
Waters HPLC 4

Seriennummer: 011220
Status: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Waters HPLC systeem. 2 x 2 x pomp 510 kolomoven met regeleenheid TCM. Detector 490E. Detector 460. integrator Hitachi D7500. WISP 712 1998
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Objektnummer B00011220
Seriennummer 011220
Object Naam Waters HPLC 4
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Waters

Modell:            HPLC 4

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Precise, reliable performance with Waters 510 HPLC Pump

The Waters 510 Pump is a high-­precision HPLC pump that combines the most important aspects of perform­ance-high precision, reliability, smooth solvent delivery, and proven performance. The 510 is the industry standard for microbore to semipre­parative chromatography. The simple yet dependable design consists of dual reciprocating pistons driven by stepper-motor controlled, noncircular gears for smooth, precise delivery.

Dependable design ensures accuracy

The 510's standard flow range of 0.1 to 9.9 ml/min can be externally controlled down to 0.001 ml/min. and can operate in fully-automated isocratic mode, gradient mode, or flow programming mode. The 510's compressibility compensation circuitry automatically adjusts the motor's speed in response to changes in oper­ating pressure, guaranteeing accurate flow delivery under all operating con­ditions and with all mobile phases.

The 6000 psig operating pressure lets you take advantage of the speed and efficiency of all microparticulate col­umns. An automatic high pressure shut off mechanism protects your columns. The mechanically activated outlet check valve and real design gives greater re­liability under any operating conditions, even when using volatile solvents such as hexane und methylene chloride. Advanced seal material and mechani­cal design aid in precise solvent deli­very und significantly extend the life of the pump. A Plunger Wash Kit is also available to extend the life of the seals when performing buffered mobile phase applications.

Drive:                                                               Positive gear drive with precision stepper-motor     (12 steps/µl)

Flow Rate:                                                       0.1 to 9.9 ml/min

     with 680 Autornatic Gradient Controller     0.01 to 10.0 ml/min

     with Micro Flow Control Module                 0.001 to 9.9 ml/min

     with 510 EF (Extended Flow)                     0.22 to 22.5 ml/min

Flow Rate Precision:                                      ±0.1 % of setting

Flow Rate Accuracy:                                      ±1.0% of setting or 0.005 ml/min

Maximum Pressure Limit:                               6000 psig (410 bars)

Pressure Meter Range:                                  0 to 6000 psig (0 to 410 bars)

Overpressure Limits:                                      Continuously adjustable between 100 and 6000      psig (7 and 410 bars)

Piston Displacement Volume:            100 µI each piston (225 µI for ex­tended flow




The WatersTM Temperature Control System (Figure 1-1) consists of the Temperature Control Module (TCM) and one or more column heaters. The System provides stable operating temperatures for columns and in­sulates them from changes in ambient temperature.

The TCM is an independent, microprocessor-controlled unit capable of simultaneously regulating the temperature of up to three column heaters. Each heater may be Set to a different temperature. An audible alarm sounds if either the upper or lower temperature limit is exceeded.

Either unit may also be purchased separately from the System. Each heater supports up to four columns within tailored aluminum inserts. A high reliability circuit (independent of the TCM) protects the columns in the unlikely event of an electronic component failure.

Theory of Operation

A programmed microprocessor serves as the con­trol element in the TCM. The program provides a coupled data feedback control system in which the difference between the temperature entered into the memory and the actual measured temperature determines the rate at which the TCM reaches the desired temperature. The interval of time in which the heater is actively heating is referred to as the duty cycle.

The feedback control system measures both the magnitude and the integral of the difference be­tween the set temperature and the actual temperature, then converts these measurements into a time modulated signal. These two measurements are alternately known as propor­tional control and lag compensation.'

The green indicator Iight on the heater illuminates only when power is applied to its heating element (it does not indicate that ac power is on). The light re­mains on for briefer periods of time as the heater temperature approaches the value programmed into the TCM.

This feedback system allows rapid warmup and stabilization of the system while minimizing the possibility of a temperature overshoot. The microprocessor control also contains a feed­forward compensation to accommodate fluctua­tions in the power line voltage.

