
Prochrom LC50VE

ID-Nummer: 013934
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Prochrom präparative HPLC-Säule LC50 VE 500. Max 100 bar. Max flow 15 l/h. Kapazität 7g/Injektion.
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Objektnummer B00013934
ID-Nummer 013934
Objektbezeichnung Prochrom LC50VE
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:                Prochrom

Modell:              LC50VE

Kommentar:      Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

The PROCHROM LC 50 VE 500 unit is designed for development or Pilot plant preparative chromatography. The column can be packed with up to 300 gm of packing and can purify or separate an average of 8 g of product per injection. (gm loading is dependent an the difficulty of the separation).

The design of the LC50 VE 500 is based an the "dynamic axial compression" principle. To prepare the column the user transfers a slurry (mixture of solvent and packing material) of the desired packing into the column with the piston at its lowest Position. The top flange is installed and the resin slurry is axially compressed with the movement of the piston. The piston movement is controlled by a hydraulic jack . After packing, the piston maintains pressure an the resin bed greater than the Pressure of the mobile phase flowing through the bed. Axial compression allows Small particle sizes to be packed with stable and highly efficient results.

This preparative HPLC system is equipped with a self packing column using the dynamic axial compression technology (DAC *). Any kind of packing material can be used to fill the column. The maximum length of the bed is 35 cm and the maximum running pressure 100 bar. Two versions are available : manual and fully automated. Each version integrates an the same stainless steel frame the column itself, the solvent module, the automation (for the automated version) and the detector(s).

(*) Roussel Uclaf patent.

Manual version

In addition to the column itself (internal diameter : 50 mm, piston stroke : 500 mm and maximum operating pressure : 100 bar), this manual version includes the following items mounted an ehe stainless steel frame

-            a quick metallic clamp to seal the top of the column.

-            a top flange equipped with a frit and a PTFE gasket (a teflon membrane can also be installed an the frit for protection against Small particles).

-            a piston equipped with a frit and PTFE seals (a teflon membrane can also be installed an the frit for protection against small particles).

-            a hydraulic jack

-            hydraulic system to feed the jack. This system is powered by a pneumatic motor (6.2 bar compressed air needed; maxi­mum flow rate during the compression phase 0.50 Nm3/min).

-            a manual injection valve for Small samples (syringe).

-            high pressure two-head solvent pump. Maximum flow rate 15 L/hr at 100 bar (220 VAC, 50 Hz).

-            a manual purge valve.

-            a high pressure filter (2 microns)

a pressure gauge to indicate the hydraulic oil pressure

-            a pressure sensor with high and low pressure safeties

-            all necessary pipes for the connection of the column.

-            a waste/collection valve.

-            a panel control


1 - guard column with by-pass valves.

2 - column backflush valve.

3 - recycling valve (for sample and/or solvent) 4- injection pump

5 - automation module including :

*           injection pump

*           5-line fraction collector

*           electronic interface boards

*           1ow pressure 3-solvent gradient maker

*           control software

6 - microcomputer COMPAQ DESKPRO 286E model 20, equipped with

     a microprocessor Intel 80286 at 12 MHZ, 1 Mo RAM, 20 Mo

     hard disk, 5 1/4" floppy drive, VGA color monitor and LQ

     500 Epson printer.

7 - 5-line fraction collector


The automatic system is similar to the manual system previously described to which the following items have been added to allow completely automated operation (the microcomputer system and interfaces are not included in the basic automated version) :

-            low pressure 3-solvent gradient maker

-            injection pump

-            5-line fraction collector

-            interface boards


1 - guard column with by-pass valves.

2 - column backflush valve.

3 - recycling valve (for sample and/or solvent)

4 - microcomputer COMPAQ DESKPRO 286E model 20, equipped with a microprocessor

Intel 80286 at 12 MHZ, 1 Mo RAM, 20 Mo hard disk, 5 1/4" floppy drive, VGA color monitor and LQ 500 Epson printer.

5 - 5-line fraction collector


It is a variable wavelength UV detector (190-500 nm). The path length is adjustable between 0.5 and 3 mm and the maximum cell volume is 4.6 ul.


This detector is based an the priciple of the deviation angle. The cell angle is 45 o. The cell volume is 8 uL and the maximum flow rate in the cell is 2 mL/min (a split has to be used).


One-way recorder type BD 40, 14 Chart speeds, 12 sensitivities from 1 mV to 5 V.


One (1) day an-site (not including travel and daily expenses) dedicated to :

-       assembly of the unit

-       verification of the Installation

-       demonstration

Produktgruppe: HPLC Sonstiges

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