
GFL Bi-Destillation

ID-Nummer: 014062
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
GFL Wasser-Bi-Destillationsapparat. Leistung 2l/h. Getrennte Wasserzufuhr. Mit 2 Stück Mischbett-Wasservollentsalzer TKA DI 2000-DI 15000. Baujahr 2006. Neupreis 3.543,- Euro.
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Mehr Informationen
Objektnummer B00014062
ID-Nummer 014062
Objektbezeichnung GFL Bi-Destillation
Status Archiv

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Firma:                     GFL

Modell:                   Bi-Destillation

Kommentar:           Dokumente engl. für ID. 14062


The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.



Water Stills for double distillation

GFL Double Distillers 2102, 2104 and 2108 produce ultra-pure, bacteria and pyrogen free distillat with a very low conductivity (approx 1.6 µS/cm at 20°C). The distillate is in conformity with DAB regulations and the regulations of international pharmacopoeia.


1           Main switch

2           Pilot lamp "Operation mono stage"

3           Pilot lamp "Low water mono stage"

4           Pilot lamp "Clean"

5           Pilot lamp "Operation bi stage"

6           Pilot lamp "Low water bi stage"



Functional description

Double Distillers

GFL Double Distillers are fully automatic.

After switching the unit on via the main switch, the green pilot lamp in the main switch will glow. The built-in solenoid valve is opened. Water flows through the cooling coil of the bi stage glass condenser of the bi stage and the cooling coil of the mono stage condenser and fills the boiler of the mono stage with tap water, regulated by a mechanical water level regulator. The water level regulator controls the water level in the boiler. Water that will not be used for vaporization flows off through the cooling water outlet.

The water level in the boilers is controlled by float switches that cause the heating elements to be switched on and that protect the unit against running dry.

Additionally, the heating elements in both distillation stages are protected against over temperature by thermostatic low water cut-offs.

When the heating elements of the mono stage boiler are below water level, they are switched on and bring the water to the boil.

Steam will rise up and condense on the cooling coil of the mono stage condenser. Mono distillate can be withdrawn from the glass tap at the front of the unit.

If the glass valve for withdrawal of mono distillate is closed, the distilled water from the mono stage will be led to the boiler of the second stage.

When the heating elements of the bi stage boiler are below water level, the heating elements are switched on. The mono distillate in the bi stage boiler is brought to the boil. The steam will condense in the glass condenser of the bi stage and then flows off as bi distillate through the outlet tube with dust guard shield that is screwed to the condenser. The maximum water level in the bi stage boiler is limited by an overflow to the cooling water outlet.

Operation mode of the heating elements in both stages is indicated by yellow pilot lamps.

When the double distiller is operated for the first time, the procedure until production of bi­distillate will take approx 2 hours.


Double distillers with separate water supply

(Accessory, should only be built into the unit in our works in Burgwedel)

The accessory "separate water supply" serves to feed the mono stage boiler with softened or desalinated water and the cooling coils with phosphatized or normal tap water.

Industrial water is fed to the boiler through a solenoid valve with approx 0.5 litres per minute. \/Vater that is not required flows off through the "outlet separate water supply". The condensers are fed with cooling water through a second solenoid valve. The cooling water flows off through the cooling water outlet.

Owing to the separation of industrial and cooling water, the water fed to the boiler is not preheated, the efficiency of the still is therefore reduced by approx 10-15%.



Carbon dioxide is released through the two exhaust tubes an the top of the unit.



Technical Data

Exterior dimensions (W x D x H)         Model 2102-         500 x 260 x 470mm

                                                              Model 2104-         550 x 280 x 570mm

                                                              Model 2108-         700 x 390 x 700mm

Distillation capacity                               Model 2102-         2 l/h mono or bi distillate

                                                              Model 2104-         4 l/h mono or bi distillate

                                                              Model 2108-         8 l/h mono or bi distillate

Distillate quality                                                                  in conformity with DAB, bacteria and pyrogen free, low gas content.

