
PerSeptive Expedite 8909

ID-Nummer: 016925
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
PerSeptive Biosystems Nucleid Acid Oligo Synthesizer Expedite 8909. 2-Säulen Gerät mit 9 Amiditpositionen.
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Objektnummer B00016925
ID-Nummer 016925
Objektbezeichnung PerSeptive Expedite 8909
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

manufacturer:       PerSeptive

model:                   Expedite 8909

annotation:           Dokumente engl.

ABI Expedite 8909 Oligo Synthesizer

The Expedite 8909 allows synthesis scale ranges from 50 nmol to 15 µmol for DNA oligonucleotides. This system allows preparation of phosphorothioates and enables preparation of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) molecules, which contain neutral "peptide-like" backbones with nucleobases. The 8909 comes with sequence and protocol editors, as well as software for creating customized reports. Each sequence run is documented, and data can be transferred from individual instruments to a central database.

Simultaneous Dual Column Synthesis

Alternating phase synthesis is the key to high throughput production. Each column is continuously synthesizing; there are no idle periods. As a result, cycle times are 3.5 minutes for both single and dual column synthesis.

With alternating phase synthesis, the two columns function essentially as independent units. You can start and stop an individual synthesis without influencing the progress of the other column. You can even run different scales and synthesis protocols simultaneously on the two columns.

Synthesis Scale

The Expedite 8909 allows synthesis scale ranges from 50 nmol to 15 µmol for DNA oligonucleotides. This system allows preparation of phosphorothioates and enables preparation of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) molecules, which contain neutral "peptide-like" backbones with nucleobases. The 8909 comes with sequence and protocol editors, as well as software for creating customized reports. Each sequence run is documented, and data can be transferred from individual instruments to a central database.

The Multiple Oligonucleotide Synthesis System (MOSS) can expand the capabilities of the Expedite system to allow the unattended synthesis of 16 oligonucleotides. The MOSS unit is placed on top of the 8909 system and requires no additional bench space. Trityl monitoring is available for all column positions.

MOSS Option

The Multiple Oligonucleotide Synthesis System (MOSS) Option, an extension to the Expedite™ 8909 System, enables unattended synthesis of 16 oligomers, saving time and increasing productivity. The in-line trityl monitor reads all 16 columns - if a chemistry failure occurs, the system will stop to minimize waste. To save bench space, the MOSS Option attaches to the top of the Expedite™ 8909 System.

After early roll-out problems the MOSS with the new valves works very well. The only draw back is that it does use a little more reagent because of the added tubing. The system is set them up so the customer can choose to use the MOSS or can choose to use the Expedite without the MOSS. This allows the flexibility of being able to use less reagent when they use the standalone Expedite or using the MOSS for over night runs and consuming a little more reagent (not a lot perhaps a 5% to 8% increase) but getting 16 oligos done over night without someone having to come in and load new oligos each time 2 are done.

50% Less Consumption

The Expedite™ System performs synthesis efficiently as well as quickly. The patented delivery system reduces monomer and reagent consumption by 50% over most systems available today. At 0.05, 0.2, and 1.0 µmol scales, less than 4.5 ml of reagents are consumed per cycle.

Trityl Monitor

The built-in trityl monitor, a standard feature on the 8909 model, contains a LED detector that reads the absorbance of the released dimethoxytrityl fractions to indicate the success of the synthesis - in real-time. If the absorbance falls below a pre-set value, the synthesis is put on hold.

Gas Depletion and Leak Checks

Prior to synthesis, systems are automatically checked for correct operation. Low pressure gas blankets reagent reservoirs to maintain an anhydrous environment, and high pressure gas actuates the injectors. The Expedite™ Systems check for leaks and adequate pressure to ensure that if the gas is depleted the synthesis is not affected.

The Report Generator prints synthesis-specific reports including synthesis conditions, trityl data, and runtime log.

Before every synthesis, the Expedite™ Systems calculate the volume of reagents required. Based on actual usage to date, the amount present in each reservoir is also calculated. You ca see the figures side by side to determine if you need to refill the bottles.

Expedite™ Workstation

- Set up and control synthesis on multiple systems
- Monitor synthesis remotely
- Store synthesis information on disk
- Import and export sequences from/to network connections
- Use the Sequence Editor to create, edit, and store DNA, RNA, and PNA sequences
- Generate detailed Reports for your lab or your customers, including sequence data, runtime synthesis log, trityl data, and operator notes
- Modify existing Protocols or create new ones by editing step order and durations. -- After editing, the protocol will be validated and any inconsistencies will be flagged.


Controller: Internal microprocessor with LCD display (240 x 64 pixels); software on 3.5" floppy disk; parallel printer port; two serial RS-422 communications ports; uninterruptable power supply connection; 2 event outs, one event in

Monitors: High/low gas pressure and in-line trityl monitors with real-time feedback control to interrupt synthesis at safe point; pre-synthesis electronic sensor tests; user-settable alarms

Battery Back-up: Memory protect at power loss and auto-restart at power resumption

Diaphragm Pump Delivery: Pre-calibrated pumps with ceramic microfluidic plate

Reservoirs: Argon, helium, or nitrogen pressurized; 5 nucleotide vials (8905), 9 nucleotide vials (8909); 6 reagent reservoirs (8905), 8 reagent reservoirs (8909)

Reagent Capacity (0.05, 0.2, 1.0 µmol): 150 cycles (8905), 800 cycles (8909)

Reagent Consumption: Less than 4.5 ml (0.05, 0.2, and 1.0 µmol)

Safety Features: Vented to back with fan; separates chlorinated waste

Synthesis Mode: Alternating phase synthesis of two independent sequences; independent scales and protocols; independent stop and start

Cycle Times: 3.5 min cycles at 0.05, 0.2, 1.0 µmol scales regardless of number of columns running with standard DNA synthesis

Reagent Calculations: Volume required for synthesis; actual usage to date

User Files: 8 user files with 63 sequences in each file; protocols; alarm settings

Standard Chemistry: [beta]-cyanoethyl phosphoramidite; RNA; phosphorothioate (in-line sulfurization); mixed sites

Protocol Features: Immediate or safe-step interrupt; option to cleave or retain 5'-DMT group; calculates and/or displays sequence name, sequence, purine/pyrimidine ratio, molecular weight, theoretical O.D.'s; complete history log with all events

Workstation Software: Controls up to 6 instruments, 4 with M.O.S.S. option, complete protocol editing; sequence editor; expanded documentation and data storage

Produktgruppe: DNA Synthesizer

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