm

                                   “Z“        0.1016 mm

Liquid Detection

Minimum volume approx 300 µl, depending on ion concentration of liquid and proximity to metal ground plate.

Approximate weights in kg and lbs

Net weight                   kg         5

                                   Lbs       21

Shipping weight                       kg         103

                                   Lbs       228

Operating Conditions

- temperature              15 – 35°C (59 – 95 °F)

- relative humidity        30 – 85% non condensing at 30°C or below

Storage Conditions

- temperature              0 – 50°C (32 – 122 °F)

- relative humidity        5 – 95% at 40°C or below

- altitude                       up to 10,000 m (32,000 ft)

Power Reuqirements

100, 110, 120, 220, 230, 240 VAC,

+ 10 /- 15 % tolerance, 50-60 Hz 220 VA

Fuse Values:

- AC Line Fuses          220-240 V : 2 x (slow blow) T 1.6 A

                                   100-120 V : 2 x (slow blow) T 3.15 A UL/CSA

Barcode Reader

- Manufacturer                                    Matsushita Industrial

                                                           Equipment Co., LTD

- Automatically distinguishing

  and reading                                       CODABAR

                                                           CODE 39

                                                           EAN-8, EAN-13

                                                           UPC-A, UPC-E



                                                           JAN-8, JAN-13

- Reading specifications                     Reading width: 75 mm

                                                           Resolution.....: 0,19 mm

                                                           PCS value      : 0,5

                                                           (white bar reflective > 85%)

- Environment Conditions                   1500 lux

Computer Specifications

Computer Model

IBM PC Model XT, AT, or System/2 with 640 kByte memory. TOSHIBA models 1200, 1600, 3100, 3200, 5100 and 5200.

For optimum performance, use a computer with a 80286 or 80386 microprocessor.

The computer raust be approved by IEC 950 / EN 60950 or listed by UL (UL 1950, or UL 478) Use of computers from other manufacturers does not guarantee functionality of the MEGA.

Disk Storage

Hard Disk Drive plus one Floppy Disk Drive.

Display Monitor

Monochrome or Color Monitor. The following display adaptors are supported by the TECAN Software:

-            Monochrome Display Adaptor (MDA)

-            Hercules Graphics Controller (HGC)

-            Color Graphics Adaptor (CGA)

-            Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (EGA)

-            Video Graphics Array (VGA)


Serial Asynchronous Interface Adaptor RS-232C / CCITT V.24.

Interface Cables (supplied with the MEGA)

25/25 pin RS-232C / CCITT V.24

female to female cable

25 pin male to 9 pin female cable adaptor.

Printer (optional)

Printer must have a Centronics Parallel Interface and preferably should support the IBM extended ASCII character set.

Disk Operating System

DOS version 3.X (IBM- or MS-DOS)

Expanded Memory (optional)

Must conform to the Lotus/INTEL/

Microsoft Expanded Memory Specifi -cations (EMS version 3.2 or higher)

Produktgruppe: Pipettiersysteme

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