              Conductivity                                                         approx 2.1 µS / cm at 20°C

                                                                                          (mono distillate)

                                                                                          approx 1.6 pS / cm at 20°C

                                                                                          (bi distillate)

Cooling water required                          Model 2102-         approx 72 l/h

                                                              Model 2104-         approx 120 l/h

                                                              Model 2108-         approx 198 l/h

Watet pressure min / max                                                 > 3.5 bar / 7 bar

Electrical connection                             Model 2102-         230V +/-10%, 50 .... 60Hz, 3.5k\N

Mains connection                                                               mains connection cable w/o plug

                                                              Model 2104-         220V / 3 / PE or 400V / 3 / N / PE

Caution! Any deviation of the                                             +/-10%, 50 .... 60Hz, 6,5kVV

mains power, even within the                                            Mains connection cable w/o plug above stated limits, has effects on                                              Model 2108-         220V / 3 / PE or 400V / 3 / N / PE

the quantity of distilled water                                             +/-10%, 50 .... 60Hz, 11,5kW

produced.                                                                           Mains connection cable w/o plug

Protection type / protection class                                      I / IP20

Surrounding conditions                                                      Only inside buildings

                                                                                                                        (not in explosion endangered surroundings)

              Height                                                                  up to 2000m MSL

              Ambient temperature                                           +10 °C to +40 °C

              Humidity                                                               max 80% rel humidity, max 31 °C,

                                                                                          decreasing to 40% rel humidity

                                                                                          at 40 °C.

Weight                                                   Model 2102-         18.0kg / 38.0kg

(net / with water filling)                           Model 2104-         23.0kg / 45.0kg

                                                              Model 2108-         39.0kg / 64.0kg




TKA DI 2000 – DI 15000 Mixed Bed Ionechanger

Purified water is required for many procedures and pro­duction processes.

TKA mixed-bed water demineralizers produce pure, de­mineralized water by means of ion exchange. They re­move all dissolved salts, as well as carbonic and silicic acids, from the water.

Description of the function:

TKA mixed-bed water demineralizers contain a careful­ly chosen mixed-bed resin, male up from a strong cati­on and a strong anion ion exchange resin.

The fine mixing of these results in a very high quality water treatment unit.

During use, the feed water (drinking water) flows th­rough the ion exchange resins from the top downwards. The water passes by innumerous chains of the resins, whereby salts are removed. The degree to which the water is desalted is shown by a conductivity meter in the Purified water piping. when the conductivity limit which has been set down for the particular application is rea­ched, the mixed-bed water demineralizer must be re­placed and regenerated.



Art.-No:                            02.2000     02.2800   02.4000   02.6000     02.7000   02.11000       02.15000

Max. operating pressure   10 bar         10 bar      10 bar      10 bar         10 bar      10 bar           10 bar

Operating temperature      30°C           30°C        30°C        30°C           30°C        30°C             30°C

Exchange capacity at

12.5eH TDS                     2000 I         2800 I       4000 I       6000 I         7000 I       11000 I         15000 I (dependant upon

the flow rate)

Weight of filled cartridge 18 kg            24 kg       27 kg       45 kg          55 kg       70 kg            90 kg

Max. fiow rate                   300 I/h        950 I/h      10001/h    12001/h      500 I/h      1900 hh        2000 I/h

Diameter of cartridge         240 mm     240 mm   240 mm   240 mm     363 mm   363 mm       363 mm

Height of cartridge             490 mm      600 mm   700 mm   1150 mm   660 mm   850 mm        1100 mm

Connector of

Drinking water tap             R 3/4"         R 3/4"      R 3/4"      R3/4"          R3/4"       R3/4"            R3/4"

Flow restrictor                  Ø 3 mm     Ø 4,5mm Ø   6 mm

                                      21.5002     21.5006    21.5007


Produktgruppe: Wasseraufbereitung

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