

ID-Nummer: 017120
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
ESCO/Envair Vertikal-Werkbank Airstream AVC-6D1. Reiner Produktschutz. Vertikaler Luftstrom. Arbeitsbreite: 1800mm. Fabrikneu. Herstellergarantie. Option: UV-Lampe UV30A (190E). Anschlüsse für Gas, Vakkum, Stickstoff, Sauerstoff und Wasser (je250E). Untergestell mit verstellbaren Füssen SAL-4B0 (450E). Polycarbonat Frontabdeckung FC-AVC5D (350E). Alternative Breiten: 600,900,1200 und 1500mm.
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Objektnummer B00017120
ID-Nummer 017120
Objektbezeichnung ESCO AVC-6D1
Status Archiv

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manufacturer:       Esco

model :                   AVC-6D1

annotation :           Dokumente engl.




Esco Airstream Vertical Laminar Flow Clean Benches offer proven protection for your samples and processes where operator protection is not required. Vertical laminar flow offers certain tangible advantages over horizontal flow clean benches (which may be the convention in some parts of the world), such as lower energy consumption (40% of conventional systems) levels through the use of exclusive motorized impeller technology and less airflow turbulence (especially when large objects are used in the work zone). In fact, the negative pressure filter mounting system employed on these models is widely recognised to be superior to that of conventional horizontal flow clean benches.



·                      ISO Class 4 air cleanliness within work zone as per ISO 14644.1 (equivalent to Class 10 as per US Federal Standard 209E, 10 times "cleaner" than the usual Class 100 classification on clean benches offered by the competition).

·                      High-quality polyester pre-filter and main ULPA filter with a typical efficiency of 99.9997% at MPPS and 99.9998% at both 0.3 and 0.12 microns provide the best product protection in the world; typical main ULPA filter lifespan is more than 3 years depending on the usage of the clean bench.

·                      Mini-pleat separatorless ULPA filter technology reduces energy consumption and delivers increased laminar airflow uniformity for better product and cross contamination protection.

·                      Integral filter metal guard on both sides prevents accidental damage to ULPA filter; seamless filter gasket is permanently molded on the filter frame and will not deteriorate over time; aerosol (DOP/PAO) challenge test port included.


Specifications AVC-6D1

Model No.

Standards Complied

Dimensions (mm)

Dimensions (mm)

Velocity (Inflow)

Velocity (Downflow)



AS1386.5, CSA22.2 No.1010.1-92, EN 1822, EN-1822, EN61010-1, IEC61010-1, IEST-RP-CC001.3, IEST-RP-CC002.2, IEST-RP-CC007, IEST-RP-CC-034.1, ISO 14644.1, UL 61010A-1, UL-C 61010A-1, US Federal Standard 209E

1950 x 764 x 1280

1880 x 700 x 720


0.45(m/s) /

220-240V,AC, 50Hz,1ø

Esco offers a variety of options and accessories to meet local applications. Contact Esco or your local Sales Representative for ordering information.

Support Stands

· Fixed height, available 711 mm (28") or 860 mm (34")

o With leveling feet (SPL)

o With casters (SPC)

· Adjustable height, hydraulic range 711 mm (28") to 860 mm (34")

o Manual or electrical lift (SPM)

o With casters

Electrical Outlets and Utility Fixtures

· Electrical outlet, ground fault, North America

· Electrical outlet, Euro/ Worldwide

· Petcock (air, gas, vacuum)

o North America (American) style

o Euro/Worldwide style DIN 12898, DIN 12919, DIN 3537

Cabinet Accessories

· Germicidal UV lamp

· Transparent front cover (recommended when UV lamp is used)

· PVC armrest

· Height-adjustable lab chair

· Ergonomic foot rest

· IV bar, with hooks

Airstream® Vertical Laminar Flow Clean Benches Airflow Picture

· Room air is taken in from the top of the clean bench through a disposable pre-filter with 85% arrestance; this serves to trap larger particles and increase the life of the main filter.

· Air is forced evenly across the ULPA filter(s); the result is a stream of clean laminar air within the work zone of the clean bench; this dilutes and flushes all airborne contaminants from the interior.

· A nominal filter face velocity of 0.45 m/s or 90 fpm ensures that there is a sufficient number of air changes within the enclosed area of the clean bench in order to maintain cleanliness.

· The purified air travels across the working zone of the clean bench in a vertical, unidirectional stream and leaves the main work chamber across the entire open front of the clean bench and through Auto-Purge™ slots at the back wall of the workzone. Auto-Purge™ slots are designed to eliminate air turbulence and the possibility of dead- air corners in the workzone.

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pdf German Sellsheet
pdf Spanish Catalog
pdf Vietnamese Sellsheet


· ISO Class 4 air cleanliness within work zone as per ISO 14644.1 (equivalent to Class 10 as per US Federal Standard 209E, 10 times "cleaner" than the usual Class 100 classification on clean benches offered by the competition).

· High-quality polyester pre-filter and main ULPA filter with a typical efficiency of 99.9997% at MPPS and 99.9998% at both 0.3 and 0.12 microns provide the best product protection in the world; typical main ULPA filter lifespan is more than 3 years depending on the usage of the clean bench.

· Mini-pleat separatorless ULPA filter technology reduces energy consumption and delivers increased laminar airflow uniformity for better product and cross contamination protection.

· Integral filter metal guard on both sides prevents accidental damage to ULPA filter; seamless filter gasket is permanently molded on the filter frame and will not deteriorate over time; aerosol (DOP/PAO) challenge test port included.

Esco offers a variety of options and accessories to meet local applications. Contact Esco or your local Sales Representative for ordering information.

Support Stands

· Fixed height, available 711 mm (28") or 860 mm (34")

o With leveling feet (SPL)

o With casters (SPC)

· Adjustable height, hydraulic range 711 mm (28") to 860 mm (34")

o Manual or electrical lift (SPM)

o With casters

Electrical Outlets and Utility Fixtures

· Electrical outlet, ground fault, North America

· Electrical outlet, Euro/ Worldwide

· Petcock (air, gas, vacuum)

o North America (American) style

o Euro/Worldwide style DIN 12898, DIN 12919, DIN 3537

Cabinet Accessories

· Germicidal UV lamp

· Transparent front cover (recommended when UV lamp is used)

· PVC armrest

· Height-adjustable lab chair

· Ergonomic foot rest

· IV bar, with hooks

Airstream® Vertical Laminar Flow Clean Benches Airflow Picture


·                      Room air is taken in from the top of the clean bench through a disposable pre-filter with 85% arrestance; this serves to trap larger particles and increase the life of the main filter.

·                      Air is forced evenly across the ULPA filter(s); the result is a stream of clean laminar air within the work zone of the clean bench; this dilutes and flushes all airborne contaminants from the interior.

·                      A nominal filter face velocity of 0.45 m/s or 90 fpm ensures that there is a sufficient number of air changes within the enclosed area of the clean bench in order to maintain cleanliness.

·                      The purified air travels across the working zone of the clean bench in a vertical, unidirectional stream and leaves the main work chamber across the entire open front of the clean bench and through Auto-Purge™ slots at the back wall of the workzone. Auto-Purge™ slots are designed to eliminate air turbulence and the possibility of dead- air corners in the workzone.

pdf Catalog
pdf French Catalog
pdf German Sellsheet
pdf Spanish Catalog
pdf Vietnamese Sellsheet


Produktgruppe: Laminarflow / Sicherheitswerkbänke

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