
Agilent G 1377A

ID-Nummer: 014171
Status: Archiviertes Produkt?The unit is no longer available.
Agilent Serie 1100. TC Micro-Well-Plate Sampler G1377A. Mit ALS Therm G1330B. Mit Vial Rack und Well-plates. Mit Konformitätserklärung. Neuwertig. Baujahr 2005. Sofort verfügbar.
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Objektnummer B00014171
ID-Nummer 014171
Objektbezeichnung Agilent G 1377A
Status Archiv

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Firma:                   Agilent

Modell:                G 1377A

Kommentar:        Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Introduction to the Well-plate Sampler

Four models of Agilent 1100 Series well-plate sampler are available :

•            G1367A Well-plate sampler

•            G1368A Thermostatted well-plate sampler

•            G1377A Micro well-plate sampler

•            GI378A Thermostatted micro well-plate sampler

The Agilent 1100 Series well-plate samplers and Agilent 1100 Series thermostatted well-plate samplers are designed for use with other modules of the Agilent 1100 Series LC system, with the HP 1050 Series, or with other LC Systems if adequate remote control Inputs and Outputs are available. The well­plate samplers are controlled from the Agilent 1100 Series control module or from the Agilent ChemStation for LC.

The special-designed thermostattable sample tray for this Instrument holds 2 well-plates (shallow - or deepwell) and additional 10 x 2.0 ml vials. The format of the well-plates can be up to 384 wells per plate (on a footprint of 128x86 mm). The well-plate sampler can also handle 100 x 2 ml vials using the current trays for the Agilent Gl313/29A autosampler. There are Sensors to detect the presence of the tray.

The well-plate sampler transport mechanism uses an X-Z-theta robot to optimize the positioning of the sampling arm on the well-plate. Once the sampling arm is positioned over the programmed sample position, the programmed sample volume is drawn by the metering device into the sampling needle. The sampling arm then moves to the injection position where the sample is flushed onto the column.

The well-plate sampler employs a vial/plate pusher mechanism to hold down the vial or the plate while the needle is drawn back from the sample vessel (a raust in the case a septum is used). This vial/plate pusher employs a Sensor to detect the presence of a plate. All axes of the transport mechanism

(x-,z-,theta-robot) are driven by Stepper-motors. Optical encoders ensure the correct Operation of the movement.

The standard metering device (for the G1367A/68A) provides injection volumes from 0.1-100 µl. A multi-draw kit extends the range up to 1500 µl. The micro metering device (for the G1377A/78A) provides injection volumes from 0.01 - 8µl with the standard loop capillary installed and from 0.01 - 40 µl with the extended loop capillary. The metering device is always flushed by the mobile phase after injection for minimum internal carry-over.

An additional needle flush station with a peristaltic pump is installed to wash the outside of the needle. This reduces the already low carry-over for very sensitive analysis. The bottle containing the mobile phase for the wash procedure will be located in the solvent bottle cabinet. Produced waste during this Operation is channeled safely away through a waste drain.

The six-port (only 5 ports are used) injection valve unit is driven by a high-Speed hybrid Stepper motor. During the sampling sequence, the valve unit bypasses the autosampler, and connects flow from the pump to the column directly. During injection and analysis, the valve unit directs the flow through the well-plate sampler which ensures that all of the sample is injected onto the column, and that the metering unit and needle are always free from sample residue before the next sampling sequence begins. The injection valves from the G1367A/68A and the G1377A/78A have a different stator head and a different rotor seal. The volume of each valve is different.

Control of the vial/plate temperature in the thermostatted well-plate sampler is achieved using an additional Agilent 1100 Series module; the ALS thermostat.

The ALS thermostat contains Peltier-controlled heat-exchangers. A fan draws air from the area above the sample vial tray of the well-plate sampler. It is then blown through the fins of the cooling/heating module. There it is cooled or heated according the temperature setting. The thermostatted air enters the well-plate sampler through a recess underneath the special designed sample tray. The air is then distributed evenly through the sample tray ensuring effective temperature control, regardless of how mang vials are in the tray. In cooling mode condensation is generated an the cooled side of the Peltier elements. This condensed water is safely guided into a waste bottle for condensed water.