Technical Data

Temperature Control Module

Power consumption                              Nominal 20 VA

Programmable temperature limits        0-150°C (32-302°F)

Environmental data                               Ambient temperature: 10° to 40°C

                                                              Storage temperature: -40° to +75°C

                                                              Humidity: 10% to 90%

Safety features                                      Audible alarm/Indicator


                                                              Single or dual line fuse

                                                              Over/under temperature alert

Dimensions                                           Height: 9.12 inches (23.18 cm)

                                                              Length: 14.5 inches (36.83 cm)

                                                              Width: 5.0 inches (12.5 cm)

Operating temperature range                Ambient: -150°C

Temperature stability                             ±0.1 °C (in an equilibrated steady state)

Day-to-day repeatability                         ±0.1 °C (under the same analysis conditions)

Stabilizing time                                      10 min to 30 min is typical (depending on the number      and type columns used)

Detector 490

WISP 712

The 712 WISP combines precision and reliability to offer you an autosam­pler with exceptional value and versatility. As a standalone module, the 712 WISP provides more capabilities than other autoinjectors in its price range. Used in a Waters Powerline HPLC System (or a Waters data controlled system) it gives you added automation and enhanced documentation of sys­tem information.

The 712 allows you to program an entire carousel of samples with easy-to-use individual vial program­ming features:

LED display: Confirm injection parameters of set-up or during run. Injection volume: Program individual vials from 1 µl to 2000µl in 1 µl increments. Sample number: Go directly to specified sample for stat operation or to change any individual sample parameters.

Analysis time: Select sample anal­ysis times from 1 minute to 9 hours, 59 minutes, in 1 minute increments.

Number of injections per vial: Pro­gram each sample for 1 to 9 injections. Equilibration delay: Program injec­tion times from 1 minute to 9 hours, 59 minutes in 1 minute increments, for column reequilibration, automatic methods switching or integrator delay (useful during gradient elution chromatography).

System command: Program spe­cial routines such as standard/sample, syringe overdrawn, auto purge. Also communicates system or program errors to maximize productivity.


712 WISP

Typical Precision

< 1.0% RSD

Linearity (1-100µl)

> 0.99


< 0.1%

Sample Waste (per inj.)


Minimum sample required

(for 1µl inj.)


Random Access Programming


Injection Range


Replicate Injections

(per vial)


Front Panel Control


Display Type



Sample Carousel(s)

4ml - 48 vial

1 ml - 96 vial

External Event Contact













Sample Compartment

Temperature Control


Advanced Sampling Routines

Priority Samples


Auto Standards


Auto Addition


Auto Transfer


Advanced Sample Preparation




Solid Phase Extraction


Serial Dilution




Liquid/Liquid Extraction




Trace Enrichment


Power Requirement



35psi air

Detector 460

The Waters 460 Electrochemical Detector (referred to as the Waters 460) is designed for applications involving liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (LCEC). The Waters 460 employs a three-electrode amperometric cell for high stability and sensitivity with Iow noise.

The unique cell design of the Waters 460 allows Operation at picogram levels per single injection. The working electrode is encased in borosilicate glass for Iow noise and easy maintenance. A flow through diaphragm in the reference electrode ensures that bubbles are flushed out of the cell. The front panel cell cover is a Faraday cage, which protects the analytical cell from outside interferences.

The Waters 460 contains the following features:

•            a unique, Iow-noise electronic design;

•            a 2.5 µl cell to minimize band broadening while maintaining peak resolution; and

•            a noise filter with 8 settings for Optimum signal-to-noise ratio.

In addition, the analytical cell is designed for ease of maintenance and can withstand a maximum pressure of 150 psi (10 bars). The Waters 460 can be operated upstream of another detector when running two detectors in series.


Environmental                                            Operating temperature: 10 to 40°C

                                                                  Storage temperature: 2 to 50°C

Sensitivity (for 10 mV recorder)                 0.02 nAFS maximum

                                                                  20.0 nAFS minimum

Potential accuracy (between reference     ± 1% of setting (± 2 mV)

and working electrodes)

Maximum potential difference between     2 V

auxiliary and working electrodes

Electrical output signals                             Recorder: 0 - 10 mV (output impedance: 49.5 0)         Integrator: 0 - 1 V (output impedance: 400 S2)

Gell volume                                                2.5 µl; 50 µl gasket

Total swept volume                                    12 µl

Maximum pressure                                    150 psi (10 bars)

Wetted materials                                        Stainless steel, Teflon, quartz, glassy carbon,             borosilicate glass

Hitachi D-7500

Power Supply and External Dimensions

a. Power supply and consumption            100 ~ 240 V AC

b. Operating temperature                           10 ~ 35 °C

c. Humidity                                                 R.H. 45 ~ 85 %

d. External dimensions                              Width: 405 mm

                                                                  Depth: 445 mm

                                                                  Height: 160 mm

e. Weight                                                    About 8 kg


a. Input signal                                             Digital input: 2

                                                                  Analog input: 1 (2 at option)

b. Number of simultaneous

     processing channels                             2

c. Integration range                                    1 ~ 10 9 µV • sec

d. Pulse height range                                 1 ~ 10 6 µV

e. Linearity                                                  ± 0.1 %

f. Sampling period                                      50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, ms

