
Spectro Spectrofl M120S

ID-Nummer: 013765
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Spectro ICP-Spektrometer Spectroflame M 120S. Hydrid-System. Computer. Software. Sprühkammer. Autosampler. Bildschirm. Auftstelltisch. Drucker. Baujahr 2000. Neupreis: 76.690,- Euro.
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Objektnummer B00013765
ID-Nummer 013765
Objektbezeichnung Spectro Spectrofl M120S
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Spectro

Modell:            Spectrofl M120S

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


ICP Bench-Top Spectrometer for Analytical Lines

from the Low UV (Cl, Br, 1) to the Alkali Elements

The SPECTROFLAME M120 from SPECTRO Analytical Instruments combines the best features of ICP spectro­meters with sonne new and extremely useful analytical benefits, all within a user-friendly System.

The result is a compact ICP OES instru­ment, developed for solving all ICP applications, while being simple to operate and at an affordable price.

The SPECTROFLAME M120 can meas­ure lines from 120 nm upwards. This affords the possibility of analyzing halogens (Cl, 1, Br), non-metals such as P and S, and many other elements at particularly sensitive and un-interfered lines (e.g. Ga, Ge and Si). The wave­length range 120 - 160 nm has not been thoroughly investigated to date and complete tables of spec­tral lines are not yet available. The user ofthe SPECTROFLAME M120 can detect previously unused lines in this spectral range, depend­ing on sample matrix and element selection.

Exceptionally high light transmission is ensured by using a minimum of optical components and efficient 100% total reflection optical surfaces.

All gratings used are of the master holographic type and all lines are measured in the first order, giving maximum sensitivity.

Full range of features

- Combination of UV monochromator and air polychromator for alkali elements, covering the

   full wavelength range (120-800 nm)

-   Gas-filIed optical System "UV PLUS"

- Patented optical plasma interface for axial plasma

- User-friendly multi-tasking Windows 95 TM software

Technical Data SPECTROFLAME M120 S/E

Optical Systems

UV Monochromator

- Wavelength range 120 - 410 nm

- Patented gas-filled UV optic "UV PLUS" with automatic cleaning system

- Paschen-Runge mounting, focal length 750 mm

- Fixed holographic master grating 2400 grooves/mm

- Direct wavelength drive

- 3 entrance and 10 movable exit slits with specialized PM tubes

- Wavelength positioning better than 0.001 nm

Air Polychromator

- Paschen-Runge mounting, focal length 750 mm

- Wavelength range 325 - 850 nm

- Fixed analytical channels for Ba, Li, Na, K, Sc and Ar

RF Generation and Sample Introduction

- Frequency: 27.12 MHz

- Power: 2.5 kW max.

- Solid state control circuit for power stabilization

- Axial torch with Optical Plasma Interface (E-version) or radial torch (S-version)

- Automatic plasma ignition

- Computer-monitored parameters

- Heat exchanger

- Concentric nebulizer with spray chamber (Scott)

- Additional nebulizers and spray chambers for various applications available

- Fixed or removable torch

- Integrated multiple speed-peristaltic pump Argon humidifier

- Temperature control of the sample introduction system


- Front-end microprocessor for spectrometer control

- Dynamic range: 10 6

- On-line monitoring of argon flow, water flow, generator temperature and current, and status

   of interlocks

Data system

- Pentium-Processor, 200 MHz

- 32 Mbyte RAM

- 1.44 Mbyte floppy disk drive

- 3 GByte hard disk drive

- VGA-coloured monitor

- Keyboard and mouse

- Ink-Jet printer

- CD-ROM drive

Due to technical developments the actual comput configuration will be at least of the standard described above.

Smart Analyzer Software

- Windows TM software

- Time optimized measurement procedure for polychromator/monochromator operation

- Internal multitasking (during sample analysis additional entries can be made)

- Output of intensities and intensity ratios

- Output of recalibrated and corrected intensity ratios

- Analytical results in any unit

- Dynamic measurement correction

- Library with more than 15,000 analyte lines

- Statistical data (average, absolute and relative standard deviation), outlier check

- Line switch dependent on the concentration

- Background correction with moveable comput controlled primary slit

- Interelement correction

  (multiplicative, additive)

- One or two point standardization

- Coloured graphic display of calibration curves

- Background correction at freely definable positions on the left, on the right or on both sides

  of the analytical line

- High resolution colour graphics for the overlay of spectra

- Semi-quantitative analysis

- Detection of transient signals with peak area evaluation for additional sample preparation


- Data transmission with RS232-interface


- Programmable X-Y-Z-autosampler with end shut-off

- Autodilutor

- Hydride generator

- On-line system

- Circulation cooling system

- Ultrasonic nebulizer SPECTROSONIC


- Width:            1810 mm

- Depth:            765 mm

- Height:           900 mm

Power requirements

- 220V/110V, 50/60 Hz, 3/N/PE

- 32 Ampere

A variety of nebulizers and spray chambers is available to optimize the SPECTROFLAME M12O for specific analytical needs. These include pneu­matic nebulizers, Babington nebulizers for oils and samples with high

dissolved solids content, and HF resistant systems.

The SPECTROSONIC ultrasonic nebulizer is able to improve the detection limits by a factor of approximately 10 over pneumatic nebulization.

The Hydride Generator can be controlled by the SmartAnalyzer software such that an autosampler run can be analyzed with a pneumatic nebulizer and then automatically re-analyzed for hydride forming elements by using the Hydride Generator. Thus, maximum sensitivity is achieved for these elements.

The Autodilutor AD 25 automatically dilutes samples that are above range and then re-analyzes the samples. lt can also be used to auto­matically add an internal standard to all samples and to auto­matically spike samples.

The Autosampler AS 300 allows unattended Operation with com­plete automation of the QA/QC requirements for EPA Methods (e.g. 200.7). The system accommodates up to 300 samples.

The OLS converts the SPECTROFLAME M120 to a fully automated online system. Typical applications are the unattended, around­the-clock analysis of waste water streams, plating baths, etc.

Produktgruppe: ICP

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