
Qiagen TissueLyser II

Seriennummer: 021338
Status: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
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Objektnummer B00021338
Seriennummer 021338
Object Naam Qiagen TissueLyser II
Status Archiv

Status, leverings- en betalingsvoorwaarden


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manufacturer:       Qiagen

model:                   TissueLyser II

annotation:           Dokumente engl.







The TissueLyser provides rapid and efficient disruption of up to 192 biological samples, including animal and human tissues, plant tissues, bacteria, and yeast. Disruption and homogenization are achieved through the beating and grinding effect of beads on the sample material as they are shaken together in the grinding vessels.


Disruption is critically important in order to release the nucleic acids from the sample material. Homogenization of the material acts to shear the high-molecular-weight cellular proteins and carbohydrates that may otherwise reduce binding of DNA and RNA to silica membranes or magnetic particles. Sample disruption using, for example, a mortar and pestle does not result in efficient homogenization. The TissueLyser both disrupts and homogenizes sample material in one simple and reliable step.


The TissueLyser is easily programmed to provide variable speeds from 3 to 30 Hz (180–1800 oscillations/minute) and run times from 10 seconds to 99 minutes.






The ability to process up to 192 samples per run makes the TissueLyser the ideal front-end solution to access biological information for genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics applications. For next-generation high-throughput sequencing technologies such as polony sequencing, the TissueLyser is the disruption instrument of choice.


The TissueLyser enables fast and uniform disruption of animal and human tissues, plant tissues, bacteria, and yeast in various sample volumes in several formats. QIAGEN offers adapter sets for 2 x 96 collection microtubes (1.2 ml) or 2 x 24 microcentrifuge tubes (2 ml) as well as stainless steel and tungsten carbide beads. For disruption of large samples, grinding jar sets (10 ml) with stainless steel or Teflon® grinding balls are also available from QIAGEN.


The TissueLyser provides efficient disruption of biological material in each sample vessel for reproducible, high-quality results in downstream applications such as the purification of total DNA or RNA from a variety of human, animal, and plant tissues. A wide range of QIAGEN sample purification kits are compatible with the TissueLyser. Sample purification can be performed manually or can be automated using the QIAcube® , QIAsymphony TM SP, EZ1® Advanced, or BioRobot® or BioSprint® workstations


Product groep: Molens / vermalers

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