     Analog input

a Input voltage                                            -10 mV ~ 1 V

b Input impedance                                      10 MΩ


a. Storage time                                           About 20 hours at sampling period 800 ms

                                                                  About 3.5 hours at sampling period 400 ms

b. Number of storable chromatograms     About 40

                                                                  30-minute chromatograms at sampling period 800      ms

c. Number of peaks for concentration

     calculation                                             About 24,000

d. Marker signal input time                         300 max. (marker can be superimposed on     chromatogram for 1 channel only)

Waveform Processing

a. Method of waveform processing            Automatic or parameter setting

b. Peak processing on tailing                     Automatic or parameter setting

c. Peak processing on leading                   Parameter setting

Identification of Peak

• Absolute or relative retention time method

1 Identification windth                                 Percentage or absolute time method

2 Number of identifiable peaks                   Up to 250


a. Quantitative calculation                          1. Simple percentage method

                                                                  2. Peracent normalization method

                                                                  3. Internal standard method

                                                                  4. Absolute calibration curve method (extemal stan-     dard method)

                                                                  5. Exponential calculation

b. Other calculations                                  1. Grouping          Up to 30 peaks

                                                                  2. Multi-data         Up to 30 peaks

                                                                  3. Multi-file            Up to 30 peaks

                                                                  4. Averaging

                                                                  5. Background subtract

                                                                  6. Slice data

                                                                  7. Data diagnosis

                                                                  8. Relative standard deviation (Up to 5 data)

c. Calibration                                              1. Average of several standard measurements

                                                                  2. 1 to 8-level calibration curve (graph display possi-    ble)

                                                                  3. Automatic correction of retention time

                                                                  4. Cancellation of unsatisfactory analysis


a. Recording system                                  Ink jet printer/plotter

b. Recording chart                                     Z-fold chart

•                                                                  Width 239 mm, length 279 mm/page (11 inch)

•                                                                  Width 239 mm, length 305 mm/page (12 inch)

•                                                                  Width 239 mm, length 297 mm/page (A4)

c. Chart speed                                           Up to 60 mm/min (1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60   mm/min)

d. Pen speed                                              60 characters/sec

e. Number of retention time digits              5 (600.00 min) or 6 (600.000 min) selectable

f. Number of peak area digits                     9 (999,999,999 µV •s)

g. Number of peak height digitis                 6 (999,999 µV)

h. Number of concentration digits              7 (8000.000%)

i. Chromatogram recording                        Unrestricted

j. Chart rewinding                                       up to 500 mm

Time Program                                            • Controllable according to time designation

                                                                  • 25 steps programmable in combination of 16            functions

                                                                  1. INTEG INHIB

                                                                  2. PLOT ATT

                                                                  3. PLOT ON/OFF

                                                                  4. CHART SPEED

                                                                  5. MANUAL

                                                                  6. SENS

                                                                  7. VERT

                                                                  8. TAIL

                                                                  9. LEAD

                                                                  10. N-METH

                                                                  11. F-HORIZ

                                                                  12. B-HORIZ

                                                                  13. NEG-PK

                                                                  14. AUTO-Z

                                                                  15. GROUP

                                                                  16. OFFSET

Various Tables

a. Component table                                    16 tables can be generated        \

b. Link table                                                Up to 9 links (1 ~ 9) possible -              Backed up by               battery

c. Comment table                                      Contains 5 lines of 30 characters each/

d. Sample table                                          Contains up to 200 samples

Number of Files                                       9 storage files

                                                                  2 standard files (for GC and LC)

Chromatogram Overlay                             Up to 5 chromatograms

                                                                  (but calculation result is not printed, and only rere­        cording possible)


a. RS-232C

     Connection terminal                         RDED-9PE

     Sync system                                     Asynchronous serial transfer

     Communication system                   Full duplex (bidirectional communication possible)

     Input/output level                               RS-232C input/output

     Communication bit format                8 data bits + 2 stop bits

                                                                  7 data bits + 1 even parity bit + 2 stop bits

     Baund rate                                        2400, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 75 bps, selectable by                    DIP switch

b. D-Iine

     Baund rate                                        19200 bps

     Contacts                                           START, ERROR STOP, BUSY


a. 2-channel analog input device

     2-channel analog input

     Fraction marker input contact

     Contacts (1 ch START IN and BUSY OUT,

          2ch START IN and BUSY OUT)

b. 3.5-inch floppy disk drive                        One drive unit

     Raw data                                          80 chromatograms/FD (Approx. 110 hours/FD)

     Reduced data                                   80 data items/FD (78000 peaks/FD)

     File                                                    80 files/FD

c. Stacker/stand set

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