
Starrsed MU

ID-Nummer: 014401
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Mechatronics ESR-Analysator Starrsed MU. Baujahr 2001.
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Objektnummer B00014401
ID-Nummer 014401
Objektbezeichnung Starrsed MU
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:                Starrsed

Modell:              MU

Kommentar:      Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


The machine consists of the following:

-     The basic unit wich rotating carriage (carousel), 120 glass Westergren pipettes, filling unit, measuring unit, rinsing unit and bar-code reader (optional).

-     Vacuum pump.

-     Printer stand.

Technical specification

basic unit:

Mains voltage                 205-245 V

                                      50/60 Hz

Power consumption      Standby                60 VA

                                      Maximum              120 VA

Fuse (20 x 5 mm)          Slow blow             1 A

Dimensions                   Width                    620 mm

                                      Height                   650 mm

                                      Depth                    580 rrm

Weight                                                        56 kg

Minimum table size        Width                    1500 mm

                                      Depth                    750 mm

Vacuum pump;

Mains voltage                                             205-245 V

                                                                  50/60 Hz

Power consumption      Standby                50 VA

                                      Maximum              800 VA

Fuses (20 x 5mm)         Slow blow

Vacuum unit                                               10 A

Peristaltic pump                                         1 A

Dimensions                   Width                    345 mm

                                      Height                   400 mm

                                      Depth                    650 mm

Capacity                                                     13 m 3 /hour

Normal pressure                                        500 mBar

Noise at 1 mater                                         <54 dB

Total weight                                                55 kg

Negligible running costs

StaRRsed is a fully automated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate analyser operating according to the Westergren method. Because the glass Westergren tubes are washed and dried after use there are no disposables hence very low running costs. StaRRsed is not to be confused with a growing number of ESR readers on the market which still require expensive citrated blood tubes and are thus costly to run.

Totally automated E.S.R.

StaRRsed accepts most makes of closed blood collection tubes with pierceable caps which ensure safety for the operator. Sample identification is either entered via the keyboard or bar code reader and results are printed out exactly 1 hour later on an adjacent printer and/or the Hospital/Lab Computer via the RS232 interface.

Wide Choice

There are three versions of StaRRsed available.

StaRRsed I which accepts citrated blood samples is the most basic.

StaRRsed II has a built in citrate dilution system and accepts EDTA blood samples, thereby eliminating the need (and expense) of a separate citrated blood collection tube, only 1,6 ml. of blood is needed and the rest of the sample is not contaminated in any way and is thus available for a cell count and for making a blood film. StaRRsed III has the saure features as StaRRsed II plus the inclusion of a 30 position Autoloader which improves the "walk-away" feature still further.

The Autolaoder also takes care of mixing the blood before each aspiration. StaRRsed III takes about 10 minutes to load 30 samples at which time the loading cassettes can be changed for the next 30 samples.

Abnormal samples reported

All StaRRseds incorporate temperature correction, that is they measure the actual ESR and calculate a temperature corrected result for 18 degrees Centigrade which can make quite a difference in the summer (high room temperature). They all have the ability to measure and record haziness above the red cell interface in a totally reproducible and objective way and they all include a saline back flush system for the blood sampling line thereby eliminating cross contamination.

StaRRsed features

Carousel holds 120 precision bore glass Westergren tubes. Sample ID via keyboard or bar code labels. Double needle for sampling blood, sampling line backflushed with sahne.

lt takes only 15 seconds to introduce a sample.

ESR automatically measured after 1 hour.

Throughput 100 samples in 1.5 hours.

Westergren tubes emptied, washed and dried with warm air for re-use automatically.

Print out of measured and temperature corrected ESR together with sample ID and sample abnormality if no clear interface detected.

Output to computer via RS232C interface.

Additional feature StaRRsed II

Automatic dilution of EDTA blood with Citrate solution in ratio of 4:1.

Additional feature StaRRsed III

30 position Autoloader (Two racks provided).

Takes 10 minutes to transfer samples to StaRRsed with mixing in between.

Microbiologically safe

All StaRRseds are provided with a large but quiet vacuum pump and waste disposal system which sits below the bench. All liquid waste is separated and pumped off into a 10 I. holding bottle containing bleach for disposal and the entire system is protected with microbiological filters.

Independent evaluation

An independent evaluation carried out on behalf of the Department of Health in the UK (MDD/92/02) concludes that StaRRsed II will pay for itself over 3 years at a throughput of only 60 ESRs a day. StaRRsed I will suit Laboratories with a lower throughput and StaRRsed III will appeal to larger Laboratories.

Produktgruppe: Hämatologie

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