
CDS Pyroprobe 2000

ID-Nummer: 014612
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
CDS Pyrolyseeinheit Pyroprobe 2000. Handheld Terminal. 2 Coil probes. Temperatur bis 1400°C. Baujahr 2003.
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Objektnummer B00014612
ID-Nummer 014612
Objektbezeichnung CDS Pyroprobe 2000
Status Archiv

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Firma:                CDS

Modell:              Pyroprobe 2000

Kommentar:      Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

With an independently temperature programmable interface and probe, the CDS Pyroprobe° 2000 is capable of performing all the functions of the Pyroprobe® 1000 and more. The Pyroprobe® 2000 adds the ability to program up to 5 different temperature ramps with heating rates in degrees per millisecond, second or minnte from 0.01 °C/min to 20,000 °C/sec to a maximum temperature of 1400 °C . This control of the sample allows the user to obtain a complete temperature profile of a sample including headspace, thermal desorption and pyrolysis. Slow heating rates are ideal for ther­mal evolution studies and programmed pyrolysis with continuous analysis by GC, GC/MS, or FT-IR.

Applications : Multiple step temperature programming permits analyses such as:

•            Deformulation

•            Dynamic headspace and pyrolysis of polymers

•            Sequential pyrolysis

•            Thermal degradation profiles

•            Analysis of geochemical samples for fuel potential

•            Outgassing studies


The CDS Analytical Pyroprobe 2000 is a multiple step, platinum filament pyrolysis Instru­ment which prepares samples for analysis by gas chromatography, mass spectrometry or FTIR. The microprocessor of the Pyroprobe 2000 controls the temperature of the filament by calculating the resistance of the filament at setpoint temperature and supplying the correct voltage to achieve that temperature. Filaments are available in a variety of designs and sizes, and the Pyroprobe 2000 comes supplied with one ribbon probe, for placing samples directly onto the surface of the filament, and one coil probe, for pyrolysis of samples in a quartz tube. There are three basic modes of Operation: Run, for pyrolysis of the sample in either a single step (like the Pyroprobe 1000) or in a program of several steps; Dry, for removing solvent from a sample deposited as a solution onto the ribbon filament; and Clean, for removing residual material from the filament between runs. In the Pyroprobe 2000, the timen and temperatures for the Dry and Clean features are user selectable.

The Pyroprobe 2000 is interfaced to a gas chromatograph by means of a heated chamber which houses the filament rod during pyrolysis. The temperature of this Interface and the temperature of the pyrolysis filament are independently programmable. Each program may contain up to five steps, and each step includes an initial temperature, a heating ramp and a final temperature. For the pyrolysis filament, the temperatures may go to 1400°C and the

rates may range from 0.01°C/ minute to 20,000°C/second, settable in degrees per minute, second or millisecond. For the interface, temperatures may be set to 350°C at heating rates in degrees per minute. The probe and interface temperatures may be programmed independently of one another, or used in a combined mode. To connect the programming of the interface and the probe, the letter "P" is entered in one step of the Interface program, which causes the probe program to begin at this step. The microprocessor of the Pyroprobe 2000 will store nine completed methods for both the interface and the probe.

In addition to multiple ramp programs, the Pyroprobe 2000 may be used as a single step pyrolyzer, muck like the Pyroprobe 1000. When the Single Step feature is used, there is a single ramp and final temperature for the probe, while the interface remains isothermal.

All programming, temperature selection, calibration and run initiation are performed through the keypad of the Pyroprobe 2000. Pressing the programming step keys will produce displays asking for setpoints. During a run, the actual temperatures for both the probe and interface may be displayed an the screen, or setpoints may be examined in other program steps.

Sample handling, placement, filament rod replacement, interface connection, and expend­ables such as quartz tubes and seals are the saure for both the Pyroprobe 1000 and the Pyroprobe 2000.


FILAMENT TEMPERATURE       Settable in 1°C increments to 1400°C

FINAL TIME                                  Settable in units of 0.01 second to 99.99 sec.

HEATING RATE                           Settable in units of 0.01°C/millisecond from 0.01 to 20.00 (10°C to 20,000°C/second).

INTERFACE TEMPERATURE    Settable in 1°C increments to 350°C

DRY MODE                                 80°C for 1 second

CLEAN MODE                             1200°C for 5 seconds

POWER REQUIREMENT           115V, 50/60Hz; 220/240V, 50/60Hz

DIMENSIONS                               H – 14cm, W – 44cm, D 33 cm

Produktgruppe: GC-Sonstiges

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