
Appl.Biosystems BioCad Sprint

ID-Nummer: 014150
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Applied Biosystems Chromatographiesystem BioCad Sprint. 2 Pumpen. 6-fach Gradientenmischer. UV/VIS-Detektor. Automatischen Injektionsventil. pH- Detektor. Leitfähigkeitsdetektor. Computer. Software.
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Objektnummer B00014150
ID-Nummer 014150
Objektbezeichnung Appl.Biosystems BioCad Sprint
Status Archiv

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieses Geräteangebotes ist die Labprocure GmbH als Geräteinserent. Labprocure übernimmt die Haftung für die hier inserierten Angebote und für die beinhalteten Fotos und Angebotstexte. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstrasse 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:                   Appl.Biosystems

Modell:                BioCad Sprint

Kommentar:        Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Overview PerSeptive Biosystems BioCAD SPRINT P TM P – System for Perfusion Chromatography is a Computer-aided chromatography system that integrates all aspects of biomolecule purification with Perfusion Chromatography technology.

The BioCAD SPRINT System is designed for:

•     Chromatographic method execution—Routine execution of chromatographic methods for the purification and analysis of biomolecules.

•     Systematic method development—The goal of method development is to optimize conditions for your application. Systematic method development makes it easy to identify variables that affect your application, systematically change the variables, observe the effects, and use the Information to optimize chromatographic conditions.

Features The BioCAD SPRINT System provides the following features:

•     Simplicity—Microsoft® Windows°-based software

that is intuitive and easy to use. You can efficiently

develop and execute separations for analytical and

preparative applications.

•     Full Process Capability—Full capability from sample injection through fraction collection, including automated column washing and regeneration.

•     Speed—Chromatographic separations in as little as one to three minutes, when using POROS® media and columns.

•     Versatility—Multiple injection mode options.

•     Gradient Capability—Six-buffer/solvent capability, with simultaneous blending between any four buffers/solvents.

•     Detection—Monitoring of pH, conductiviry, dual-wavelength UVNis absorbance, fluorescence (optional), and system pressure.

•     Templates—Predefined templates for systematic method development of some variables such as columns and sample.

•     Data Analysis—Data analysis of single data fites or groups of data fites.

•     ChromatoCADTM Scale-up Design System Software—Tool for studying the effects of changing conditions in a process method (optional).

•     Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Software­Compliance with FDA GMP requirements (optional).

•     SCOUT Column Selector—Automated multi-column switching device that allows flow to be diverted to any one of six attached columns (optional).

Parts of the System

The BioCAD SPRINT System is shown in Figure 1-2.

The BioCAD SPRINT System includes:

•            Front panel indicators and controls

•            Buffer/solvent and pump system

•            Sample loader

•            Columns and plumbing

•            Detector and monitors

•            Fraction collection

•            Computer components

Indicators The front panel includes LED (light emitting diode) indicators:

•            Power On/Off—Indicates status of system power

•            Pump On/Off—Indicates status of pump

•            Event Mark—Indicates Status of Event Mark control

•            Lamp On/Off—Indicates status of UV/Vis detector lamp

Controls The front Panel includes push-Button controls:

•            Pump On/Off—Turns pump an and off

•            Event Mark—Marks the electronic strip Chart recorder manually with an MRK notation

•            Lamp On/Off—Turns UV/Vis detector lamp an and off

General Specifications




255 pounds (116 kg)


36 Inches (91 cm) deep, 72 Inches (183 cm) wide, 36 Inches (91 cm) high (space required for system, Computer monitor, keyboard, and buffers)



Dual piston, positive displacement with 6 inlets, pressure safety,

and built-in seal flush

Flow rate

0.2-60 ml/min

Accuracy is +/- 1% of setpoint or 0.05 ml/min (whichever is





3,000 psi (204 bar, 20.4 MPa)



Up to six solvents, with low-pressure quaternary blending in

Percentage, Eluent, or pH blend modes with 0.1% increments.

Compositional accuracy: ± 1



Four injection modest

•            Manual—Eliminates prime volume, needle port adapter included

•            Pump—Unlimited volume loading

•            Integrated Autosampler (optional)—Inject from multiple samples, with complete control over autosampler functions

•            Direct Wire Autosampler (optional)—Inject from multiple samples, control autosampler from autosampler front panel

Column sizes

•            POROS° Perfusion Chromatography° columns-2.1 to 27 mm diameter

•            Conventional chromatography columns—no limit an column size



One column

NOTE: Use up to six columns with optional SCOUT Column





Integrated control of optional external fraction collectors, which

accommodate tubes or larger bottles. Tube-to-tube switching time is 0.1 seconds with the Advantec fraction collector.



Biocompatible and solvent-resistant—PEEK, Teflon®, Kel F°,

Kynar°, sapphire, stainless steel, aluminum Oxide, ruby


Auxiliary Inputs

and Outputs

•            Inputs-2 TTL

•            Outputs-2 TTL


Auxiliary driver


•            Spareout LC-12 V (0.25 A)

•            Spareout HC-24 V (1 A)


Detection Specifications




Transducer an pump discharge-0 to 3,000 psi

Auxiliary Input

12-bit A/D for additional detector

pH probe

•            Range-2 to 12 pH units

•            Flow Gell volume-50 NI



•            Range-0 to 200 mS

•            Flow cell volume-7 pI


Model 201 (single wavelength)-190 nm to 800 nm

Model 205 (dual wavelength)

•            190 nm to 800 nm (single wavelength range)

•            190 to 450 nm OR 366 to 700 nm (dual wavelength ranges)

Flow cells available:

•            Analytical-6 mm path length, 9 NI volume, 45 ml/min flow rate maximum

•            Semi-prep 3 mm path length, 4.5 pI volume, 100 ml/min flow rate maximum


Miscellaneous Specifications




Minimum internal Pentium/100 MHz, 1.2 gigabyte hard disk drive,

16 megabyte RAM Irandom access memory), 3.5" floppy disk

drive, 14" Super VGA color monitor, keyboard, and mouse


17" or 21" color monitor, laser and color printers, SCOUT Column

Selector, external detector (UV/Vis or fluorescence), fraction

collector, autosampler, 28.8K bps modern and remote control

software, Supervisorr"" Software (stand-alone software version),

Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Software, ChromatoCAD

Scale-Up Design System Software, and kits of selected POROS


Produktgruppe: HPLC-Systeme

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