
Biometrica COPAS Select

ID-Nummer: 016988
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Biometrica Analysator COPAS Select. Kapazität 250 mL. Flussrate 6 mL/min. Mit Laser zur Sortierung nach Größe/TOF. Baujahr 2003
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Objektnummer B00016988
ID-Nummer 016988
Objektbezeichnung Biometrica COPAS Select
Status Archiv

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manufacturer:       Biometrica

model:                   COPAS Select

annotation:           Dokumente engl.



The COPAS TM SELECT (Complex Object Parametric Analyzer and Sorter) is an Instrument for analyzing and sorting objects from 20-350 microns in diameter and less than 2mm in length Applications include Drosophila embryos and other like sized mode) organisms and large cellular clusters. This continuous flow system is capable of analyzing small and large quantities of objects using five parameters: size, optical density and up to three channels of fluorescence. Objects are passed axially, one by one, through a focus of a laser beam; the resulting signals are then detected and recorded by a forward scatter detector and fluorescence detectors. Relative size is measured by an axial light-loss detector, which records the time that the light blockage signal remains above a pre-set threshold level; this parameter corresponds to the time of flight (TOF). The optical density of the object is determined by the total integrated signal of the light blockage; this parameter is the object's extinction (EXT). The fluorescence intensity (FLU) can be simultaneously determined at three different wavelengths by the excitation and emission filters in the system. TOF is related to an object's axial length, EXT is related to how dark or transparent an object is, and FLU is related to the amount of fluorescing compound that is present. Sorting and dispensing decisions are based on user-selected ranges of EXT, TOF, and FLU that are entered through our COPAS software. Objects can be dispensed into microtiter plates or stationary receptacles. Using a unique, pneumatic sorting mechanism, the COPAS is gentle enough to sort and dispense live organisms without affecting their viability.


The objects referred to in the specifications below are specifically for Drosophila embryos, with broad application for other objects including cell clusters, beads, and other objects of similar size and shape. A selected region refers to Operator specified ranges in EXT, TOF and FLU.

Analysis and Counting Rate:

Maximum 25 objects per second with Standard COPAS software (or 100 with Advanced Acquisition Package software) based on maximum sample concentration and nominal sample flow rates.

Automated Dispensing Fill Time for 96 Well Microtiter Plates:

1.5 – 2 minutes per plate with 1 object per well selected, coincidence check software operating, nominal sample concentrations, and an acquisition rate of 20 objects per second in the selected region.

Automated Dispensing Accuracy:

Greater than 98% of wells filled have one or more objects. Of the filled wells, less than 5% may have 2 or more objects.

Sample Viability after Sorting and Dispensing:

There is no decrease in the viability of a live organism after having passed through our machine.


Sample Capacity:            250 milliliters; 40 ml Option available

Sample Concentration:    Adjustable, maximum 500 objects per milliliter

Sample Flow Rate:          Adjustable, nominally 6 milliliters per minute

Sample Mixing:                 Magnetic stirrer bars for mixing in sample cup

Sheath:                             Proprietary Union Biometrica sheath. The sheath contains non­toxic, non-ionic surfactant.

Sheath Capacity:             10 liters

Sheath Flow Rate:           Adjustable, nominally 25 milliliters per minute

Cleaner Capacity:            1 fiter

Waste Capacity:              10 liters

Sorter Mechanism:          Air jet fluid diverter


Laser:                  Typical laser choices include: UV 325 nm He-Cd, UV 375, 405, 488, 488/514, 561, 635, 640, 670, Ar-Kr multi-line. New lasers are being introduced all the time: please contact us if you need something different

Laser Optics:       Lens assembly creates an elliptical analysis beam at the plane of the

flow cell. The 1/e2 dimensions of approximately 1 mm as measured in air with the flow cell absent.

Flow Cell:             Square cross-section quartz flow cell with 500 micron square cross­section inner bore.

Detectors:            PIN Photodiode for measuring extinction (EXT) and time of flight (TOF).
Photomultiplier tubes for measuring fluorescence.

Ambient Light:      Optical assembly is sealed and unaffected by normal room light.


Processors:         Three microprocessors controlling XY-stage motion, sorting/acquisition and fluidic control valves.

Analog:                 5 acquisition channels with software settable gain, Integrator scaling, triggering threshold and 12 bit ADC. Variable voltage control for fluorescence PMT gain, walte pump speed, and mixer speeds.

Computer:            IBM compatible PC with color monitor


Workspace:         Permanent, open, level, vibration free space with a recommended work area of 2m Wide x 0.6m Deep. Actual instrument is 0.7m W x 0.6m D x 0.6m H (1.1 m with the lid up).

System Weight:   100 lbs (45 kg) not including Computer (approx. depending on options)

Power:                  Place the COPAS SYSTEM within 6 feet (2 meters) to the power outlets.

                            •       For USA and Canada: Two single phase, 120VAC, 20 amps, 50/60 HZ, on separate dedicated lines with protective earth grounds, using the detachable cords supplied. *lf the optional Air Compressor is used, it is recommended that a third dedicated line (100-120VAC, 15 Amp, 50/60 HZ, single phase on a dedicated line with protective earth ground) is provided, although it may be connected to the line with the COPAS instrument. Always ensure that local electrical codes are followed.

                            •       For Continental Europe: Two, single phase, 220/240VAC, 16 amp, 50/60 HZ, on separate dedicated lines with protective earth grounds using the detachable power cords provided or CE7/VII approved equivalent detachable cords. *lf the optional Air Compressor is used, it is recommended that a third dedicated line (220/240VAC, 10 Amp, 50/60 HZ, on separate dedicated lines with protective earth ground) is provided, although it may be connected to the line with the COPAS instrument. Always ensure that local electrical codes are followed.

Pressurized Air:   25-100 psi of filtered, at 2 CFM, non-condensing, watet and oil free supplied by house air or optional UBI supplied Compressor

Temperature:       60°F (15°C) to 85°F (30°C) environmental temperature limits. Temperature should not vary more than +/- 1 degree C from the time of experimental setup through completion. The System generates approximately 3800 BTU/Hr.

Humidity:              0 to 85% non-condensing environmental relative humidity limits.

Produktgruppe: Durchflußzytometer

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