Performance Specifications Agilent 1100 Series Micro Well Plate Sampler

Type                                  Specification

GLP features                      Early maintenance feedback (EMF), electronic records of maintenance and


Communications                 Controller-area network (CAN). RS232C, APG-remote standard, optional

                                        fourexternal contactclosures and BCDvial numberoutput

Safety features                    Leak detection and safe leak handling, low voltages in maintenance areas,

                                        error detection and display

Injection range                    0.01— 8 µl in 0.01 µl increments with the small loop capillary

                                        0.01— 40 µl in 0.01 µl increments with the extended loop capillary

Precision                            Typically < 0.5 % RSD of peak areas from 5 — 40 µl,

                                        Typically < 1 % RSD from 1— 5 µl

                                        Typically <3 % RSD from 0.2-1 µl

Sample viscosity range        0.2 — 5 cp

Sample capacity                 2 X well-plates (MTP) + 10 X 2 ml vials

                                        100 x 2 ml in one tray

                                        40 x 2 ml in half tray

lnjection cycle time             Typically < 30 s using following standard conditions:

                                        Default draw speed: 4 µl/min

                                        Default eject speed: 10 µl/min

                                        Injection volume: 0.1 µl

Carry-over                           Typically < 0.05 % using the following conditions:

                                        Column:150 x0.5 mm Hypersil ODS, 3 pm

                                        Mobile phase: Water/Acetonitrile = 85/15

                                        Column Flovv rate: 13 µl/min

                                        Injection volume:1 µl caffeine (=25ng caffeine),1 µl water to test carryover

                                        Outside wash of needle before injection: 20 sec with water using flush port

Physical Specifications - sampler (G1367A / G1377A)

Type                                                        Specification                              Comments

Weight                                                    15.5 kg (34.2 Ibs)

Dimensions                                              200 x 345 x 440 mm

(height x width x depth)                             (8 x 13.5 x 17 inches)

Line voltage                                              100 — 240 VAC, ±10 %              Wide-ranging capability

Line frequency                                          50 or 60 Hz, -±5 %

Power consumption (apparent power)         300 VA                                      Maximum

Power consumption (active power)             200 VV                                      Maximum

Ambient operating temperature                  4 to 55 °C (41 to 131 °F)

Ambient non-operating temperature            -40 to 70 °C (-4 to 158 °F)

Humidity                                                  < 95 %, at 25 to 40 °C(77 to 104 °F)     Non-condensing

Operating Altitude                                     Up to 2000 m (6500 ft)

Non-operating altitude                               Up to 4600 m (14950 ft)              For storing the


Safety standards: IEC, CSA, UL                Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 2

Optional with G1330B Thermostat

lntroduction to the Thermostatted Autosampler

The Agilent 1100 Series autosampler is designed for use with other modules of the Agilent 1100 Series LC System, with the HP 1050 Series, or with other LC Systems if adequate remote control Inputs and Outputs are available. The autosampler is controlled from the Agilent 1100 Series control module or from the Agilent ChemStation for LC Systems.

The specially-designed thermostattable Sample trays holds Bither 100 x 1.8 ml vials or two wellplates and 10 x 1.8 ml vials.

The ALS thermostat contains Peltier-controlled heat exchangers. A fan draws air from the area above the sample vial trag of the autosampler and is then blown through the fins of the cooling/heating module. There it is cooled or heated according to the temperature setting. The thermostatted air enters the autosampler through a recess underneath the specially-designed sample tray. The air is then distributed evenly through the Sample tray ensuring effective temperature control, regardless of how many vials are in the tray.

In cooling mode condensation is generated an the cooled side of the Peltier elements. This condensed water is safely guided into the leak System.

Physical Specifications - Thermostatted Autosampler

Type                                                   Specification                                       Comments


Weight                                                20.7 kg (45.6 Ibs)

Dimensions                                         140 x 345 x 435 mm

(height X width X depth)                        (5.5 x 13.5 x 17 inches)

Line voltage                                         100 - 120 or 220 - 240 VAC, ± 10 %      Automatic selection

Line frequency                                     50 or 60 Hz, ± 5%

Power consumption                             Autosampler: 300 VA                           Maximum

                                                         ALS Thermostat: 260 VA                      Maximum

Ambient operating temperature             4.— 40°C (41 - 131°C)                          see an page 22

Ambient nun-operating temperature       -40 — 70 °C (-4 - 158 °C)

Humiuity                                             < 95 %, at 25 - 40°C (77 - 104 °C)         Non-condensing;

Operating Attitude                                Up to 2000 m (6500 ft)

Non-operating altitude                          Up to 4600 m (14950 ft)                        For storing the


Safety standards: IEC, CSA, UL, EN     Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 2

Produktgruppe: HPLC-Autosampler

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