
Philips PU 9200x

Seriennummer: 012371
Status: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Philips AAS PU 9200x. With Mercury Hydridsystem PU 3960x. Vapour System. PU 9390. Autosampler 9380x. 2xBurner. All lamps available at inquiry.
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Objektnummer B00012371
Seriennummer 012371
Object Naam Philips PU 9200x
Status Archiv

Status, leverings- en betalingsvoorwaarden


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Firma:              Philips

Modell:            PU 9200x

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

PU 9200X



Light source:                                     Philips data-coded hollow cathode lamps (HCLs) or             suitable uncoded HCLs.

Lamp supply current:                        0 to 20 mA.

Optics:                                              Single beam or Stockdale high energy double beam             (option).

Detector:                                           Side window photomultiplier extended S-5 or S-20 multi-       alkali wide range (option).

Wavelength scan    range:                 180 mm to 860 mm

                               rate:                    0.1 to 100 nm/min.

Monochromator type:                        Ebert system with master holographic grating.

Focal length:                                     174 mm (approx.)

Aperture:                                           f7.7 (nominal)

Grating area:                                     20 mm x 20 mm

Lines per mm:                                  1200

Blaze:                                                250 nm

Dispersion:                                       4.7 nm/mm

Spectral bandwidth:                          0.2, 0.5, 1.0 nm

Limiting resolution:                            0.2 nm

Wavelength accuracy:                      ±0.3 nm

Absorbance range:                           -0.150 A to 3.000 A (including Background Absorbance)

Sample signal: analogue output       1 V per 1 A


signal: analogue output                     1 V per 1 A


Presentation:                                    12 inch VDU Monochrome or Colour,

                                                         resolution 640 x 288.

Concentration readout:                     0.001 to 9999

Concentration range:                        -9999 to 9999

Mass/Dilution correction:                  available

Corrected concentration range:       -999.99E9 to +999.99E9

Corrected concentration readout:    0.001 to +999.99E9

Auto zero:                                         0.000 to ±0.002 A

Measurement time:                           0.1 to 200 seconds (manual selectable)

Sample identification:                       16 character alpha-numeric.


Sample uptake rate:

(a) with 0.38 mm bore capillary: low (for normal use)

(b) with 0.5 nm bore capillary: higher (for better sensitivity)

Minimum sample size:                     200 µl (for aliquot sample mode)

Calibration standards:                      Up to 5 standards and 1 blank


Fuel flow range

air/acetylene flames:                        0.8 to 2.3 l/min

all other flame types:                        3.6 to 5.1 l/min

Oxidant:                                            8.0 l/min (minimum)


Control System:                                Microprocessor Motorola 68000

PROMs                                             Over 700K Bytes

RAMs                                                176K Bytes

Non Volatile RAM                              16K Bytes

Keyboard:                                         IBM PC Compatible


Printer/computer socket:                  RS-232-C Epson compatible, baud rate 110 to 9600

Output to recorder:                           1 V per 1 A

Digital balance interface:                  RS-232-C, 1200 baud even parity, 7 data

(RS 232/Spare)                                bits, 1 stop bit, configured as DTE.

Power output socket:                        240 V or 120 V at 3 A

Furnace socket                                 RS-232-C at baud rate of 4800

Vapour kit socket:                             8 pin DIN (dedicated)

Electrothermal Atomiser

The PU9390X Electrothermal Atomiser is particularly useful for analysis of

very small volurnes where high measurement sensitivity in the parts per billion range is required. Samples can often be introduced into the electrothermal atorniser directly, reducing the need for chernical pretreatment.


Electrical power requirements:        200, 220, 240 V, 50 or 60 Hz, 30 A, 2 pole switched,             single phase, 7.5 kVA

Permissible input voltage variation: ±10%

Ambient operating range:                 + 5°C to +40°C

Cooling water flow rate:                    Nominal 1.5 l/min, minimum 0.7 l/min

Flow pressure:                                  Between 1.4 bar and 6.9 bar (20 lb/in2 to 100 lb/in 2 )

Maximum water temperature:          30°C

Number of available phases:            20

Atomisation temperature range:       Ambient to 3000°C

Phase duration:                                0 to 200 seconds

Ramp rate setting:                            0 to 2000°C/second

Gas supplies:                                    All gas connections must be set to a pressure of

                                                         1.1 ± 0.14 bar (15 ±2 lb/in 2 )

Inert purge gas or outer gas:            Argon. Automatically selected during all furnace cycle          phases. Flow rate: 3 L/min.

                                                         Inner gases:

                                                         Type 1 - air, fixed flow rate: 200 ml/min

                                                         Type 2 - argon/methane, fixed flow rate:        200 mL/min

                                                         Type 3 - argon, adjustable flow rates    0:       0 ml/min

                                                                                                                      1:       100 ml/min

                                                                                                                      2:       200 ml/min

                                                                                                                      3:       300 ml/min

                                                         Any one of the inner gases may be selected in any of the     furnace cycle phases

Cool phase:                                      Automatically selected phase at the end of the furnace         cycle. Duration: 20 seconds

Power Supply Unit dimensions:       325 mm width x 395 mm height x 700 mm

                                      Weight:        depth

                                                         60 kg approx.

Cuvette types:                                   Electrographite

                                                         Coated electrographite

                                                         Totally pyrolytic graphite

                                                         Probe type

Furnace Autosampler

The PU9380X Furnace Autosampler provides for a fully automatic analysis run of up to 48 samples when operating in the Furnace mode. It provides facilities for automatic matrix modifications, automatic standard additions preparation, automatic standard preparations and automatic sample dilution and reconcentration.


Carousel capacity:                            48 sample cups

                                                         5 standard cups

                                                         3 large reagent cups

Sample/Standards cup:                    Volume - 2 ml

                                                         Material - polypropylene

Large cup:                                         Volume - 24.5 Ml

                                                         Material - polyproplyene

Sampling system:                             100 µl backfill syringe driven by a digital linear actuator

Reproducibility of sample volume:   Better than 1% for 10 µl sample at 20°C

Accuracy of sample volume:            + 0.5 µl

Ambient operating range:                 + 5°C to + 40°C

Wash bottle volume:                         500 ml

Dimensions:                                     460 mm x 400 mm x 240 mm

Weight:                                             7 kg

Interconnections:                              To PU9390 Electrothermal Atomiser via 37-way ribbon        cable and quick-fit gas line. To PU9385 Furnace                                                          Autoprobe via 7-way cable

Product groep: Atoomabsorptiespectrometer (grafietoven)

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